view src/browser/ @ 957:67bf14c91d5c

server (pages): added a confirm flag on successful post: A new set is used in SATSession to keep flags. First flag is "confirm": it is set when some data have been posted (so a confirmation message can be displayed in template). If seen in session, the template "confirm" variable is set to True, and the flag is removed from session (a refresh of the page will not display the confirm message anymore).
author Goffi <>
date Tue, 11 Jul 2017 07:46:20 +0200
parents 5d9f6d25c586
children fd4eae654182
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Libervia: a Salut à Toi frontend
# Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Jérôme Poisson <>

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

### logging configuration ###
from sat_browser import logging
from sat.core.log import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)

from sat.core.i18n import D_

from sat_frontends.quick_frontend.quick_app import QuickApp
from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_widgets
from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_menus

from import InputHistory
from sat_browser import strings
from import jid
from import host_listener
from sat.core.i18n import _

from pyjamas.ui.RootPanel import RootPanel
# from pyjamas.ui.HTML import HTML
from pyjamas.ui.KeyboardListener import KEY_ESCAPE
from pyjamas.Timer import Timer
from pyjamas import Window, DOM

from sat_browser import json
from sat_browser import register
from sat_browser.contact_list import ContactList
from sat_browser import main_panel
# from sat_browser import chat
from sat_browser import blog
from sat_browser import xmlui
from sat_browser import dialog
from sat_browser import html_tools
from sat_browser import notification
from sat_browser import libervia_widget
from sat_browser import web_widget
assert web_widget # XXX: just here to avoid pyflakes warning

from sat_browser.constants import Const as C

    # FIXME: import plugin dynamically
    from sat_browser import plugin_sec_otr
except ImportError:

unicode = str  # FIXME: pyjamas workaround

# MAX_MBLOG_CACHE = 500  # Max microblog entries kept in memories # FIXME

class SatWebFrontend(InputHistory, QuickApp):

    def onModuleLoad(self):"============ onModuleLoad ==============")
        self.bridge_signals = json.BridgeSignals(self)
        QuickApp.__init__(self, json.BridgeCall, xmlui=xmlui, connect_bridge=False)
        self._profile_plugged = False
        self.signals_cache[C.PROF_KEY_NONE] = []
        self.panel = main_panel.MainPanel(self)
        self.tab_panel = self.panel.tab_panel
        self._register_box = None

        self.alerts_counter = notification.FaviconCounter()
        self.notification = notification.Notification(self.alerts_counter)
        self._register = json.RegisterCall()'menusGet', self.gotMenus)'registerParams', None)'getSessionMetadata', self._getSessionMetadataCB)
        self.initialised = False
        self.init_cache = []  # used to cache events until initialisation is done
        self.cached_params = {}
        self.next_rsm_index = 0

        #FIXME: microblog cache should be managed directly in blog module
        self.mblog_cache = []  # used to keep our own blog entries in memory, to show them in new mblog panel

        self._versions={} # SàT and Libervia versions cache

    def whoami(self):
        # XXX: works because Libervia is mono-profile
        #      if one day Libervia manage several profiles at once, this must be deleted
        return self.profiles[C.PROF_KEY_NONE].whoami

    def contact_list(self):
        return self.contact_lists[C.PROF_KEY_NONE]

    def visible_widgets(self):
        widgets_panel = self.tab_panel.getCurrentPanel()
        return [wid for wid in widgets_panel.widgets if isinstance(wid, quick_widgets.QuickWidget)]

    def base_location(self):
        """Return absolute base url of this Libervia instance"""
        url = Window.getLocation().getHref()
        if url.endswith(C.LIBERVIA_MAIN_PAGE):
            url = url[:-len(C.LIBERVIA_MAIN_PAGE)]
        if url.endswith("/"):
            url = url[:-1]
        return url

    def sat_version(self):
        return self._versions["sat"]

    def libervia_version(self):
        return self._versions["libervia"]

    def getVersions(self, callback=None):
        """Ask libervia server for SàT and Libervia version and fill local cache

        @param callback: method to call when both versions have been received
        def gotVersion():
            if len(self._versions) == 2 and callback is not None:

        if len(self._versions) == 2:
            # we already have versions in cache

        def gotSat(version):
            self._versions["sat"] = version

        def gotLibervia(version):
            self._versions["libervia"] = version

        self.bridge.getVersion(callback=gotSat, profile=None)
        self.bridge.getLiberviaVersion(callback=gotLibervia, profile=None) # XXX: bridge direct call expect a profile, even for method with no profile needed

    def registerSignal(self, functionName, handler=None, iface="core", with_profile=True):
        if handler is None:
            callback = getattr(self, "{}{}".format(functionName, "Handler"))
            callback = handler

        self.bridge_signals.register_signal(functionName, callback, with_profile=with_profile)

    def importPlugins(self):
        self.plugins = {}
            self.plugins['otr'] = plugin_sec_otr.OTR(self)
        except TypeError:  # plugin_sec_otr has not been imported

    def getSelected(self):
        wid = self.tab_panel.getCurrentPanel()
        if not isinstance(wid, libervia_widget.WidgetsPanel):
            log.error("Tab widget is not a WidgetsPanel, can't get selected widget")
            return None
        return wid.selected

    def setSelected(self, widget):
        """Define the selected widget"""
        widgets_panel = self.tab_panel.getCurrentPanel()
        if not isinstance(widgets_panel, libervia_widget.WidgetsPanel):

        selected = widgets_panel.selected

        if selected == widget:

        if selected:

        # FIXME: check that widget is in the current WidgetsPanel
        widgets_panel.selected = widget
        self.selected_widget = widget

        if widget:

    def resize(self):
        """Resize elements"""

    def onBeforeTabSelected(self, sender, tab_index):
        return True

    def onTabSelected(self, sender, tab_index):
    # def onTabSelected(self, sender, tab_index):
    #     for widget in self.tab_panel.getCurrentPanel().widgets:
    #         if isinstance(widget, chat.Chat):
    #             clist = self.contact_list
    #             clist.removeAlerts(widget.current_target, True)

    def onEventPreview(self, event):
        if event.type in ["keydown", "keypress", "keyup"] and event.keyCode == KEY_ESCAPE:
            #needed to prevent request cancellation in Firefox
        return True

    def getAvatarURL(self, jid_):
        """Return avatar of a jid if in cache, else ask for it.

        @param jid_ (jid.JID): JID of the contact
        @return: the URL to the avatar (unicode)
        return self.getAvatar(jid_) or self.getDefaultAvatar()

    def getDefaultAvatar(self):
        return C.DEFAULT_AVATAR_URL

    def registerWidget(self, wid):
        log.debug(u"Registering %s" % wid.getDebugName())

    def unregisterWidget(self, wid):
        except KeyError:
            log.warning(u'trying to remove a non registered Widget: %s' % wid.getDebugName())

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the general display."""
        for lib_wid in self.libervia_widgets:

    def addWidget(self, wid, tab_index=None):
        """ Add a widget at the bottom of the current or specified tab

        @param wid: LiberviaWidget to add
        @param tab_index: index of the tab to add the widget to
        if tab_index is None or tab_index < 0 or tab_index >= self.tab_panel.getWidgetCount():
            panel = self.tab_panel.getCurrentPanel()
            panel = self.tab_panel.deck.getWidget(tab_index)

    def gotMenus(self, backend_menus):
        """Put the menus data in cache and build the main menu bar

        @param backend_menus (list[tuple]): menu data from backend
        main_menu = # most of global menu callbacks are in main_menu

        # Categories (with icons)
        self.menus.addCategory(C.MENU_GLOBAL, [D_(u"General")], extra={'icon': 'home'})
        self.menus.addCategory(C.MENU_GLOBAL, [D_(u"Contacts")], extra={'icon': 'social'})
        self.menus.addCategory(C.MENU_GLOBAL, [D_(u"Groups")], extra={'icon': 'social'})
        #self.menus.addCategory(C.MENU_GLOBAL, [D_(u"Games")], extra={'icon': 'games'})

        # menus to have before backend menus
        self.menus.addMenu(C.MENU_GLOBAL, (D_(u"Groups"), D_(u"Discussion")), callback=main_menu.onJoinRoom)

        # menus added by the backend/plugins (include other types than C.MENU_GLOBAL)
        self.menus.addMenus(backend_menus, top_extra={'icon': 'plugins'})

        # menus to have under backend menus
        self.menus.addMenu(C.MENU_GLOBAL, (D_(u"Contacts"), D_(u"Manage contact groups")), callback=main_menu.onManageContactGroups)

        # separator and right hand menus
        self.menus.addMenuItem(C.MENU_GLOBAL, [], quick_menus.MenuSeparator())

        self.menus.addMenu(C.MENU_GLOBAL, (D_(u"Help"), D_("Official chat room")), top_extra={'icon': 'help'}, callback=main_menu.onOfficialChatRoom)
        self.menus.addMenu(C.MENU_GLOBAL, (D_(u"Help"), D_("Social contract")), top_extra={'icon': 'help'}, callback=main_menu.onSocialContract)
        self.menus.addMenu(C.MENU_GLOBAL, (D_(u"Help"), D_("About")), callback=main_menu.onAbout)
        self.menus.addMenu(C.MENU_GLOBAL, (D_(u"Settings"), D_("Account")), top_extra={'icon': 'settings'}, callback=main_menu.onAccount)
        self.menus.addMenu(C.MENU_GLOBAL, (D_(u"Settings"), D_("Parameters")), callback=main_menu.onParameters)
        # XXX: temporary, will change when a full profile will be managed in SàT
        self.menus.addMenu(C.MENU_GLOBAL, (D_(u"Settings"), D_("Upload avatar")), callback=main_menu.onAvatarUpload)

        # we call listener to have menu added by local classes/plugins
        self.callListeners('gotMenus')  # FIXME: to be done another way or moved to quick_app

        # and finally the menus which must appear at the bottom
        self.menus.addMenu(C.MENU_GLOBAL, (D_(u"General"), D_(u"Disconnect")), callback=main_menu.onDisconnect)

        # we can now display all the menus

        # XXX: temp, will be reworked in the backed static blog plugin
        self.menus.addMenu(C.MENU_JID_CONTEXT, (D_(u"User"), D_("Public blog")), callback=main_menu.onPublicBlog)

    def removeListener(self, type_, callback):
        """Remove a callback from listeners

        @param type_: same as for [addListener]
        @param callback: callback to remove
        # FIXME: workaround for pyjamas
        #        check KeyError issue
        assert type_ in C.LISTENERS
        except KeyError:

    def _getSessionMetadataCB(self, metadata):
        if not metadata['plugged']:
            warning = metadata.get("warning")
            self.panel.setStyleAttribute("opacity", "0.25")  # set background transparency
            self._register_box = register.RegisterBox(self.logged, metadata)
            if warning:
                dialog.InfoDialog(_('Security warning'), warning).show()
            self._tryAutoConnect(skip_validation=not not warning)
  'isConnected', self._isConnectedCB)

    def _isConnectedCB(self, connected):
        if not connected:
  'connect', lambda x: self.logged())

    def logged(self):
        self.panel.setStyleAttribute("opacity", "1")  # background becomes foreground
        if self._register_box:
            del self._register_box  # don't work if self._register_box is None

        # display the presence status panel and tab bar
        self.presence_status_panel = main_panel.PresenceStatusPanel(self)

        self.bridge_signals.getSignals(callback=self.bridge_signals.signalHandler, profile=None)

        def domain_cb(value):
            self._defaultDomain = value
  "new account domain: %s" % value)

        def domain_eb(value):
            self._defaultDomain = ""

        self.bridge.getNewAccountDomain(callback=domain_cb, errback=domain_eb)
        self.plug_profiles([C.PROF_KEY_NONE]) # XXX: None was used intitially, but pyjamas bug when using variable arguments and None is the only arg.

    def profilePlugged(self, dummy):
        self._profile_plugged = True
        QuickApp.profilePlugged(self, C.PROF_KEY_NONE)
        contact_list = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(ContactList, None, on_new_widget=None, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE)
        self.contact_list_widget = contact_list

        # FIXME: the contact list height has to be set manually the first time

        # XXX: as contact_list.update() is slow and it's called a lot of time
        #      during profile plugging, we prevent it before it's plugged
        #      and do all at once now

            self.mblog_available = C.bool(self.features['XEP-0277']['available'])
        except KeyError:
            self.mblog_available = False

            self.groupblog_available = C.bool(self.features['GROUPBLOG']['available'])
        except KeyError:
            self.groupblog_available = False

        blog_widget = self.displayWidget(blog.Blog, ())

        if self.mblog_available:
            if not self.groupblog_available:
                dialog.InfoDialog(_(u"Group blogging not available"), _(u"Your server can manage (micro)blogging, but not fine permissions.<br />You'll only be able to blog publicly.")).show()

            dialog.InfoDialog(_(u"Blogging not available"), _(u"Your server can't handle (micro)blogging.<br />You'll be able to see your contacts (micro)blogs, but not to post yourself.")).show()

        # we fill the panels already here
        # for wid in self.widgets.getWidgets(blog.MicroblogPanel):
        #     if wid.accept_all():
        #         self.bridge.getMassiveMblogs('ALL', (), None, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE, callback=wid.massiveInsert)
        #     else:
        #         self.bridge.getMassiveMblogs('GROUP', list(wid.accepted_groups), None, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE, callback=wid.massiveInsert)

        #we ask for our own microblogs:
        # self.loadOurMainEntries()

        def gotDefaultMUC(default_muc):
            self.default_muc = default_muc
        self.bridge.mucGetDefaultService(profile=None, callback=gotDefaultMUC)

    def newWidget(self, wid):
        log.debug(u"newWidget: {}".format(wid))

    def newMessageHandler(self, from_jid_s, msg, type_, to_jid_s, extra, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        if type_ == C.MESS_TYPE_HEADLINE:
            from_jid = jid.JID(from_jid_s)
            if from_jid.domain == self._defaultDomain:
                # we display announcement from the server in a dialog for better visibility
                    title = extra['subject']
                except KeyError:
                    title = _('Announcement from %s') % from_jid
                msg = strings.addURLToText(html_tools.XHTML2Text(msg))
                dialog.InfoDialog(title, msg).show()
        QuickApp.newMessageHandler(self, from_jid_s, msg, type_, to_jid_s, extra, profile)

    def disconnectedHandler(self, profile):
        QuickApp.disconnectedHandler(self, profile)

    def setPresenceStatus(self, show='', status=None, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        if status is not None:

    def _tryAutoConnect(self, skip_validation=False):
        """This method retrieve the eventual URL parameters to auto-connect the user.
        @param skip_validation: if True, set the form values but do not validate it
        params = strings.getURLParams(Window.getLocation().getSearch())
        if "login" in params:
            if "passwd" in params:
                # try to connect
                if not skip_validation:
                return True
                # this would eventually set the browser saved password
                Timer(5, lambda: self._register_box._form.login_pass_box.setFocus(True))

    def _actionManagerUnknownError(self):
                          "Unmanaged action result", Width="400px").center()

    # def _ownBlogsFills(self, mblogs, mblog_panel=None):
    #     """Put our own microblogs in cache, then fill the panels with them.

    #     @param mblogs (dict): dictionary mapping a publisher JID to blogs data.
    #     @param mblog_panel (MicroblogPanel): the panel to fill, or all if None.
    #     """
    #     cache = []
    #     for publisher in mblogs:
    #         for mblog in mblogs[publisher][0]:
    #             if 'content' not in mblog:
    #                 log.warning(u"No content found in microblog [%s]" % mblog)
    #                 continue
    #             if 'groups' in mblog:
    #                 _groups = set(mblog['groups'].split() if mblog['groups'] else [])
    #             else:
    #                 _groups = None
    #             mblog_entry = blog.MicroblogItem(mblog)
    #             cache.append((_groups, mblog_entry))

    #     self.mblog_cache.extend(cache)
    #     if len(self.mblog_cache) > MAX_MBLOG_CACHE:
    #         del self.mblog_cache[0:len(self.mblog_cache - MAX_MBLOG_CACHE)]

    #     widget_list = [mblog_panel] if mblog_panel else self.widgets.getWidgets(blog.MicroblogPanel)

    #     for wid in widget_list:
    #         self.fillMicroblogPanel(wid, cache)

    #     # FIXME

    #     if self.initialised:
    #         return
    #     self.initialised = True  # initialisation phase is finished here
    #     for event_data in self.init_cache:  # so we have to send all the cached events
    #         self.personalEventHandler(*event_data)
    #     del self.init_cache

    # def loadOurMainEntries(self, index=0, mblog_panel=None):
    #     """Load a page of our own blogs from the cache or ask them to the
    #     backend. Then fill the panels with them.

    #     @param index (int): starting index of the blog page to retrieve.
    #     @param mblog_panel (MicroblogPanel): the panel to fill, or all if None.
    #     """
    #     delta = index - self.next_rsm_index
    #     if delta < 0:
    #         assert mblog_panel is not None
    #         self.fillMicroblogPanel(mblog_panel, self.mblog_cache[index:index + C.RSM_MAX_ITEMS])
    #         return

    #     def cb(result):
    #         self._ownBlogsFills(result, mblog_panel)

    #     rsm = {'max_': str(delta + C.RSM_MAX_ITEMS), 'index': str(self.next_rsm_index)}
    #     self.bridge.getMassiveMblogs('JID', [unicode(self.whoami.bare)], rsm, callback=cb, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE)
    #     self.next_rsm_index = index + C.RSM_MAX_ITEMS

    ## Signals callbacks ##

    # def personalEventHandler(self, sender, event_type, data):
        # elif event_type == 'MICROBLOG_DELETE':
        #     for wid in self.widgets.getWidgets(blog.MicroblogPanel):
        #         wid.removeEntry(data['type'], data['id'])

        #     if sender == self.whoami.bare and data['type'] == 'main_item':
        #         for index in xrange(0, len(self.mblog_cache)):
        #             entry = self.mblog_cache[index]
        #             if entry[1].id == data['id']:
        #                 self.mblog_cache.remove(entry)
        #                 break

    # def fillMicroblogPanel(self, mblog_panel, mblogs):
    #     """Fill a microblog panel with entries in cache

    #     @param mblog_panel: MicroblogPanel instance
    #     """
    #     #XXX: only our own entries are cached
    #     for cache_entry in mblogs:
    #         _groups, mblog_entry = cache_entry
    #         mblog_panel.addEntryIfAccepted(self.whoami.bare, *cache_entry)

    # def getEntityMBlog(self, entity):
    #     # FIXME: call this after a contact has been added to roster
    #"geting mblog for entity [%s]" % (entity,))
    #     for lib_wid in self.libervia_widgets:
    #         if isinstance(lib_wid, blog.MicroblogPanel):
    #             if lib_wid.isJidAccepted(entity):
    #       'getMassiveMblogs', lib_wid.massiveInsert, 'JID', [unicode(entity)])

    def displayWidget(self, class_, target, dropped=False, new_tab=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """Get or create a LiberviaWidget and select it. When the user dropped
        something, a new widget is always created, otherwise we look for an
        existing widget and re-use it if it's in the current tab.

        @arg class_(class): see quick_widgets.getOrCreateWidget
        @arg target: see quick_widgets.getOrCreateWidget
        @arg dropped(bool): if True, assume the widget has been dropped
        @arg new_tab(unicode): if not None, it holds the name of a new tab to
            open for the widget. If None, use the default behavior.
        @param args(list): optional args to create a new instance of class_
        @param kwargs(list): optional kwargs to create a new instance of class_
        @return: the widget
        kwargs['profile'] = C.PROF_KEY_NONE

        if dropped:
            kwargs['on_new_widget'] = None
            kwargs['on_existing_widget'] = C.WIDGET_RECREATE
            wid = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(class_, target, *args, **kwargs)
            return wid

        if new_tab:
            kwargs['on_new_widget'] = None
            kwargs['on_existing_widget'] = C.WIDGET_RECREATE
            wid = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(class_, target, *args, **kwargs)
            self.addWidget(wid, tab_index=self.tab_panel.getWidgetCount() - 1)
            return wid

        kwargs['on_existing_widget'] = C.WIDGET_RAISE
            wid = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(class_, target, *args, **kwargs)
        except quick_widgets.WidgetAlreadyExistsError:
            kwargs['on_existing_widget'] = C.WIDGET_KEEP
            wid = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(class_, target, *args, **kwargs)
            widgets_panel = wid.getParent(libervia_widget.WidgetsPanel, expect=False)
            if widgets_panel is None:
                # The widget exists but is hidden
            elif widgets_panel != self.tab_panel.getCurrentPanel():
                # the widget is on an other tab, so we add a new one here
                kwargs['on_existing_widget'] = C.WIDGET_RECREATE
                wid = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(class_, target, *args, **kwargs)
        return wid

    def isHidden(self):
        """Tells if the frontend window is hidden.

        @return bool
        return self.notification.isHidden()

    def updateAlertsCounter(self, extra_inc=0):
        """Update the over whole alerts counter

        @param extra_inc (int): extra counter
        extra = self.alerts_counter.extra + extra_inc
        self.alerts_counter.update(self.alerts_count, extra=extra)

    def _paramUpdate(self, name, value, category, refresh=True):
        """This is called when the paramUpdate signal is received, but also
        during initialization when the UI parameters values are retrieved.
        @param refresh: set to True to refresh the general UI
        for param_cat, param_name in C.CACHED_PARAMS:
            if name == param_name and category == param_cat:
                self.cached_params[(category, name)] = value
                if refresh:

    def getCachedParam(self, category, name):
        """Return a parameter cached value (e.g for refreshing the UI)

        @param category (unicode): the parameter category
        @pram name (unicode): the parameter name
        return self.cached_params[(category, name)] if (category, name) in self.cached_params else None

    def sendError(self, errorData):
        dialog.InfoDialog("Error while sending message",
                          "Your message can't be sent", Width="400px").center()
        log.error("sendError: %s" % unicode(errorData))

    def showWarning(self, type_=None, msg=None):
        """Display a popup information message, e.g. to notify the recipient of a message being composed.
        If type_ is None, a popup being currently displayed will be hidden.
        @type_: a type determining the CSS style to be applied (see WarningPopup.showWarning)
        @msg: message to be displayed
        if not hasattr(self, "warning_popup"):
            self.warning_popup = main_panel.WarningPopup()
        self.warning_popup.showWarning(type_, msg)

    def showDialog(self, message, title="", type_="info", answer_cb=None, answer_data=None):
        if type_ == 'info':
            popup = dialog.InfoDialog(unicode(title), unicode(message), callback=answer_cb)
        elif type_ == 'error':
            popup = dialog.InfoDialog(unicode(title), unicode(message), callback=answer_cb)
        elif type_ == 'yes/no':
            popup = dialog.ConfirmDialog(lambda answer: answer_cb(answer, answer_data),
                                         text=unicode(message), title=unicode(title))
            popup = dialog.InfoDialog(unicode(title), unicode(message), callback=answer_cb)
            log.error(_('unmanaged dialog type: %s'), type_)

    def dialogFailure(self, failure):
                          unicode(failure), Width="400px").center()

    def showFailure(self, err_data, msg=''):
        """Show a failure that has been returned by an asynchronous bridge method.

        @param failure (defer.Failure): Failure instance
        @param msg (unicode): message to display
        # FIXME: message is lost by JSON, we hardcode it for now... remove msg argument when possible
        err_code, err_obj = err_data
        title = err_obj['message']['faultString'] if isinstance(err_obj['message'], dict) else err_obj['message']
        self.showDialog(msg, title, 'error')

    def onJoinMUCFailure(self, err_data):
        """Show a failure that has been returned when trying to join a room.

        @param failure (defer.Failure): Failure instance
        # FIXME: remove asap, see self.showFailure
        err_code, err_obj = err_data
        if err_obj["data"] == "AlreadyJoinedRoom":
            msg = _(u"The room has already been joined.")
            err_obj["message"] = _(u"Information")
            msg = _(u"Invalid room identifier. Please give a room short or full identifier like 'room' or '%s'.") % self.default_muc
            err_obj["message"] = _(u"Error")
        self.showFailure(err_data, msg)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = SatWebFrontend()