view libervia.tac @ 45:7f106052326f

server side: user is now disconnected on session end, and queue is purged
author Goffi <>
date Wed, 25 May 2011 15:45:16 +0200
parents 2744dd31e8a5
children c3ee630914ba
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Libervia: a Salut à Toi frontend
Copyright (C) 2011  Jérôme Poisson (

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from twisted.application import internet, service
from twisted.internet import glib2reactor
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer

from twisted.web import server
from twisted.web import error as weberror
from twisted.web.static import File
from twisted.web.resource import Resource
from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid import JID
from txjsonrpc.web import jsonrpc
from txjsonrpc import jsonrpclib
from sat_frontends.bridge.DBus import DBusBridgeFrontend,BridgeExceptionNoService
import re
import glob
import os.path
import sys
from import MicroBlog
from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute, implements

TIMEOUT = 10 #Session's time out, after that the user will be disconnected
LIBERVIA_DIR = "output/"
CARDS_DIR = "cards/"

class ISATSession(Interface):
    profile = Attribute("Sat profile")
    jid = Attribute("JID associated with the profile")

class SATSession(object):
    def __init__(self, session):
        self.profile = None
        self.jid = None

class LiberviaSession(server.Session):
    sessionTimeout = TIMEOUT

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.__lock = False
        server.Session.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def lock(self):
        """Prevent session from expiring"""
        self.__lock = True

    def unlock(self):
        """Allow session to expire again, and touch it"""
        self.__lock = False

    def touch(self):
        if not self.__lock:

class MethodHandler(jsonrpc.JSONRPC):

    def __init__(self, sat_host):

    def render(self, request):
        self.session = request.getSession()
        profile = ISATSession(self.session).profile
        if not profile:
            #user is not identified, we return a jsonrpc fault
            parsed = jsonrpclib.loads(
            fault = jsonrpclib.Fault(0, "Not allowed") #FIXME: define some standard error codes for libervia
            return jsonrpc.JSONRPC._cbRender(self, fault, request, parsed.get('id'), parsed.get('jsonrpc'))
        return jsonrpc.JSONRPC.render(self, request)

    def jsonrpc_getProfileJid(self):
        """Return the jid of the profile"""
        sat_session = ISATSession(self.session)
        profile = sat_session.profile
        sat_session.sat_jid = JID(self.sat_host.bridge.getParamA("JabberID", "Connection", profile_key=profile))
        return sat_session.sat_jid.full()
    def jsonrpc_getContacts(self):
        """Return all passed args."""
        profile = ISATSession(self.session).profile
        return self.sat_host.bridge.getContacts(profile)

    def jsonrpc_setStatus(self, status):
        """Change the status"""
        profile = ISATSession(self.session).profile
        print "new status received:", status
        self.sat_host.bridge.setPresence('', '', 0, {'':status}, profile)

    def jsonrpc_sendMessage(self, to_jid, msg, subject, type):
        """send message"""
        profile = ISATSession(self.session).profile
        return self.sat_host.bridge.sendMessage(to_jid, msg, subject, type, profile)

    def jsonrpc_sendMblog(self, raw_text):
        """Parse raw_text of the microblog box, and send message consequently"""
        profile = ISATSession(self.session).profile
        match = re.match(r'@(.+?): *(.*$)', raw_text)
        if match:
            recip =
            text =
            if recip == '@' and text:
                #This text if for the public microblog
                print "Sending message to everybody"
                return self.sat_host.bridge.sendPersonalEvent("MICROBLOG", {'content':text}, profile)
                return self.sat_host.bridge.sendGroupBlog([recip], text, profile)

    def jsonrpc_getPresenceStatus(self):
        """Get Presence information for connected contacts"""
        profile = ISATSession(self.session).profile
        return self.sat_host.bridge.getPresenceStatus(profile) 

    def jsonrpc_getHistory(self, from_jid, to_jid, size):
        """Return history for the from_jid/to_jid couple"""
        #FIXME: this method should definitely be asynchrone, need to fix it !!!
        sat_session = ISATSession(self.session)
        profile = sat_session.profile
        sat_jid = sat_session.jid
        if not sat_jid:
            error("No jid saved for this profile")
            return {}
        if JID(from_jid).userhost() != sat_jid.userhost() and JID(to_jid).userhost() != sat_jid.userhost():
            error("Trying to get history from a different jid, maybe a hack attempt ?")
            return {}
        return self.sat_host.bridge.getHistory(from_jid, to_jid, size)

    def jsonrpc_getRoomJoined(self):
        """Return list of room already joined by user"""
        profile = ISATSession(self.session).profile
        return self.sat_host.bridge.getRoomJoined(profile) 

    def jsonrpc_launchTarotGame(self, other_players):
        """Create a room, invite the other players and start a Tarot game"""
        profile = ISATSession(self.session).profile
        self.sat_host.bridge.tarotGameLaunch(other_players, profile)

    def jsonrpc_getTarotCardsPaths(self):
        """Give the path of all the tarot cards"""
        return map(lambda x: x[len(LIBERVIA_DIR):],glob.glob(os.path.join(LIBERVIA_DIR,CARDS_DIR,'*_*.png')));

    def jsonrpc_tarotGameReady(self, player, referee):
        """Tell to the server that we are ready to start the game"""
        profile = ISATSession(self.session).profile
        self.sat_host.bridge.tarotGameReady(player, referee)

    def jsonrpc_tarotGameContratChoosed(self, player_nick, referee, contrat):
        """Tell to the server that we are ready to start the game"""
        profile = ISATSession(self.session).profile
        self.sat_host.bridge.tarotGameContratChoosed(player_nick, referee, contrat, profile)
    def jsonrpc_tarotGamePlayCards(self, player_nick, referee, cards):
        """Tell to the server that we are ready to start the game"""
        profile = ISATSession(self.session).profile
        self.sat_host.bridge.tarotGamePlayCards(player_nick, referee, cards, profile)

class Register(jsonrpc.JSONRPC):
    """This class manage the registration procedure with SàT
    It provide an api for the browser, check password and setup the web server"""

    def __init__(self, sat_host):

    def getWaitingRequest(self, profile):
        """Tell if a profile is trying to log in"""
        if self.profiles_waiting.has_key(profile):
            return self.profiles_waiting[profile]
            return None

    def _fillMblogNodes(self, result, session):
        """Fill the microblog nodes association for this session"""
        session.sat_mblog_nodes = dict(result)

    def render(self, request):
        Render method with some hacks:
           - if login is requested, try to login with form data
           - except login, every method is jsonrpc
           - user doesn't need to be authentified for isRegistered, but must be for all other methods
        if request.postpath==['login']:
            return self.login(request)
        _session = request.getSession()
        parsed = jsonrpclib.loads(
        if parsed.get("method")!="isRegistered":
            #if we don't call login or isRegistered, we need to be identified
            profile = ISATSession(_session).profile
            if not profile:
                #user is not identified, we return a jsonrpc fault
                fault = jsonrpclib.Fault(0, "Not allowed") #FIXME: define some standard error codes for libervia
                return jsonrpc.JSONRPC._cbRender(self, fault, request, parsed.get('id'), parsed.get('jsonrpc'))
        self.request = request
        return jsonrpc.JSONRPC.render(self, request)

    def login(self, request):
        this method is called with the POST information from the registering form
        it test if the password is ok, and log in if it's the case,
        else it return an error
        @param request: request of the register formulaire, must have "login" and "password" as arguments
        @return: A constant indicating the state:
            - BAD REQUEST: something is wrong in the request (bad arguments, profile_key for login)
            - AUTH ERROR: either the profile or the password is wrong
            - ALREADY WAITING: a request has already be made for this profile
            - server.NOT_DONE_YET: the profile is being processed, the return value will be given by self._logged or self._logginError
            _login = request.args['login'][0]
            if _login.startswith('@'):
                raise Exception('No profile_key allowed')
            _pass = request.args['password'][0]
        except KeyError:
            return "BAD REQUEST"

        _profile_check = self.sat_host.bridge.getProfileName(_login)
        _profile_pass = self.sat_host.bridge.getParamA("Password", "Connection", profile_key=_login)

        if not _profile_check or _profile_check != _login or _profile_pass != _pass:
            return "AUTH ERROR"
        if self.profiles_waiting.has_key(_login):
            return "ALREADY WAITING"
        if self.sat_host.bridge.isConnected(_login):
            return self._logged(_login, request, finish=False)

        self.profiles_waiting[_login] = request
        return server.NOT_DONE_YET

    def __cleanWaiting(self, login):
        """Remove login from waiting queue"""
            del self.profiles_waiting[login]
        except KeyError:

    def _logged(self, profile, request, finish=True):
        """Set everything when a user just logged
        and return "LOGGED" to the requester"""
        _session = request.getSession()
        sat_session = ISATSession(_session)
        if sat_session.profile:
            error (_('/!\\ Session has already a profile, this should NEVER happen !'))
        sat_session.profile = profile
        def onExpire():
                #We purge the queue
                del self.sat_host.signal_handler.queue[profile]
            except KeyError:
            #and now we deconnect the profile
        d = defer.Deferred()
        self.sat_host.bridge.getMblogNodes(profile, d.callback, d.errback)
        d.addCallback(self._fillMblogNodes, _session)
        if finish:
            return "LOGGED"

    def _logginError(self, login, request, error_type):
        """Something went wrong during loggin, return an error"""
        return error_type

    def jsonrpc_isConnected(self):
        _session = self.request.getSession()
        profile = ISATSession(_session).profile
        return self.sat_host.bridge.isConnected(profile)
    def jsonrpc_connect(self):
        _session = self.request.getSession()
        profile = ISATSession(_session).profile
        if self.profiles_waiting.has_key(profile):
            raise jsonrpclib.Fault('1','Already waiting') #FIXME: define some standard error codes for libervia
        self.profiles_waiting[profile] = self.request
        return server.NOT_DONE_YET
    def jsonrpc_isRegistered(self):
        """Tell if the user is already registered"""
        _session = self.request.getSession()
        profile = ISATSession(_session).profile
        return bool(profile)
class SignalHandler(jsonrpc.JSONRPC):
    def __init__(self, sat_host):
        self.signalDeferred = {}
        self.queue = {}

    def plugRegister(self, register):
        self.register = register

    def jsonrpc_getSignals(self):
        """Keep the connection alive until a signal is received, then send it
        @return: (signal, *signal_args)"""
        _session = self.request.getSession()
        profile = ISATSession(_session).profile
        if profile in self.queue: #if we have signals to send in queue
            if self.queue[profile]:
                return self.queue[profile].pop(0)
                #the queue is empty, we delete the profile from queue
                del self.queue[profile]
        _session.lock() #we don't want the session to expire as long as this connection is active
        def unlock(ignore):
        self.signalDeferred[profile] = defer.Deferred()
        return self.signalDeferred[profile]
    def getGenericCb(self, function_name):
        """Return a generic function which send all params to signalDeferred.callback
        function must have profile as last argument"""
        def genericCb(*args):
            profile = args[-1]
            if not profile in self.sat_host.prof_connected:
            if profile in self.signalDeferred:
                del self.signalDeferred[profile]
                if not self.queue.has_key(profile):
                    self.queue[profile] = []
                self.queue[profile].append((function_name, args[:-1]))
        return genericCb
    def connected(self, profile):
        assert(self.register) #register must be plugged
        request = self.register.getWaitingRequest(profile)
        if request:
            self.register._logged(profile, request)

    def connectionError(self, error_type, profile):
        assert(self.register) #register must be plugged
        request = self.register.getWaitingRequest(profile)
        if request: #The user is trying to log in
            if error_type == "AUTH_ERROR":
                _error_t = "AUTH ERROR"
                _error_t = "UNKNOWN"
            self.register._logginError(profile, request, _error_t)

    def render(self, request):
        Render method wich reject access if user is not identified
        _session = request.getSession()
        parsed = jsonrpclib.loads(
        profile = ISATSession(_session).profile
        if not profile:
            #user is not identified, we return a jsonrpc fault
            fault = jsonrpclib.Fault(0, "Not allowed") #FIXME: define some standard error codes for libervia
            return jsonrpc.JSONRPC._cbRender(self, fault, request, parsed.get('id'), parsed.get('jsonrpc'))
        self.request = request
        return jsonrpc.JSONRPC.render(self, request)

class Libervia(service.Service):
    def __init__(self):
        root = File(LIBERVIA_DIR) 
        self.signal_handler = SignalHandler(self)
        _register = Register(self)
        self.sessions = {} #key = session value = user
        self.prof_connected = set() #Profiles connected
        ## bridge ##
        except BridgeExceptionNoService:
            print(u"Can't connect to SàT backend, are you sure it's launched ?")
        self.bridge.register("connected", self.signal_handler.connected)
        self.bridge.register("connectionError", self.signal_handler.connectionError)
        for signal_name in ['presenceUpdate', 'personalEvent', 'newMessage', 'roomJoined', 'roomUserJoined', 'roomUserLeft', 'tarotGameStarted', 'tarotGameNew',
                            'tarotGameChooseContrat', 'tarotGameShowCards', 'tarotGameInvalidCards', 'tarotGameCardsPlayed', 'tarotGameYourTurn', 'tarotGameScore']:
            self.bridge.register(signal_name, self.signal_handler.getGenericCb(signal_name))
        root.putChild('json_signal_api', self.signal_handler)
        root.putChild('json_api', MethodHandler(self))
        root.putChild('register_api', _register)
        root.putChild('blog', MicroBlog(self))
        root.putChild('css', File("server_css/")) = server.Site(root) = LiberviaSession

    def startService(self):
    def run(self):
    def stop(self):

registerAdapter(SATSession, server.Session, ISATSession)
application = service.Application('Libervia')
service = Libervia()