view twisted/plugins/ @ 1504:409d10211b20

server, browser: dynamic pages refactoring: dynamic pages has been reworked, to change the initial basic implementation. Pages are now dynamic by default, and a websocket is established by the first connected page of a session. The socket is used to transmit bridge signals, and then the signal is broadcasted to other tabs using broadcast channel. If the connecting tab is closed, an other one is chosen. Some tests are made to retry connecting in case of problem, and sometimes reload the pages (e.g. if profile is connected). Signals (or other data) are cached during reconnection phase, to avoid lost of data. All previous partial rendering mechanism have been removed, chat page is temporarily not working anymore, but will be eventually redone (one of the goal of this work is to have proper chat).
author Goffi <>
date Wed, 01 Mar 2023 18:02:44 +0100
parents 7e63fdb272e5
children 106bae41f5c8
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Libervia Web: Libervia web frontend
# Copyright (C) 2013-2021 Jérôme Poisson <>
# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Adrien Cossa <>
# Copyright (C) 2013  Emmanuel Gil Peyrot <>

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from twisted.internet import defer

if defer.Deferred.debug:
    # if we are in debug mode, we want to use ipdb instead of pdb
        import ipdb
        import pdb

        pdb.set_trace = ipdb.set_trace
        pdb.post_mortem = ipdb.post_mortem
    except ImportError:

import re
import os.path
import libervia
import sat

from libervia.server.constants import Const as C

from sat.core.i18n import _
from import config

from zope.interface import implementer

from twisted.python import usage
from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
from twisted.application.service import IServiceMaker
import configparser

RE_VER_POST = re.compile(r"\.post[0-9]+")

if RE_VER_POST.sub("", libervia.__version__) != RE_VER_POST.sub("", sat.__version__):
    import sys

        """sat module version ({sat_version}) and {current_app} version ({current_version}) mismatch

sat module is located at {sat_path}
libervia module is located at {libervia_path}

Please be sure to have the same version running
    # we call os._exit to avoid help to be printed by twisted
    import os


def coerceConnectionType(value):  # called from Libervia.OPT_PARAMETERS
    assert isinstance(value, str)
    allowed_values = ("http", "https", "both")
    if value not in allowed_values:
        raise ValueError(
            "%(given)s not in %(expected)s"
            % {"given": value, "expected": str(allowed_values)}
    return value

def coerceBool(value):
    return C.bool(value)

def coerceUnicode(value):
    assert isinstance(value, str)
    # XXX: we use this method to check which value to convert to Unicode
    #      but we don't do the conversion here as Twisted expect str
    return value

# prefix used for environment variables
# options which are in sat.conf and on command line,
# see
OPT_PARAMETERS_BOTH = [['connection_type', 't', 'https', _("'http', 'https' or 'both' "
                        "(to launch both servers)."),
                       ['port', 'p', 8080,
                        _('The port number to listen HTTP on.'), int],
                       ['port_https', 's', 8443,
                        _('The port number to listen HTTPS on.'), int],
                       ['port_https_ext', 'e', 0, _('The external port number used for '
                        'HTTPS (0 means port_https value).'), int],
                       ['tls_private_key', '', '', _('TLS certificate private key (PEM '
                        'format)'), coerceUnicode],
                       ['tls_certificate', 'c', 'libervia.pem', _('TLS public '
                        'certificate or private key and public certificate combined '
                        '(PEM format)'), coerceUnicode],
                       ['tls_chain', '', '', _('TLS certificate intermediate chain (PEM '
                        'format)'), coerceUnicode],
                       ['redirect_to_https', 'r', True, _('Automatically redirect from '
                        'HTTP to HTTPS.'), coerceBool],
                       ['security_warning', 'w', True, _('Warn user that he is about to '
                        'connect on HTTP.'), coerceBool],
                       ['passphrase', 'k', '', (_("Passphrase for the SàT profile "
                        "named '%s'") % C.SERVICE_PROFILE),
                       ['allow_registration', '', True, _('Allow user to register new '
                        'account'), coerceBool],
                       ['base_url_ext', '', '',
                        _('The external URL to use as base URL'),
                       ['bridge-retries', '', 10,
                        _('Number of tries to connect to bridge before giving up'), int],

# Options which are in sat.conf only
    ["empty_password_allowed_warning_dangerous_list", None, "", None],
    ["vhosts_dict", None, {}, None],
    ["url_redirections_dict", None, {}, None],
    ["menu_json", None, {'': C.DEFAULT_MENU}, None],
    ["menu_extra_json", None, {}, None],
    ["lists_directory_json", None, None, None],
    ["mr_handlers_json", None, None, None],

# Flags are in command line only
    ['build-only', 'B', _("Only build website, don't run the server")],
    ['dev-mode', 'D', _('Developer mode, automatically reload modified pages')],

def initialise(options):
    """Method to initialise global modules"""
    # XXX: We need to configure logs before any log method is used,
    #      so here is the best place.
    from sat.core import log_config

    log_config.satConfigure(C.LOG_BACKEND_TWISTED, C, backend_data=options)

class Options(usage.Options):
    # optArgs is not really useful in our case, we need more than a flag
    optParameters = OPT_PARAMETERS_BOTH
    optFlags = OPT_FLAGS

    def __init__(self):
        """Read SàT configuration file in order to overwrite the hard-coded default values

        Priority for the usage of the values is (from lowest to highest):
            - hard-coded default values
            - values from SàT configuration files
            - values passed on the command line
        # If we do it the reading later: after the command line options have been parsed,
        # there's no good way to know
        # if the  options values are the hard-coded ones or if they have been passed
        # on the command line.

        # FIXME: must be refactored + code can be factorised with backend
        config_parser = config.parseMainConf()
        for param in self.optParameters + OPT_PARAMETERS_CFG:
            name = param[0]
            env_name = f"{ENV_PREFIX}{name.upper()}"
                value = os.getenv(env_name)
                if value is None:
                    value = config.getConfig(
                        config_parser, C.CONFIG_SECTION, name, Exception)
                    param[2] = param[4](value)
                except IndexError:  # the coerce method is optional
                    param[2] = value
            except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError):
        for opt_data in OPT_PARAMETERS_CFG:
            self[opt_data[0]] = opt_data[2]

    def handleDeprecated(self, config_parser):
        """display warning and/or change option when a deprecated option if found

        param config_parser(ConfigParser): read ConfigParser instance for sat.conf
        replacements = (("ssl_certificate", "tls_certificate"),)
        for old, new in replacements:
                value = config.getConfig(config_parser, C.CONFIG_SECTION, old, Exception)
            except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError):
                print(("\n/!\\ Use of {old} is deprecated, please use {new} instead\n"
                      .format(old=old, new=new)))
                config_parser.set(C.CONFIG_SECTION, new, value)

@implementer(IServiceMaker, IPlugin)
class LiberviaMaker(object):

    tapname = C.APP_NAME_FILE
    description = _("The web frontend of Libervia")
    options = Options

    def makeService(self, options):
        from twisted.internet import gireactor
        for opt in OPT_PARAMETERS_BOTH:
            # FIXME: that's a ugly way to get unicode in Libervia
            #        from command line or sat.conf
            #        we should move to argparse and handle options this properly
                coerce_cb = opt[4]
            except IndexError:
            if coerce_cb == coerceUnicode:
                if not isinstance(options[opt[0]], str):
                    print(f"FIXME: {opt[0]} is not unicode")
                    options[opt[0]] = options[opt[0]].decode("utf-8")
        from libervia.server import server

        return server.Libervia(options)

# affectation to some variable is necessary for twisted introspection to work
serviceMaker = LiberviaMaker()