changeset 160:6f913f5adca8

server side: registration refactoring first draft; main registration code is moved to SàT backend
author Goffi <>
date Mon, 07 Jan 2013 01:09:57 +0100 (2013-01-07)
parents 6947450a477b
children 03ac7f51a35b
files libervia.tac
diffstat 1 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/libervia.tac	Mon Jan 07 01:04:35 2013 +0100
+++ b/libervia.tac	Mon Jan 07 01:09:57 2013 +0100
@@ -19,14 +19,6 @@
 along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-#You need do adapt the following consts to your server
-_REG_EMAIL_SERVER = "localhost"
-_NEW_ACCOUNT_SERVER = "localhost"
 from twisted.application import internet, service
 from twisted.internet import glib2reactor
@@ -388,6 +380,7 @@
             - ALREADY WAITING: a request has already be made for this profile
             - server.NOT_DONE_YET: the profile is being processed, the return value will be given by self._logged or self._logginError
             if request.args['submit_type'][0] == 'login':
                 _login = request.args['login'][0]
@@ -396,7 +389,7 @@
                 _pass = request.args['login_password'][0]
             elif request.args['submit_type'][0] == 'register':
-                return self._registerNewAccount(request.args)
+                return self._registerNewAccount(request)
                 raise Exception('Unknown submit type')
@@ -449,84 +442,47 @@
         self.sat_host.bridge.asyncConnect(profile, lambda: d.callback(None), d.errback)
-    def _registerNewAccount(self, args):
+    def _registerNewAccount(self, request):
         """Create a new account, or return error
-        @param args: dict of args as given by the form
+        @param request: initial login request 
         @return: "REGISTRATION" in case of success"""
         #TODO: must be moved in SàT core
-            profile = login = args['register_login'][0]
-            password = args['register_password'][0] #FIXME: password is ignored so far
-            email = args['email'][0]
+            profile = login = request.args['register_login'][0]
+            password = request.args['register_password'][0] #FIXME: password is ignored so far
+            email = request.args['email'][0]
         except KeyError:
             return "BAD REQUEST"
         if not re.match(r'^[a-z0-9_-]+$', login, re.IGNORECASE) or \
            not re.match(r'^.+@.+\..+', email, re.IGNORECASE):
             return "BAD REQUEST"
-        #_charset = [chr(i) for i in range(0x21,0x7F)] #XXX: this charset seems to have some issues with openfire
-        _charset = [chr(i) for i in range(0x30,0x3A) + range(0x41,0x5B) + range (0x61,0x7B)]
-        import random
-        random.seed()
-        password = ''.join([random.choice(_charset) for i in range(15)])
-        if login in self.sat_host.bridge.getProfilesList(): #FIXME: must use a deferred + create a new profile check method
-            return "ALREADY EXISTS"
-        #we now create the profile
-        self.sat_host.bridge.createProfile(login)
-        #FIXME: values must be in a config file instead of hardcoded
-        self.sat_host.bridge.setParam("JabberID", "%s@%s/%s" % (login, _NEW_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN, _NEW_ACCOUNT_RESOURCE), "Connection", profile) 
-        self.sat_host.bridge.setParam("Server", _NEW_ACCOUNT_SERVER, "Connection", profile)
-        self.sat_host.bridge.setParam("Password", password, "Connection", profile)
-        #and the account
-        action_id = self.sat_host.bridge.registerNewAccount(login, password, email, _NEW_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN, 5222)
-        self.sat_host.action_handler.waitForId(self._postAccountCreation, action_id, profile)
-        #time to send the email
-        _email_host = _REG_EMAIL_SERVER
-        _email_from = _REG_EMAIL_FROM
-        def email_ok(ignore):
-            print ("Account creation email sent to %s" % email)
-        def email_ko(ignore):
-            #TODO: return error code to user
-            error ("Failed to send email to %s" % email)
-        body = (u"""Welcome to Libervia, a Salut à Toi project part
-Here are your connection informations:
-login: %(login)s
-password: %(password)s
-Your Jabber ID (JID) is: %(jid)s
-Any feedback welcome
-Goffi""" % { 'login': login, 'password': password, 'jid':"%s@%s" % (login, _NEW_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN) }).encode('utf-8')
-        msg = MIMEText(body, 'plain', 'UTF-8')
-        msg['Subject'] = 'Libervia account created'
-        msg['From'] = _email_from
-        msg['To'] = email
-        d = sendmail(_email_host, _email_from, email, msg.as_string())
-        d.addCallbacks(email_ok, email_ko)
-        #email to the administrator
-        body = (u"""New account created: %(login)s [%(email)s]""" % { 'login': login, 'email': email }).encode('utf-8')
-        msg = MIMEText(body, 'plain', 'UTF-8')
-        msg['Subject'] = 'Libervia new account created'
-        msg['From'] = _email_from
-        msg['To'] = _REG_ADMIN_EMAIL
-        d = sendmail(_email_host, _email_from, _REG_ADMIN_EMAIL, msg.as_string())
-        d.addCallbacks(email_ok, email_ko)
-        return "REGISTRATION"
+        def registered(result):
+            request.write('REGISTRATION')
+            request.finish()
+            #import pudb
+            #pudb.set_trace()
+        def registeringError(failure):
+            reason = str(failure.value)
+            if reason == "CONFLICT":
+                request.write('ALREADY EXISTS')
+            elif reason == "INTERNAL":
+                request.write('INTERNAL')
+            else:
+                #import pdb
+                #pdb.set_trace()
+                error('Unknown registering error: %s' % (reason,))
+                request.write('Unknown error (%s)' % reason)
+            request.finish()
+        d = defer.Deferred()
+        self.sat_host.bridge.registerSatAccount(email, password, profile, lambda: d.callback(None), d.errback)
+        d.addCallback(registered)
+        d.addErrback(registeringError)
+        return server.NOT_DONE_YET
     def __cleanWaiting(self, login):
         """Remove login from waiting queue"""