+ − 1 #summary Redirect long messages to built-in pastebin
+ − 2 #labels Stage-Stable
+ − 3
+ − 4 = Introduction =
+ − 5
+ − 6 Pastebins are used very often in IM , especially in chat rooms . You have a long log or command output which you need to send to someone over IM , and don 't want to fill their message window with it. Put it on a pastebin site, and give them the URL instead, simple.
+ − 7
+ − 8 Not for everyone ... no matter how hard you try , people will be unaware , or not care . They may also be too lazy to visit a pastebin . This is where mod_pastebin comes in !
+ − 9
+ − 10 = Details =
+ − 11
+ − 12 When someone posts to a room a "large" ( the actual limit is configurable ) message , Prosody will intercept the message and convert it to a URL pointing to a built - in pastebin server . The URLs are randomly generated , so they can be considered for most purposes to be private , and cannot be discovered by people who are not in the room .
+ − 13
+ − 14 = Usage =
+ − 15
+ − 16 To set up mod_pastebin for MUC rooms it * must * be explicitly loaded , as in the example below - it won 't work when loaded globally, as that will only load it onto normal virtual hosts.
+ − 17
+ − 18 For example :
+ − 19 {{{
+ − 20 Component "conference.example.com" "muc"
+ − 21 modules_enabled = { "pastebin" }
+ − 22 }}}
+ − 23
+ − 24 Pastes will be available by default at ` http : //< your - prosody > : 5280 / pastebin / ` by default . This can be changed with ` pastebin_ports ` ( see below ), or you can forward another external URL from your web server to Prosody , use ` pastebin_url ` to set that URL .
+ − 25
+ − 26 = Configuration =
+ − 27 || pastebin_ports || List of ports to run the HTTP server on , same format as mod_httpserver 's http_ports||
+ − 28 || pastebin_threshold || Maximum length ( in characters ) of a message that is allowed to skip the pastebin . ( default 500 characters ) ||
+ − 29 || pastebin_line_threshold || The maximum number of lines a message may have before it is sent to the pastebin . ( default 4 lines ) ||
+ − 30 || pastebin_trigger || A string of characters ( e . g . "!paste " ) which if detected at the start of a message , always sends the message to the pastebin , regardless of length . ( default : not set ) ||
+ − 31 || pastebin_url || Base URL to display for pastebin links , must end with / and redirect to Prosody 's built-in HTTP server||
+ − 32 || pastebin_expire_after || Number of hours after which to expire ( remove ) a paste , defaults to 24. Set to 0 to store pastes permanently on disk .||
+ − 33
+ − 34 = Compatibility =
+ − 35 || 0.9 || Works , but pastebin_ports does not exist anymore , see the 0.9 . 0 release notes ||
+ − 36 || 0.8 || Works ||
+ − 37 || 0.7 || Works ||
+ − 38 || 0.6 || Works ||
+ − 39
+ − 40 = Todo =
+ − 41
+ − 42 * Maximum paste length
+ − 43 * Web interface to submit pastes ?