2018-01-26 |
Goffi |
date update
2017-11-03 |
Goffi |
misc: date update (yes it's a bit late :p )
2016-08-10 |
Goffi |
browser side(contact list): fixed calls to getGroupData
2016-08-10 |
Goffi |
browser side (contact list): fixed groups displaying
2016-08-08 |
Goffi |
browser, server: update to get compatibility with 0.7-dev (not finished):
2016-01-03 |
Goffi |
copyright update
2015-12-02 |
Goffi |
browser side (contact list): fixed a traceback on mouse enter/leave + bad attribute name
2015-11-30 |
souliane |
browser_side: fixed ContactsPanel scrolling
2015-11-25 |
souliane |
browser_side (contact_list): fixes click on the "Contacts" button above the roster
2015-11-24 |
souliane |
browser_side: display the number of alerts for each contact and not only a symbol (*) + favicon displays the total number of waiting messages
2015-11-23 |
Goffi |
browser side: fixed group panel drop and contact_list click on GroupLabel
2015-11-11 |
souliane |
browser_side: add functions JIDSet and JIDDict
2015-08-15 |
Goffi |
server + browser side: blogging refactoring (draft), huge commit sorry:
2015-04-20 |
souliane |
browser_side: clean the code that has been commented or isolated during the refactorisation to base libervia on quick_frontend
2015-04-20 |
souliane |
browser and server side: remove unibox
2015-04-16 |
souliane |
browser_side: fixes new message alerts
2015-04-01 |
souliane |
browser_side: ContactList.remove has been renamed to ContactList.removeContact to not interfer with Pyjamas Panel.remove (overriding not needed anymore)
2015-03-23 |
souliane |
browser_side: update ContactList, Chat, ContactsPanel, ContactBox, ContactLabel to update the display using listeners as it is done in quick_frontend:
2015-03-30 |
Goffi |
2015 copyright dates update
2015-03-18 |
souliane |
browser_side: follow changes made on quick_frontend for chat states and MUC symbols + minor fixes following the refactorisation:
2015-03-18 |
Goffi |
merged branch frontends_multi_profiles
2015-03-11 |
souliane |
browser_side: add attribute "merge_resources" to ContactsPanel to display the MUC occupants + override Chat.replaceUser and Chat.removeUser
2015-03-09 |
souliane |
browser_side: replace ContactsPanel and ContactBox init "parent" attribute with "host" + menus bound to the avatar can be parameterized
2015-03-05 |
souliane |
browser_side: don't display MUC entities in the contact list + fixes ContactList.remove (QuickContactList and SimplePanel conflict)
2015-02-27 |
Goffi |
browser side (contact list): ContactPanels is used instead of OccupantsList in MUC:
2015-02-27 |
souliane |
browser_side: the contact list's height needs a window resize after it's been added or when the tab bar display is changed
2015-02-27 |
souliane |
browser_side: MainPanel is now based on a DockPanel, which allows to use less tables and also to remove some "window resized" listeners
2015-02-27 |
souliane |
browser_side, server_side: MicroblogPanel.onGroupDrop and bridge method getMassiveLastMBlogs now only accepts the publishers as a set of unicode (no more None value or single unicode).
2015-02-26 |
Goffi |
browser_side: classes reorganisation:
2015-02-26 |
Goffi |
browser side: moved ContactBox, ContactsPanel, ContactLabeland ContactMenuBar to base_widget/base_panels so they can be reused outside of contact_list module