Libervia's installation is currently a bit tricky. Please note that this file instructs a minimal configuration of Libervia. For a complete procedure including the installation and configuration of your XMPP server and enabling the blog and directory features, please consult this page on the Salut à Toi wiki: == Prerequesites == These steps are detailed on the Salut à Toi wiki: * install and configure Salut à Toi * install and configure a local XMPP server (we recommend using Prosody) * install sat_pubsub == Dependencies == * you need to install the txJSON-RPC dependency (as root): pip install txJSON-RPC * install python2-gobject2 from your distribution repositories. For example: apt-get install python-gobject2 * install pyjamas. We use the version which used to be on, not the fork from Since has been down for a while, you can retrieve the package from our FTP. wget tar xvjf pyjamas.tar.bz2 cd pyjamas python2.7 Note that we force the python version to 2.7. Salut à Toi and Libervia will be ported to Python 3 after the Twisted framework which is our main dependency. You can check that it works by compiling the helloworld example: cd examples/helloworld ./ If you have no error message, it should be allright. == Install Libervia == * to install Libervia using setuptools, the pyjsbuild executable should be accessible from your environment variable "PATH". The easiest would be: cd pyjamas sudo ln -sf `pwd`/bin/pyjsbuild /usr/bin/pyjsbuild * clone libervia repository: hg clone * install Libervia: cd libervia python install * create an account "" (replace "" with your domain or virtual host) on your XMPP server, create a profile on SàT named "libervia", and plug the SàT profile to this account with jp or primitivus. jp profile create libervia -j libervia@yourserver.tld -p == Configuration == You can configure the Libervia service from the SàT configuration file, for example: [libervia] port = 8080 port_https = 8443 port_https_ext = 8443 connection_type = both ssl_certificate = libervia.pem redirect_to_https = 0 security_warning = 1 passphrase = data_dir = ~/workspace/libervia Check the wiki for more information: == Usage == The four components must be launched in the following order: * prosody * sat_pubsub (with the xmpp domain and password as declared in prosodi.cfg.lua) * sat * libervia's web server Your command input would look like that: cd prosody && prosodyctl start twistd sat_pubsub --jid=sat-pubsub. --secret= sat libervia You can now drop your web browser on http://localhost:8080/libervia.html If you encounter any issue, you can ask for help on MUC room or use the dev mailing list: