{% if not embedded %}{% extends 'base/base.html' %}{% endif %} {% macro download_box(url, name, alias, description) %}
{% endmacro %} {% block body_wrapper %} {{ icon_defs('chat', 'lock-filled', 'blog', 'exchange', 'picture', 'calendar', 'clipboard', 'desktop', 'mobile', 'globe', 'terminal', 'shield', 'ok', 'brush', 'unlink', 'heart-filled', 'group', 'box', 'plus-circled') }}{% trans url_open=''|safe,url_close=''|safe %} Libervia is a Libre software, based on well established standards (XMPP), decentralised and federating. It is developed around strong ethical values. Check our {{url_open}}social contract{{url_close}}. {% endtrans %}
{% trans demo_url_open=''|safe, demo_url_close=''|safe -%} A demo server is available for you to try Libervia at {{demo_url_open}}https://www.libervia.org{{demo_url_close}}. {%- endtrans %}
{% trans %}If you are on GNU/Linux the recommended way to install Libervia is to use your distribution official packages. Please check your distribution to see if Libervia is available (and request it if it's not). Libervia is available at least on Arch Linux and Debian and its derivated.{% endtrans %}
{% trans flatpak='Flatpak'|safe %}If Libervia is not available or the version is too old, you can use {{flatpak}} (which may be installed by default on some recent distributions) to install it, see below.{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}If the links above are not working, you can use the following commands (supposing that Flatpak is already installed):{% endtrans %}
flatpak install --user https://salut-a-toi.org/flatpak/org.libervia.LiberviaDesktop_dev.flatpakref
flatpak install --user https://salut-a-toi.org/flatpak/org.libervia.LiberviaTUI_dev.flatpakref
flatpak install --user https://salut-a-toi.org/flatpak/org.libervia.LiberviaCLI_dev.flatpakref
{% trans doc_url_open=''|safe, doc_url_close=''|safe %}If you have some technical ability, you can also install directly from source code, please check {{doc_url_open}}documentation{{doc_url_close}} for details {% endtrans %}
{% trans %}Please note that:{% endtrans %}