view src/browser/sat_browser/ @ 1017:8e7897b1008a

pages (blog/atom.xml, u/atom.xml): Atom feed implementation: - Content-Type is set to suitable value - common/blog is used, comments are disabled - request_uri, http_uri and xmpp_uri are set in template data - "updated" variable in template date is set with the "updated" value of first item (i.e. the most recent one), or to current time if there is not item yet. - u/atom.xml us a simple redirection to blog/atom.xml
author Goffi <>
date Fri, 19 Jan 2018 18:14:28 +0100
parents 620306b3d5be
line wrap: on
line source

from __pyjamas__ import JS, wnd
from sat.core.log import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)
from sat.core.i18n import _

from pyjamas import Window
from pyjamas.Timer import Timer
import favico.min.js

import dialog


class Notification(object):
    If the browser supports it, the user allowed it to and the tab is in the
    background, send desktop notifications on messages.

    Requires both Web Notifications and Page Visibility API.

    def __init__(self, alerts_counter):

        @param alerts_counter (FaviconCounter): counter instance
        self.alerts_counter = alerts_counter
        self.enabled = False
        user_agent = None
        notif_permission = None
        if (!('hidden' in document))
            document.hidden = false;

        user_agent = navigator.userAgent

        if (!('Notification' in window))

        notif_permission = Notification.permission

        if (Notification.permission === 'granted')
            this.enabled = true;

        else if (Notification.permission === 'default') {
                if (permission !== 'granted')

                self.enabled = true; //need to use self instead of this

        if "Chrome" in user_agent and notif_permission not in ['granted', 'denied']:
            self.user_agent = user_agent

        wnd().onfocus = self.onFocus
        # wnd().onblur = self.onBlur

    def _installChromiumWorkaround(self):
        # XXX: Workaround for Chromium behaviour, it's doens't manage requestPermission on onLoad event
        # see
        # FIXME: need to be removed if Chromium behaviour changes
            version_full = [s for s in self.user_agent.split() if "Chrome" in s][0].split('/')[1]
            version = int(version_full.split('.')[0])
        except (IndexError, ValueError):
            log.warning("Can't find Chromium version")
            version = 0"Chromium version: %d" % (version,))
        if version < 22:
  "Notification use the old prefixed version or are unmanaged")
        if version < 32:
            dialog.InfoDialog(_("Notifications activation for Chromium"), _('You need to activate notifications manually for your Chromium version.<br/>To activate notifications, click on the favicon on the left of the address bar')).show()
            return"==> Installing Chromium notifications request workaround <==")
        self._old_click = wnd().onclick
        wnd().onclick = self._chromiumWorkaround

    def _chromiumWorkaround(self):"Activating workaround")
                if (permission !== 'granted')
                self.enabled = true; //need to use self instead of this
        wnd().onclick = self._old_click

    def onFocus(self, event=None):

    # def onBlur(self, event=None):
    #     pass

    def isHidden(self):
        JS("""return document.hidden;""")

    def _notify(self, title, body, icon):
        if not self.enabled:
        notification = None
        # FIXME: icon has been removed because the notification can't display a HTTPS file
           notification = new Notification(title, {body: body});
           // Probably won’t work, but it doesn’t hurt to try.
           notification.addEventListener('click', function() {
        notification.onshow = lambda: Timer(TIMER_DELAY, lambda timer: notification.close())

    def notify(self, title, body, icon='/media/icons/apps/48/sat.png'):
        if self.isHidden():
            self._notify(title, body, icon)

class FaviconCounter(object):
    """Display numbers over the favicon to signal e.g. waiting messages"""

    def __init__(self):
        # XXX: the file favico.min.js is loaded from public/libervia.html because I get NS_ERROR_FAILURE when it's loaded with Pyjamas. It sounds like a context issue, with the favicon not being found.

        self.counter = new top.Favico({
            animation : 'slide',
            bgColor: '#5CB85C',

        self.count = 0  # messages that are not displayed
        self.extra = 0  # messages that are displayed but the window is hidden

    def update(self, count=None, extra=None):
        """Update the favicon counter.

        @param count (int): primary counter
        @param extra (int): extra counter
        if count is not None:
            self.count = count
        if extra is not None:
            self.extra = extra
        self.counter.badge(self.count + self.extra)