1 |
2 local st = require "util.stanza"; |
3 local httpserver = require "net.httpserver"; |
4 local uuid_new = require "util.uuid".generate; |
5 |
6 local os_time = os.time; |
7 |
8 local base_url; |
9 |
10 local pastes = {}; |
11 |
12 local xmlns_xhtmlim = "http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im"; |
13 local xmlns_xhtml = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; |
14 |
15 local function pastebin_message(text) |
16 local uuid = uuid_new(); |
17 pastes[uuid] = { text = text, time = os_time() }; |
18 return base_url..uuid; |
19 end |
20 |
21 function handle_request(method, body, request) |
22 local pasteid = request.url.path:match("[^/]+$"); |
23 if not pasteid or not pastes[pasteid] then |
24 return "Invalid paste id, perhaps it expired?"; |
25 end |
26 |
27 --module:log("debug", "Received request, replying: %s", pastes[pasteid].text); |
28 |
29 return pastes[pasteid].text; |
30 end |
31 |
32 function check_message(data) |
33 local origin, stanza = data.origin, data.stanza; |
34 |
35 local body, bodyindex, htmlindex; |
36 for k,v in ipairs(stanza) do |
37 if v.name == "body" then |
38 body, bodyindex = v, k; |
39 elseif v.name == "html" and v.attr.xmlns == xmlns_xhtml then |
40 htmlindex = k; |
41 end |
42 end |
43 |
44 if not body then return; end |
45 body = body:get_text(); |
46 |
47 module:log("debug", "Body(%s) length: %d", type(body), #(body or "")); |
48 |
49 if body and #body > 500 then |
50 local url = pastebin_message(body); |
51 module:log("debug", "Pasted message as %s", url); |
52 --module:log("debug", " stanza[bodyindex] = %q", tostring( stanza[bodyindex])); |
53 stanza[bodyindex][1] = url; |
54 local html = st.stanza("html", { xmlns = xmlns_xhtmlim }):tag("body", { xmlns = xmlns_xhtml }); |
55 html:tag("p"):text(body:sub(1,150)):up(); |
56 html:tag("a", { href = url }):text("[...]"):up(); |
57 stanza[htmlindex or #stanza+1] = html; |
58 end |
59 end |
60 |
61 module:hook("message/bare", check_message); |
62 |
63 local ports = config.get(module.host, "core", "pastebin_ports") or { 5280 }; |
64 for _, options in ipairs(ports) do |
65 local port, base, ssl, interface = 5280, "pastebin", false, nil; |
66 if type(options) == "number" then |
67 port = options; |
68 elseif type(options) == "table" then |
69 port, base, ssl, interface = options.port or 5280, options.path or "pastebin", options.ssl or false, options.interface; |
70 elseif type(options) == "string" then |
71 base = options; |
72 end |
73 |
74 base_url = base_url or ("http://"..module:get_host()..(port ~= 80 and (":"..port) or "").."/"..base.."/"); |
75 |
76 httpserver.new{ port = port, base = base, handler = handle_request, ssl = ssl } |
77 end |