diff libervia/pages/photos/album/_browser/__init__.py @ 1331:fe353fceec38

browser (invitation, photos/album): invitation manager improvments: invitation manager has been moved to a separated module, it is generic so it can be used with other activities. It has been simplified, and contact to add are dynamically filtered using a text input. Invitation are done by email using a the new modal. New notification module is used to indicate when invitation has been done.
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Fri, 14 Aug 2020 09:31:32 +0200
parents b525fdcb393b
children a75d82713a02
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/libervia/pages/photos/album/_browser/__init__.py	Fri Aug 14 09:31:32 2020 +0200
+++ b/libervia/pages/photos/album/_browser/__init__.py	Fri Aug 14 09:31:32 2020 +0200
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
-from browser import document, window, bind, html, DOMNode, timer
+from browser import document, window, bind, html, DOMNode
 from javascript import JSON
 from bridge import Bridge
 from template import Template
 import dialog
 from slideshow import SlideShow
+from invitation import InvitationManager
+cache_path = window.cache_path
 files_service = window.files_service
 files_path = window.files_path
+    affiliations = window.affiliations.to_dict()
+except AttributeError:
+    pass
 bridge = Bridge()
 # file upload
@@ -177,136 +183,10 @@
 # manage
-def on_manager_close(manager_panel_elt):
-    side_panel = manager_panel_elt.select_one('.invitation_manager_side_panel')
-    side_panel.classList.remove('open')
-    side_panel.bind("transitionend", lambda evt: manager_panel_elt.remove())
-def _on_invitation_cb(field_elt, entity):
-    print(f"invitation for {entity!r} sent successfully")
-    submit_elt = document['invitation_submit']
-    submit_elt.disabled = False
-    form_elt = document['invitation_form']
-    form_elt.disabled = False
-    jids_elt = form_elt.select_one('*[name="jids"]')
-    emails_elt = form_elt.select_one('*[name="emails"]')
-    new = [d.strip() for d in field_elt.value.split('\n') if d and d.strip() != entity]
-    field_elt.value = '\n'.join(new)
-    if not jids_elt.value.strip() and not emails_elt.value.strip():
-        # FIXME: Q&D notification, needs to do this properly in a separated module with
-        #   some animations
-        notifs_elt = document['invitation_notifications']
-        notification_elt = html.DIV(Class="notification is-success has-text-centered")
-        notification_elt <= "invitations sent successfully"
-        notifs_elt <= notification_elt
-        timer.set_timeout(lambda: notification_elt.remove(), 5000)
-def invitationSimpleCreateCb(invitation_data, email):
-    invitee_jid = invitation_data['jid']
-    album_name = files_path.rsplit('/')[-1]
-    form_elt = document['invitation_form']
-    emails_elt = form_elt.select_one('*[name="emails"]')
-    bridge.FISInvite(
-        invitee_jid,
-        files_service,
-        "photos",
-        "",
-        files_path,
-        album_name,
-        '',
-        callback=lambda: _on_invitation_cb(emails_elt, email),
-        errback=lambda e: window.alert(f"invitation failed for {email}: {e}")
-    )
-def invite_by_email(email):
-    guest_url_tpl = f'{window.URL.new("/g", document.baseURI).href}/{{uuid}}'
-    bridge.invitationSimpleCreate(
-        email,
-        guest_url_tpl,
-        '',
-        callback=lambda data: invitationSimpleCreateCb(data, email),
-        errback=lambda e: window.alert(f"can't send email invitation: {e}")
-    )
-def on_invitation_submit(evt, manager_panel_elt):
-    evt.stopPropagation()
-    evt.preventDefault()
-    submit_elt = document['invitation_submit']
-    submit_elt.disabled = True
-    form_elt = document['invitation_form']
-    form_elt.disabled = True
-    jids_elt = form_elt.select_one('*[name="jids"]')
-    emails_elt = form_elt.select_one('*[name="emails"]')
-    jids = [j.strip() for j in jids_elt.value.split('\n') if j.strip()]
-    emails = [e.strip() for e in emails_elt.value.split('\n') if e.strip()]
-    album_name = files_path.rsplit('/')[-1]
-    for entity_jid in jids:
-        print(f"inviting {entity_jid}")
-        bridge.FISInvite(
-            entity_jid,
-            files_service,
-            "photos",
-            "",
-            files_path,
-            album_name,
-            '',
-            callback=lambda entity=entity_jid: _on_invitation_cb(jids_elt, entity),
-            errback=lambda e: window.alert(f"invitation failed: {e}")
-        )
-    for email in emails:
-        invite_by_email(email)
-    print(f"{jids=}, {emails=}")
-def _FISAffiliationSetCb(affiliation_elt):
-    affiliation_elt.remove()
-def on_affiliation_remove(entity_jid, affiliation_elt):
-    bridge.FISAffiliationsSet(
-        files_service,
-        "",
-        files_path,
-        {entity_jid: "none"},
-        callback=lambda: _FISAffiliationSetCb(affiliation_elt),
-        errback=lambda e: window.alert(f"can't remove affiliation: {e}")
-    )
 @bind("#button_manage", "click")
 def manage_click(evt):
-    manager_panel_tpl = Template('invitation/manager.html')
-    manager_panel_elt = manager_panel_tpl.get_elt()
-    document.body <= manager_panel_elt
-    document['invitation_submit'].bind(
-        "click", lambda evt: on_invitation_submit(evt, manager_panel_elt))
-    side_panel = manager_panel_elt.select_one('.invitation_manager_side_panel')
-    timer.set_timeout(lambda: side_panel.classList.add("open"), 0)
-    for close_elt in manager_panel_elt.select('.click_to_close'):
-        close_elt.bind("click", lambda evt: on_manager_close(manager_panel_elt))
-    side_panel.bind("click", lambda evt: evt.stopPropagation())
-    affiliations = window.affiliations.to_dict()
-    affiliation_tpl = Template('invitation/affiliation_item.html')
-    for entity_jid, affiliation in affiliations.items():
-        affiliation_elt = affiliation_tpl.get_elt({
-            "entity_jid": entity_jid,
-            "affiliation": affiliation,
-        })
-        document['affiliations'] <= affiliation_elt
-        for elt in affiliation_elt.select(".click_to_delete"):
-            elt.bind(
-                "click",
-                lambda evt,
-                       entity_jid=entity_jid,
-                       affiliation_elt=affiliation_elt: on_affiliation_remove(
-                    entity_jid,
-                    affiliation_elt
-                )
-            )
+    manager = InvitationManager("photos", {"service": files_service, "path": files_path})
+    manager.attach(affiliations=affiliations)