2017-11-03 |
Goffi |
misc: date update (yes it's a bit late :p )
2017-05-19 |
Goffi |
browser: various fixes
2017-02-26 |
Goffi |
server, browser: partial Libervia fix
2016-08-28 |
Goffi |
server, browser: removed deprecated methods which have been removed from backend, and associated code
2016-08-08 |
Goffi |
browser, server: update to get compatibility with 0.7-dev (not finished):
2016-02-29 |
Goffi |
server, browser: new "allow_registration" option to enable/disable new account registration through Liberia interface
2016-02-29 |
Goffi |
server, browser: replaced isRegistered call by a more generic getSessionMetadata which return a dictionary
2016-01-16 |
souliane |
browser: set the background transparent when the register panel is displayed
2016-01-15 |
Goffi |
browser: use new style calls for getSignals
2016-01-13 |
souliane |
browser (games, menu): rename showFailureRoomInvalid to onJoinMUCFailure and display a nice message when the room has already been joined (it is not a real error)
2016-01-12 |
souliane |
browser: update favicon counter when a tab change make notified messages visible
2016-01-12 |
souliane |
browser (chat, notification): remove the textual alerts counter, merge it with the favicon counter
2016-01-03 |
Goffi |
copyright update
2015-12-02 |
Goffi |
browser side: fixed public blog menu (moved temporarily to frontend side)
2015-12-01 |
Goffi |
browser side: workaround for a pyjamas bug which freeze the browser in some case with addURLToText regex
2015-12-01 |
souliane |
browser_side: rename "Manage groups" to "Manage contact groups" to avoid confusion
2015-12-01 |
souliane |
browser_side (menu): moved Tarot from Games to Groups
2015-12-01 |
souliane |
browser_side: fixed contact list refresh on param change
2015-11-30 |
souliane |
browser_side: modify a message to avoid a confusion when fine access blogging is not available
2015-11-29 |
Goffi |
browser side: the new menu 'help/official room chat' launch the default_muc room, which can be used to get some help
2015-11-25 |
Goffi |
browser side: restored web widget
2015-11-23 |
Goffi |
browser side: features are checked for microblogging and group blogging. If one of them is not available, a pop-up warns it, and it is not possible to write a new entry.
2015-10-21 |
souliane |
browser_side: fixes auto-login (broken by previous changeset)
2015-08-18 |
Goffi |
browser + server sides: actionNew signal handling
2015-08-15 |
Goffi |
server + browser side: blogging refactoring (draft), huge commit sorry:
2015-07-20 |
souliane |
browser_side: use favico.js to display alerts counter
2015-07-13 |
souliane |
browser_side: remove methods that were used before the merge, when Libervia was not based on quick_frontend
2015-06-04 |
souliane |
browser and server sides: renamed max to max_ after sat's changeset 1423 (882e5fabf68c)
2015-05-27 |
Goffi |
browser side: when there is no avatar in cache in getAvatarURL, set its value to empty string to avoid requesting again
2015-05-27 |
Goffi |
browser side: added signal caching before profile is plugged, as QuickFrontend mechanism is not used
2015-04-20 |
souliane |
browser_side: change frontend method "setStatusOnline" for "setPresenceStatus"
2015-04-20 |
souliane |
browser_side: clean the code that has been commented or isolated during the refactorisation to base libervia on quick_frontend
2015-04-20 |
souliane |
browser and server side: remove unibox
2015-04-16 |
souliane |
massive (preventive) addition of 'u' (unicode) before the strings passed to logging functions
2015-04-09 |
souliane |
browser_side: use host.default_muc instead of C.DEFAULT_MUC
2015-03-23 |
souliane |
browser_side: update ContactList, Chat, ContactsPanel, ContactBox, ContactLabel to update the display using listeners as it is done in quick_frontend:
2015-03-26 |
souliane |
browser_side: let the backend check for the validity of MUC JIDs that come from a user input
2015-03-30 |
Goffi |
2015 copyright dates update
2015-03-19 |
Goffi |
browser side: versions management + version is shown in about dialog
2015-03-18 |
Goffi |
merged branch frontends_multi_profiles
2015-03-17 |
Goffi |
browser side: menus refactorisation:
2015-03-17 |
Goffi |
browser side: host listeners are called when host is instantiated
2015-03-09 |
souliane |
browser_side: rename askConfirmation handler
2015-03-06 |
souliane |
browser_side (blog): clean the MicroblogPanel:
2015-03-03 |
souliane |
browser_side: OTR uses 'profilePlugged', 'disconnect' and 'gotMenus' listeners
2015-03-03 |
souliane |
browser_side: fixes OTR using the new resource system and proper triggers (send and receive message) or listener (presence update)
2015-03-03 |
souliane |
browser_side: replace all instances of 'str' with 'unicode'
2015-02-27 |
souliane |
browser_side: allow to drop a widget in the "+" tab
2015-02-27 |
souliane |
browser_side: the contact list's height needs a window resize after it's been added or when the tab bar display is changed
2015-02-27 |
souliane |
browser_side: hide the tab bar and contact list's toggle button until the profile is connected
2015-02-27 |
souliane |
browser_side: implements setStatusOnline since it is not used only for setting the connected state on/off, but also to update the user presence and status
2015-02-27 |
souliane |
browser_side: MainPanel is now based on a DockPanel, which allows to use less tables and also to remove some "window resized" listeners
2015-02-27 |
souliane |
browser_side, server_side: MicroblogPanel.onGroupDrop and bridge method getMassiveLastMBlogs now only accepts the publishers as a set of unicode (no more None value or single unicode).
2015-02-26 |
Goffi |
browser_side: classes reorganisation:
2015-02-25 |
Goffi |
browser side: fixed typo in newMessageHandler
2015-02-25 |
Goffi |
browser side: restored infoDialog for headline messages from server
2015-02-24 |
Goffi |
browser side: call of parent profilePlugged for overriden method
2015-02-24 |
Goffi |
browser side: do a hard reload on disconnected signal
2015-02-23 |
Goffi |
merged souliane changes
2015-02-23 |
Goffi |
browser side (widgets management): removed getWidgetsPanel: we use directly getParent which do the same thing + displayWidget now detect hidden widgets (widgets without parent WidgetsPanel)