changeset 1600:0a4433a343a3

browser (calls): implement WebRTC file sharing: - Send file through WebRTC when the new `file` button is used during a call. - Show a confirmation dialog and download file sent by WebRTC. rel 442
author Goffi <>
date Sat, 06 Apr 2024 13:06:17 +0200 (11 months ago)
parents 197350e8bf3b
children d07838fc9d99
files libervia/web/pages/_browser/ libervia/web/pages/calls/_browser/ libervia/web/pages/calls/_browser/ libervia/web/server/
diffstat 4 files changed, 414 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/libervia/web/pages/_browser/	Tue Mar 05 16:40:25 2024 +0100
+++ b/libervia/web/pages/_browser/	Sat Apr 06 13:06:17 2024 +0200
@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
 class CancelError(Exception):
     """Dialog is cancelled"""
+    def __init__(self, reason: str = "", text: str = "") -> None:
+        self.reason = reason
+        self.text = text
+        super().__init__(text)
 class Confirm:
@@ -34,7 +39,7 @@
     def _default_cancel_cb(self, evt, notif_elt):
-    def cancel(self):
+    def cancel(self, reason: str = "", text: str = ""):
         """Cancel the dialog, without calling any callback
         will raise a CancelError
@@ -45,7 +50,7 @@
             self._notif_elt = None
             if self._reject_cb is not None:
-                self._reject_cb(CancelError)
+                self._reject_cb(CancelError(reason, text))
                 log.warning("no reject callback set")
--- a/libervia/web/pages/calls/_browser/	Tue Mar 05 16:40:25 2024 +0100
+++ b/libervia/web/pages/calls/_browser/	Sat Apr 06 13:06:17 2024 +0200
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 from browser import aio, console as log, document, window
 from cache import cache
 import dialog
+from javascript import JSObject
 from jid import JID
 from jid_search import JidSearch
 import loading
@@ -42,9 +43,11 @@
+        # mapping of file sending
+        self.files_webrtc: list[dict] = []
         self.mode = "search"
         self._status = None
-        self._callee = None
+        self._callee: JID|None = None
         self.contacts_elt = document["contacts"]
         self.search_container_elt = document["search_container"]
         self.call_container_elt = document["call_container"]
@@ -82,6 +85,8 @@
         document["switch_camera_btn"].bind("click", self.on_switch_camera)
+        document["send_file_btn"].bind("click", self.on_send_file)
+        document["send_file_input"].bind("change", self._on_send_input_change)
         # search
         self.search_elt = document["search"]
@@ -185,13 +190,128 @@
         @param profile: Profile associated with the action
         action_data = json.loads(action_data_s)
-        if action_data.get("type") != "call":
+        if action_data.get("type") == "confirm" and action_data.get("subtype") == "file":
+  , action_id))
+        elif action_data.get("type") == "file":
+  , action_id))
+        elif action_data.get("type") != "call":
-, action_id))
+        else:
+  , action_id))
+    def get_human_size(self, size: int|float) -> str:
+        """Return size in human-friendly size using SI units"""
+        units = ["o","Kio","Mio","Gio"]
+        for idx, unit in enumerate(units):
+            if size < 1024.0 or idx == len(units)-1:
+                return f"{size:.2f}{unit}"
+            size /= 1024.0
+        raise Exception("Internal Error: this line should never be reached.")
+    async def request_file_permission(self, action_data: dict) -> bool:
+        """Request permission to download a file."""
+        peer_jid = JID(action_data["from_jid"]).bare
+        await cache.fill_identities([peer_jid])
+        identity = cache.identities[peer_jid]
+        peer_name = identity["nicknames"][0]
+        file_data = action_data.get("file_data", {})
+        file_name = file_data.get('name')
+        file_size = file_data.get('size')
+        if file_name:
+            file_name_msg = 'wants to send you the file "{file_name}"'.format(
+                file_name=file_name
+            )
+        else:
+            file_name_msg = 'wants to send you an unnamed file'
+        if file_size is not None:
+            file_size_msg = "which has a size of {file_size_human}".format(
+                file_size_human=self.get_human_size(file_size)
+            )
+        else:
+            file_size_msg = "which has an unknown size"
+        file_description = file_data.get('desc')
+        if file_description:
+            description_msg = " Description: {}.".format(file_description)
+        else:
+            description_msg = ""
+        file_data = action_data.get("file_data", {})
+        file_accept_dlg = dialog.Confirm(
+            "{peer_name} ({peer_jid}) {file_name_msg} {file_size_msg}.{description_msg} Do you "
+            "accept?".format(
+                peer_name=peer_name,
+                peer_jid=peer_jid,
+                file_name_msg=file_name_msg,
+                file_size_msg=file_size_msg,
+                description_msg=description_msg
+            ),
+            ok_label="Download",
+            cancel_label="Reject"
+        )
+        return await file_accept_dlg.ashow()
+    async def on_file_preflight(self, action_data: dict, action_id: str) -> None:
+        """Handle a file preflight (proposal made to all devices)."""
+        # FIXME: temporarily done in call page, will be moved to notifications handler to
+        #   make it work anywhere.
+        accepted = await self.request_file_permission(action_data)
+        await bridge.action_launch(
+            action_id, json.dumps({"answer": str(accepted).lower()})
+        )
+    async def on_file_proposal(self, action_data: dict, action_id: str) -> None:
+        """Handle a file proposal.
+        This is a proposal made specifically to this device, a opposed to
+        ``on_file_preflight``. File may already have been accepted during preflight.
+        """
+        # FIXME: as for on_file_preflight, this will be moved to notification handler.
+        if not action_data.get("webrtc", False):
+            peer_jid = JID(action_data["from_jid"]).bare
+            # We try to do a not-too-technical warning about webrtc not being supported.
+                f"A file sending from {peer_jid} can't be accepted because it is not "
+                "compatible with web browser direct transfer (WebRTC).",
+                level="warning",
+            )
+            # We don't explicitly refuse the file proposal, because it may be accepted and
+            # supported by other frontends.
+            # TODO: Check if any other frontend is connected for this profile, and refuse
+            # the file if none is.
+            return
+        if action_data.get("file_accepted", False):
+            # File proposal has already been accepted in preflight.
+            accepted = True
+        else:
+            accepted = await self.request_file_permission(action_data)
+        if accepted:
+            sid = action_data["session_id"]
+            webrtc = WebRTC(
+                file_only=True,
+                extra_data={"file_data": action_data.get("file_data", {})}
+            )
+            webrtc.sid = sid
+            self.files_webrtc.append({
+                "webrtc": webrtc,
+            })
+        await bridge.action_launch(
+            action_id, json.dumps({"answer": str(accepted).lower()})
+        )
     async def on_action_new(self, action_data: dict, action_id: str) -> None:
         peer_jid = JID(action_data["from_jid"]).bare
-"{peer_jid} wants to start a call ({action_data['sub_type']})")
+        call_type = action_data["sub_type"]
+        call_emoji = "📹" if call_type == VIDEO else "📞"
+"{peer_jid} wants to start a call ({call_type}).")
         if self.sid is not None:
                 f"already in a call ({self.sid}), can't receive a new call from "
@@ -210,14 +330,30 @@
         # and ask user if we take the call
             self.incoming_call_dialog_elt = dialog.Confirm(
-                f"{peer_name} is calling you.", ok_label="Answer", cancel_label="Reject"
+                f"{peer_name} is calling you ({call_emoji}{call_type}).", ok_label="Answer", cancel_label="Reject"
             accepted = await self.incoming_call_dialog_elt.ashow()
-        except dialog.CancelError:
+        except dialog.CancelError as e:
   "Call has been cancelled")
             self.incoming_call_dialog_elt = None
             self.sid = None
-  "{peer_name} has cancelled the call", level="info")
+            match e.reason:
+                case "busy":
+                        f"{peer_name} can't answer your call",
+                        level="info",
+                    )
+                case "taken_by_other_device":
+                    device = e.text
+                        f"The call has been taken on another device ({device}).",
+                        level="info",
+                    )
+                case _:
+                        f"{peer_name} has cancelled the call",
+                        level="info"
+                    )
         self.incoming_call_dialog_elt = None
@@ -230,6 +366,7 @@
             log.debug(f"Call SID: {sid}")
             # Answer the call
+            self.call_mode = call_type
             self.status = "connecting"
@@ -281,11 +418,18 @@
             sdp: Session Description Protocol data
         @param profile: Profile associated
-        if self.sid != session_id:
-            log.debug(
-                f"Call ignored due to different session ID ({self.sid=} {session_id=})"
-            )
-            return
+        if self.sid == session_id:
+            webrtc = self.webrtc
+        else:
+            for file_webrtc in self.files_webrtc:
+                webrtc = file_webrtc["webrtc"]
+                if webrtc.sid == session_id:
+                    break
+            else:
+                log.debug(
+                    f"Call ignored due to different session ID ({self.sid=} {session_id=})"
+                )
+                return
             role = setup_data["role"]
             sdp = setup_data["sdp"]
@@ -295,9 +439,9 @@
         if role == "initiator":
-            await self.webrtc.accept_call(session_id, sdp, profile)
+            await webrtc.accept_call(session_id, sdp, profile)
         elif role == "responder":
-            await self.webrtc.answer_call(session_id, sdp, profile)
+            await webrtc.answer_call(session_id, sdp, profile)
                 f"Invalid role received during setup: {setup_data}", level="error"
@@ -358,20 +502,15 @@
         # if there is any ringing, we stop it
         self.audio_player_elt.currentTime = 0
+        reason = data.get("reason", "")
+        text = data.get("text", "")
         if self.incoming_call_dialog_elt is not None:
-            self.incoming_call_dialog_elt.cancel()
+            self.incoming_call_dialog_elt.cancel(reason, text)
             self.incoming_call_dialog_elt = None
-        if data.get("reason") == "busy":
-            assert self._callee is not None
-            peer_name = cache.identities[self._callee]["nicknames"][0]
-                f"{peer_name} can't answer your call",
-                level="info",
-            )
         await self.webrtc.end_call()
@@ -540,6 +679,24 @@
     def on_switch_camera(self, __) -> None:
+    def on_send_file(self, __) -> None:
+        document["send_file_input"].click()
+    def _on_send_input_change(self, evt) -> None:
+    async def on_send_input_change(self, evt) -> None:
+        assert self._callee is not None
+        files = evt.currentTarget.files
+        for file in files:
+            webrtc = WebRTC(file_only=True)
+            self.files_webrtc.append({
+                "file": file,
+                "webrtc": webrtc
+            })
+            await webrtc.send_file(self._callee, file)
     def _on_entity_click(self, item: dict) -> None:
--- a/libervia/web/pages/calls/_browser/	Tue Mar 05 16:40:25 2024 +0100
+++ b/libervia/web/pages/calls/_browser/	Sat Apr 06 13:06:17 2024 +0200
@@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
 import re
 from bridge import AsyncBridge as Bridge
-from browser import aio, console as log, document, timer, window
+from browser import aio, console as log, document, window
 import dialog
-import errors
 from javascript import JSObject
 import jid
@@ -13,7 +12,85 @@
 bridge = Bridge()
+class FileSender:
+    CHUNK_SIZE = 64 * 1024
+    def __init__(self, session_id, file, data_channel):
+        self.session_id = session_id
+        self.file = file
+        self.data_channel = data_channel
+        data_channel.bind("open", self._on_open)
+        self.offset = 0
+    def _on_open(self, __):
+"Data channel open, starting to send {}.")
+        self.send_file()
+    def _on_reader_load(self, event):
+        self.data_channel.send(
+        self.offset += self.CHUNK_SIZE
+        self.send_file()
+    def send_file(self):
+        if self.offset < self.file.size:
+            chunk = self.file.slice(self.offset, self.offset + self.CHUNK_SIZE)
+            reader =
+            reader.onload = self._on_reader_load
+            reader.readAsArrayBuffer(chunk)
+        else:
+  "file {} sent.")
+            self.data_channel.close()
+            if self.session_id is not None:
+      , ""))
+class FileReceiver:
+    def __init__(self, session_id: str, data_channel, extra_data: dict) -> None:
+        """Initializes the file receiver with a data channel.
+        @param data_channel: The RTCDataChannel through which file data is received.
+        """
+        self.session_id = session_id
+        self.data_channel = data_channel
+        self.received_chunks = []
+        self.file_data = extra_data.get("file_data", {})
+        data_channel.bind("message", self._on_message)
+        data_channel.bind("close", self._on_close)
+        log.debug("File receiver created.")
+    def _on_message(self, event) -> None:
+        """Handles incoming message events from the data channel.
+        @param event: The event containing the data chunk.
+        """
+        self.received_chunks.append(
+    def _on_close(self, __) -> None:
+        """Handles the data channel's close event.
+        Assembles the received chunks into a Blob and triggers a file download.
+        """
+        # The file is complete, we assemble the chunks in a blob
+        blob =
+        url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob)
+        # and create the <a> element to download the file.
+        a = document.createElement("a")
+        a.href = url
+ = self.file_data.get("name", "received_file")
+        document.body.appendChild(a)
+        # We now clean up.
+        document.body.removeChild(a)
+        window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url)
+"File received.")
+, ""))
 class WebRTC:
     def __init__(
@@ -22,7 +99,21 @@
+        file_only: bool = False,
+        extra_data: dict|None = None
+        """Initialise WebRTC instance.
+        @param screen_sharing_cb: callable function for screen sharing event
+        @param on_connection_established_cb: callable function for connection established event
+        @param on_reconnect_cb: called when a reconnection is triggered.
+        @param on_connection_lost_cb: called when the connection is lost.
+        @param on_video_devices: called when new video devices are set.
+        @param on_reset_cb: called on instance reset.
+        @param file_only: indicates a file transfer only session.
+        @param extra_data: optional dictionary containing additional data.
+            Notably used for file transfer, where ``file_data`` key is used.
+        """
         # reset
         self.on_reset_cb = on_reset_cb
@@ -42,8 +133,16 @@
         self.has_multiple_cameras = False
         self.current_camera = None
-        # Initially populate the video devices list
+        self.file_only = file_only
+        if not file_only:
+            # Initially populate the video devices list
+            # video elements
+            self.local_video_elt = document["local_video"]
+            self.remote_video_elt = document["remote_video"]
+        else:
+            self.file_sender = None
         # muting
         self.is_audio_muted = None
@@ -53,9 +152,10 @@
         self._is_sharing_screen = False
         self.screen_sharing_cb = screen_sharing_cb
-        # video elements
-        self.local_video_elt = document["local_video"]
-        self.remote_video_elt = document["remote_video"]
+        # extra
+        if extra_data is None:
+            extra_data = {}
+        self.extra_data = extra_data
     def is_sharing_screen(self) -> bool:
@@ -73,7 +173,6 @@
         self._peer_connection = None
         self._media_types = None
         self._media_types_inv = None
-        self._callee = None
         self.ufrag = None
         self.pwd = None
         self.sid = None
@@ -82,6 +181,7 @@
         self.remote_candidates_buffer = {
             "audio": {"candidates": []},
             "video": {"candidates": []},
+            "application": {"candidates": []},
         self.local_candidates_buffer = {}
         self.media_candidates = {}
@@ -318,7 +418,7 @@
     async def _create_peer_connection(
-    ):
+    ) -> JSObject:
         """Creates peer connection"""
         if self._peer_connection is not None:
             raise Exception("create_peer_connection can't be called twice!")
@@ -354,6 +454,7 @@
         self._peer_connection = peer_connection
         window.pc = self._peer_connection
+        return peer_connection
     async def _get_user_media(self, audio: bool = True, video: bool = True) -> None:
@@ -585,20 +686,21 @@
         @param candidates: Dictionary containing new ICE candidates
         log.debug(f"new peer candidates received: {candidates}")
-        # FIXME: workaround for, the
-        #  following test raise a JS exception
+            # FIXME: javascript.NULL must be used here, once we move to Brython 3.12.3+
             remoteDescription_is_none = self._peer_connection.remoteDescription is None
         except Exception as e:
+            # FIXME: should be fine in Brython 3.12.3+
             log.debug("Workaround for Brython bug activated.")
             remoteDescription_is_none = True
         if (
             self._peer_connection is None
-            # or self._peer_connection.remoteDescription is None
+            # or self._peer_connection.remoteDescription is NULL
             or remoteDescription_is_none
-            for media_type in ("audio", "video"):
+            for media_type in ("audio", "video", "application"):
                 media_candidates = candidates.get(media_type)
                 if media_candidates:
                     buffer = self.remote_candidates_buffer[media_type]
@@ -610,12 +712,13 @@
                     sdp_mline_index = self.get_sdp_mline_index(media_type)
                 except Exception as e:
-                    log.warning(e)
+                    log.warning(f"Can't get sdp_mline_index: {e}")
-                ice_candidate =
-                    {"candidate": candidate_sdp, "sdpMLineIndex": sdp_mline_index}
-                )
-                await self._peer_connection.addIceCandidate(ice_candidate)
+                else:
+                    ice_candidate =
+                        {"candidate": candidate_sdp, "sdpMLineIndex": sdp_mline_index}
+                    )
+                    await self._peer_connection.addIceCandidate(ice_candidate)
     def on_track(self, event):
         """New track has been received from peer
@@ -635,6 +738,14 @@
         log.debug(f"on_negotiation_needed {event=}")
         # TODO
+    def _on_data_channel(self, event) -> None:
+        """Handles the data channel event from the peer connection.
+        @param event: The event associated with the opening of a data channel.
+        """
+        data_channel =
+        self.file_receiver = FileReceiver(self.sid, data_channel, self.extra_data)
     async def answer_call(self, sid: str, offer_sdp: str, profile: str):
         """We respond to the call"""
         log.debug("answering call")
@@ -647,7 +758,10 @@
         await self.on_ice_candidates_new(self.remote_candidates_buffer)
-        await self._get_user_media()
+        if self.file_only:
+            self._peer_connection.bind("datachannel", self._on_data_channel)
+        else:
+            await self._get_user_media()
         # Gather local ICE candidates
         local_ice_data = await self._gather_ice_candidates(False)
@@ -655,23 +769,13 @@
         await bridge.call_answer_sdp(sid, self._peer_connection.localDescription.sdp)
-    async def make_call(
-        self, callee_jid: jid.JID, audio: bool = True, video: bool = True
-    ) -> None:
-        """Start a WebRTC call
-        @param audio: True if an audio flux is required
-        @param video: True if a video flux is required
-        """
-        await self._create_peer_connection()
-        await self._get_user_media(audio, video)
+    async def _get_call_data(self) -> dict:
+        """Start a WebRTC call"""
         await self._gather_ice_candidates(True)
-        call_data = {"sdp": self._peer_connection.localDescription.sdp}
-"calling {callee_jid!r}")
-        self.sid = await bridge.call_start(str(callee_jid), json.dumps(call_data))
-        log.debug(f"Call SID: {self.sid}")
+        return {"sdp": self._peer_connection.localDescription.sdp}
+    async def _send_buffered_local_candidates(self) -> None:
         if self.local_candidates_buffer:
                 f"sending buffered local ICE candidates: {self.local_candidates_buffer}"
@@ -684,16 +788,68 @@
                     "pwd": self.pwd,
                     "candidates": candidates
-                bridge.ice_candidates_add(
-                    self.sid,
-                    json.dumps(
-                        ice_data
-                    ),
-                )
+            await bridge.ice_candidates_add(
+                self.sid,
+                json.dumps(
+                    ice_data
+                ),
+    async def make_call(
+        self, callee_jid: jid.JID, audio: bool = True, video: bool = True
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        @param audio: True if an audio flux is required
+        @param video: True if a video flux is required
+        """
+        await self._create_peer_connection()
+        await self._get_user_media(audio, video)
+        call_data = await self._get_call_data()
+"calling {callee_jid!r}")
+        self.sid = await bridge.call_start(str(callee_jid), json.dumps(call_data))
+        log.debug(f"Call SID: {self.sid}")
+        await self._send_buffered_local_candidates()
+    def _on_opened_data_channel(self, event):
+"Datachannel has been opened.")
+    async def send_file(self, callee_jid: jid.JID, file: JSObject) -> None:
+        assert self.file_only
+        peer_connection = await self._create_peer_connection()
+        data_channel = peer_connection.createDataChannel("file")
+        call_data = await self._get_call_data()
+"sending file to {callee_jid!r}")
+        file_meta = {
+            "size": file.size
+        }
+        if file.type:
+            file_meta["media_type"] = file.type
+        try:
+            file_data = json.loads(await bridge.file_jingle_send(
+                    str(callee_jid),
+                    "",
+          ,
+                    "",
+                    json.dumps({
+                        "webrtc": True,
+                        "call_data": call_data,
+                        **file_meta
+                    })
+            ))
+        except Exception as e:
+                f"Can't send file: {e}", level="error"
+            )
+            return
+        self.sid = file_data["session_id"]
+        log.debug(f"File Transfer SID: {self.sid}")
+        await self._send_buffered_local_candidates()
+        self.file_sender = FileSender(self.sid, file, data_channel)
     async def end_call(self) -> None:
         """Stop streaming and clean instance"""
         if self._peer_connection is None:
--- a/libervia/web/server/	Tue Mar 05 16:40:25 2024 +0100
+++ b/libervia/web/server/	Sat Apr 06 13:06:17 2024 +0200
@@ -16,11 +16,16 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+from libervia.backend.core import exceptions
+from libervia.backend.core.log import getLogger
 from import data_format
-from libervia.backend.core import exceptions
 from libervia.web.server.constants import Const as C
+log = getLogger(__name__)
 class RestrictedBridge:
     """bridge with limited access, which can be used in browser
@@ -94,6 +99,32 @@
         return await
             "external_disco_get", entity, profile)
+    async def file_jingle_send(
+        self,
+        peer_jid: str,
+        filepath: str,
+        name: str,
+        file_desc: str,
+        extra_s: str,
+        profile: str
+    ) -> str:
+        self.no_service_profile(profile)
+        if filepath:
+            # The file sending must be done P2P from the browser directly (the file is
+            # from end-user machine), and its data must be set in "extra".
+            # "filepath" must NOT be used in this case, as it would link a local file
+            # (i.e. from the backend machine), which is an obvious security issue.
+            log.warning(
+                f'"filepath" user by {profile!r} in file_jingle_send, this is not '
+                "allowed, hack attempt?"
+            )
+            raise exceptions.PermissionError(
+                "Using a filepath is not allowed."
+            )
+        return await
+            "file_jingle_send", peer_jid, "", name, file_desc, extra_s, profile
+        )
     async def history_get(
         from_jid: str,