diff mod_sms_clickatell/mod_sms_clickatell.lua @ 346:2e6a74842c00

mod_sms_clickatell: initial import
author Phil Stewart <phil.stewart@lichp.co.uk>
date Thu, 24 Mar 2011 19:49:42 +0000
children cd838419a85d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mod_sms_clickatell/mod_sms_clickatell.lua	Thu Mar 24 19:49:42 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+-- mod_sms_clickatell
+-- A Prosody module for sending SMS text messages from XMPP using the
+-- Clickatell gateway's HTTP API 
+-- Hacked from mod_twitter by Phil Stewart, March 2011. Anything from
+-- mod_twitter copyright The Guy Who Wrote mod_twitter. Everything else
+-- copyright 2011 Phil Stewart. Licensed under the same terms as Prosody
+-- (MIT license, as per below)
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+-- Raise an error if the modules hasn't been loaded as a component in prosody's config
+if module:get_host_type() ~= "component" then
+	error(module.name.." should be loaded as a component, check out http://prosody.im/doc/components", 0);
+local jid_split = require "util.jid".split;
+local st = require "util.stanza";
+local componentmanager = require "core.componentmanager";
+local datamanager = require "util.datamanager";
+local timer = require "util.timer";
+local config_get = require "core.configmanager".get;
+local http = require "net.http";
+local base64 = require "util.encodings".base64;
+local serialize = require "util.serialization".serialize;
+local pairs, ipairs = pairs, ipairs;
+local setmetatable = setmetatable;
+local component_host = module:get_host();
+local component_name = module.name;
+local data_cache = {};
+local clickatell_api_id = module:get_option_string("clickatell_api_id");
+local sms_message_prefix = module:get_option_string("sms_message_prefix") or "";
+local sms_source_number = module:get_option_string("sms_source_number") or "";
+--local users = setmetatable({}, {__mode="k"});
+-- User data is held in smsuser objects
+local smsuser = {};
+smsuser.__index = smsuser;
+-- Users table is used to store user data in the form of smsuser objects.
+-- It is indexed by the base jid of the user, so when a non-extant entry in the
+-- table is referenced, we pass the jid to smsuser:register to load the user
+local users = {};
+setmetatable(users, { __index =	function (table, key)
+					return smsuser:register(key);
+				end });
+-- Create a new smsuser object
+function smsuser:new()
+	newuser = {};
+	setmetatable(newuser, self);
+	return newuser;
+-- Store (save) the user object
+function smsuser:store()
+	datamanager.store(self.jid, component_host, "data", self.data);
+-- For debug
+function smsuser:logjid()
+	module:log("logjid: ", self.jid);
+-- Register a user against the base jid of the client. If a user entry for the
+-- bjid is already stored in the Prosody data manager, retrieve its data
+function smsuser:register(bjid)
+	reguser = smsuser:new();
+	reguser.jid = bjid;
+	reguser.data = datamanager.load(bjid, component_host, "data") or {};
+	return reguser;
+-- Add a roster entry for the user
+-- SMS users must me of the form number@component_host
+function smsuser:roster_add(sms_number)
+	if self.data.roster == nil then
+		self.data.roster = {}
+	end
+	if self.data.roster[sms_number] == nil then
+		self.data.roster[sms_number] = {screen_name=sms_number, subscription=nil};
+	end
+	self:store();
+-- Update the roster entry of sms_number with new screen name
+function smsuser:roster_update_screen_name(sms_number, screen_name)
+	if self.data.roster[sms_number] == nil then
+		smsuser:roster_add(sms_number);
+	end
+	self.data.roster[sms_number].screen_name = screen_name;
+	self:store();
+-- Update the roster entry of sms_number with new subscription detail
+function smsuser:roster_update_subscription(sms_number, subscription)
+	if self.data.roster[sms_number] == nil then
+		smsuser:roster_add(sms_number);
+	end
+	self.data.roster[sms_number].subscription = subscription;
+	self:store();
+-- Delete an entry from the roster
+function smsuser:roster_delete(sms_number)
+	self.data.roster[sms_number] = nil;
+	self:store();
+function smsuser:roster_stanza_args(sms_number)
+	if self.data.roster[sms_number] == nil then
+		return nil
+	end
+	local args = {jid=sms_number.."@"..component_host, name=self.data.roster[sms_number].screen_name}
+	if self.data.roster[sms_number].subscription ~= nil then
+		args.subscription = self.data.roster[sms_number].subscription
+	end
+	return args
+--[[ From mod_twitter, keeping 'cos I might use it later :-)
+function send_stanza(stanza)
+	if stanza ~= nil then
+		core_route_stanza(prosody.hosts[component_host], stanza)
+	end
+function dmsg(jid, msg)
+	module:log("debug", msg or "nil");
+	if jid ~= nil then
+		send_stanza(st.message({to=jid, from=component_host, type='chat'}):tag("body"):text(msg or "nil"):up());
+	end
+function substring(string, start_string, ending_string)
+	local s_value_start, s_value_finish = nil, nil;
+	if start_string ~= nil then
+		_, s_value_start = string:find(start_string);
+		if s_value_start == nil then
+			-- error
+			return nil;
+		end
+	else
+		return nil;
+	end
+	if ending_string ~= nil then
+		_, s_value_finish = string:find(ending_string, s_value_start+1);
+		if s_value_finish == nil then
+			-- error
+			return nil;
+		end
+	else
+		s_value_finish = string:len()+1;
+	end
+	return string:sub(s_value_start+1, s_value_finish-1);
+local http_timeout = 30;
+local http_queue = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" }); -- auto-cleaning nil elements
+data_cache['prosody_os'] = prosody.platform;
+data_cache['prosody_version'] = prosody.version;
+local http_headers = {
+	["user-Agent"] = "Prosody ("..data_cache['prosody_version'].."; "..data_cache['prosody_os']..")" --"ELinks (0.4pre5; Linux 2.4.27 i686; 80x25)",
+function http_action_callback(response, code, request, xcallback)
+	if http_queue == nil or http_queue[request] == nil then return; end
+	local id = http_queue[request];
+	http_queue[request] = nil;
+	if xcallback == nil then
+		dmsg(nil, "http_action_callback reports that xcallback is nil");
+	else
+		xcallback(id, response, request);
+	end
+	return true;
+function http_add_action(tid, url, method, post, fcallback)
+	local request = http.request(url, { headers = http_headers or {}, body = "", method = method or "GET" }, function(response, code, request) http_action_callback(response, code, request, fcallback) end);
+	http_queue[request] = tid;
+	timer.add_task(http_timeout, function() http.destroy_request(request); end);
+	return true;
+-- Clickatell SMS HTTP API interaction function
+function clickatell_send_sms(user, number, message)
+	module.log("info", "Clickatell API interaction function triggered");
+	-- Don't attempt to send an SMS with a null or empty message
+	if message == nil or message == "" then
+		return false;
+	end
+	local sms_message = sms_message_prefix..message;
+	local clickatell_base_url = "https://api.clickatell.com/http/sendmsg";
+	local params = {user=user.data.username, password=user.data.password, api_id=clickatell_api_id, from=sms_source_number, to=number, text=sms_message};
+	local query_string = "";
+	for param, data in pairs(params) do
+		--module:log("info", "Inside query constructor: "..param..data);
+		if query_string ~= "" then
+			query_string = query_string.."&";
+		end
+		query_string = query_string..param.."="..http.urlencode(data);
+	end
+	local url = clickatell_base_url.."?"..query_string;
+	module:log("info", "Clickatell SMS URL: "..url);
+	http_add_action(message, url, "GET", params, nil);
+	return true;
+function iq_success(origin, stanza)
+	local reply = data_cache.success;
+	if reply == nil then
+		reply = st.iq({type='result', from=stanza.attr.to or component_host});
+		data_cache.success = reply;
+	end
+	reply.attr.id = stanza.attr.id;
+	reply.attr.to = stanza.attr.from;
+	origin.send(reply);
+	return true;
+-- XMPP Service Discovery (disco) info callback
+-- When a disco info query comes in, returns the identity and feature
+-- information as per XEP-0030
+function iq_disco_info(stanza)
+	module:log("info", "Disco info triggered");
+	local from = {};
+	from.node, from.host, from.resource = jid_split(stanza.attr.from);
+	local bjid = from.node.."@"..from.host;
+	local reply = data_cache.disco_info;
+	if reply == nil then
+		--reply = st.iq({type='result', from=stanza.attr.to or component_host}):query("http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info");
+		reply = st.reply(stanza):query("http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info");
+		reply:tag("identity", {category='gateway', type='sms', name=component_name}):up();
+		reply:tag("feature", {var="urn:xmpp:receipts"}):up();
+		reply:tag("feature", {var="jabber:iq:register"}):up();
+		reply:tag("feature", {var="http://jabber.org/protocol/rosterx"}):up();
+		--reply = reply:tag("feature", {var="http://jabber.org/protocol/commands"}):up();
+ 		--reply = reply:tag("feature", {var="jabber:iq:time"}):up();
+		--reply = reply:tag("feature", {var="jabber:iq:version"}):up();
+		data_cache.disco_info = reply;
+	end
+	reply.attr.id = stanza.attr.id;
+	reply.attr.to = stanza.attr.from;
+	return reply;
+-- XMPP Service Discovery (disco) items callback
+-- When a disco info query comes in, returns the items
+-- information as per XEP-0030
+-- (Nothing much happening here at the moment)
+function iq_disco_items(stanza)
+	module:log("info", "Disco items triggered");
+	local reply = data_cache.disco_items;
+ 	if reply == nil then
+		reply = st.iq({type='result', from=stanza.attr.to or component_host}):query("http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items")
+			:tag("item", {jid='testuser'..'@'..component_host, name='SMS Test Target'}):up();
+		data_cache.disco_items = reply;
+	end
+	reply.attr.id = stanza.attr.id;
+	reply.attr.to = stanza.attr.from;
+	return reply;
+-- XMPP Register callback
+-- The client must register with the gateway. In this case, the gateway is
+-- Clickatell's http api, so we 
+function iq_register(origin, stanza)
+	module:log("info", "Register event triggered");
+	if stanza.attr.type == "get" then
+		local reply = data_cache.registration_form;
+		if reply == nil then
+			reply = st.iq({type='result', from=stanza.attr.to or component_host})
+					:tag("query", { xmlns="jabber:iq:register" })
+					:tag("instructions"):text("Enter the Clickatell username and password to use with API ID "..clickatell_api_id):up()
+					:tag("username"):up()
+					:tag("password"):up();
+			data_cache.registration_form = reply;
+		end
+		reply.attr.id = stanza.attr.id;
+		reply.attr.to = stanza.attr.from;
+		origin.send(reply);
+	elseif stanza.attr.type == "set" then
+		local from = {};
+		from.node, from.host, from.resource = jid_split(stanza.attr.from);
+		local bjid = from.node.."@"..from.host;
+		local username, password = "", "";
+		local reply;
+		for _, tag in ipairs(stanza.tags[1].tags) do
+			if tag.name == "remove" then
+				iq_success(origin, stanza);
+				return true;
+			end
+			if tag.name == "username" then
+				username = tag[1];
+			end
+			if tag.name == "password" then
+				password = tag[1];
+			end
+		end
+		if username ~= nil and password ~= nil then
+			users[bjid] = smsuser:register(bjid);
+			users[bjid].data.username = username;
+			users[bjid].data.password = password;
+			users[bjid]:store();
+		end
+		iq_success(origin, stanza);
+		return true;
+	end
+-- XMPP Roster callback
+-- When the client requests the roster associated with the gateway, returns
+-- the users accessible via text to the client's roster
+function iq_roster(stanza)
+	module:log("info", "Roster request triggered");
+	local from = {}
+	from.node, from.host, from.resource = jid_split(stanza.attr.from);
+	local from_bjid = nil;
+	if from.node ~= nil and from.host ~= nil then
+		from_bjid = from.node.."@"..from.host;
+	elseif from.host ~= nil then
+		from_bjid = from.host;
+	end
+	local reply = st.iq({type='result', from=stanza.attr.to or component_host}):query("")
+	if users[from_bjid].data.roster ~= nil then
+		for sms_number, sms_data in pairs(users[from_bjid].data.roster) do
+			reply:tag("item", users[from_bjid]:roster_stanza_args(sms_number)):up();
+		end
+	end
+	reply.attr.id = stanza.attr.id;
+	reply.attr.to = stanza.attr.from;
+	return reply;
+-- Roster Exchange: iq variant
+-- Sends sms targets to client's roster
+function iq_roster_push(origin, stanza)
+	module:log("info", "Sending Roster iq");
+	local from = {}
+	from.node, from.host, from.resource = jid_split(stanza.attr.from);
+	local from_bjid = nil;
+	if from.node ~= nil and from.host ~= nil then
+		from_bjid = from.node.."@"..from.host;
+	elseif from.host ~= nil then
+		from_bjid = from.host;
+	end
+	reply = st.iq({to=stanza.attr.from, type='set'});
+	reply:tag("query", {xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"});
+	if users[from_bjid].data.roster ~= nil then
+		for sms_number, sms_data in pairs(users[from_bjid].data.roster) do
+			reply:tag("item", users[from_bjid]:roster_stanza_args(sms_number)):up();
+		end
+	end
+	origin.send(reply);
+-- XMPP Presence handling
+function presence_stanza_handler(origin, stanza)
+	module:log("info", "Presence handler triggered");
+	local to = {};
+	local from = {};
+	local pres = {};
+	to.node, to.host, to.resource = jid_split(stanza.attr.to);
+	from.node, from.host, from.resource = jid_split(stanza.attr.from);
+	pres.type = stanza.attr.type;
+	for _, tag in ipairs(stanza.tags) do pres[tag.name] = tag[1]; end
+	local from_bjid = nil;
+	if from.node ~= nil and from.host ~= nil then
+		from_bjid = from.node.."@"..from.host;
+	elseif from.host ~= nil then
+		from_bjid = from.host;
+	end
+	local to_bjid = nil
+	if to.node ~= nil and to.host ~= nil then
+		to_bjid = to.node.."@"..to.host
+	end
+	if to.node == nil then
+		-- Component presence
+		-- If the client is subscribing, send a 'subscribed' presence
+		if pres.type == 'subscribe' then
+			origin.send(st.presence({to=from_bjid, from=component_host, type='subscribed'}));
+			--origin.send(st.presence{to=from_bjid, type='subscribed'});
+		end
+		-- The component itself is online, so send component's presence
+		origin.send(st.presence({to=from_bjid, from=component_host}));
+		-- Do roster item exchange: send roster items to client
+		iq_roster_push(origin, stanza);
+	else
+		-- SMS user presence
+		if pres.type == 'subscribe' then
+			users[from_bjid]:roster_add(to.node);
+			origin.send(st.presence({to=from_bjid, from=to_bjid, type='subscribed'}));
+		end
+		if pres.type == 'unsubscribe' then
+			users[from_bjid]:roster_update_subscription(to.node, 'none');
+			iq_roster_push(origin, stanza);
+			origin.send(st.presence({to=from_bjid, from=to_bjid, type='unsubscribed'}));
+			users[from_bjid]:roster_delete(to.node)
+		end
+		if users[from_bjid].data.roster[to.node] ~= nil then
+			origin.send(st.presence({to=from_bjid, from=to_bjid}));
+		end
+	end
+	return true;
+--[[ Not using this ATM
+function confirm_message_delivery(event)
+	local reply = st.message({id=event.stanza.attr.id, to=event.stanza.attr.from, from=event.stanza.attr.to or component_host}):tag("received", {xmlns = "urn:xmpp:receipts"});
+	origin.send(reply);
+	return true;
+-- XMPP Message handler - this is the bit that Actually Does Things (TM)
+-- bjid = base JID i.e. without resource identifier
+function message_stanza_handler(origin, stanza)
+	module:log("info", "Message handler triggered");
+	local to = {};
+	local from = {};
+	local msg = {};
+	to.node, to.host, to.resource = jid_split(stanza.attr.to);
+	from.node, from.host, from.resource = jid_split(stanza.attr.from);
+	local bjid = nil;
+	if from.node ~= nil and from.host ~= nil then
+		from_bjid = from.node.."@"..from.host;
+	elseif from.host ~= nil then
+		from_bjid = from.host;
+	end
+	local to_bjid = nil;
+	if to.node ~= nil and to.host ~= nil then
+		to_bjid = to.node.."@"..to.host;
+	elseif to.host ~= nil then
+		to_bjid = to.host;
+	end
+        -- This bit looks like it confirms message receipts to the client
+	for _, tag in ipairs(stanza.tags) do
+		msg[tag.name] = tag[1];
+		if tag.attr.xmlns == "urn:xmpp:receipts" then
+			confirm_message_delivery({origin=origin, stanza=stanza});
+		end
+		-- can handle more xmlns
+	end
+	-- Now parse the message
+	if stanza.attr.to == component_host then
+		-- Messages directly to the component jget echoed
+		origin.send(st.message({to=stanza.attr.from, from=component_host, type='chat'}):tag("body"):text(msg.body):up());
+	elseif users[from_bjid].data.roster[to.node] ~= nil then
+		-- If message contains a body, send message to SMS Test User
+		if msg.body ~= nil then
+			clickatell_send_sms(users[from_bjid], to.node, msg.body);
+		end
+	end
+	return true;
+-- Component event handler
+function sms_event_handler(origin, stanza)
+	module:log("debug", "Received stanza: "..stanza:pretty_print());
+	local to_node, to_host, to_resource = jid_split(stanza.attr.to);
+	-- Handle component internals (stanzas directed to component host, mainly iq stanzas)
+	if to_node == nil then
+		local type = stanza.attr.type;
+		if type == "error" or type == "result" then return; end
+		if stanza.name == "presence" then
+			presence_stanza_handler(origin, stanza);
+		end
+		if stanza.name == "iq" and type == "get" then
+			local xmlns = stanza.tags[1].attr.xmlns
+			if xmlns == "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info" then
+				origin.send(iq_disco_info(stanza));
+				return true;
+			--[[
+			elseif xmlns == "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items" then
+				origin.send(iq_disco_items(stanza));
+				return true;
+			--]]
+			elseif xmlns == "jabber:iq:register" then
+				iq_register(origin, stanza);
+				return true;
+			end
+		elseif stanza.name == "iq" and type == "set" then
+			local xmlns = stanza.tags[1].attr.xmlns
+			if xmlns == "jabber:iq:roster" then
+				origin.send(iq_roster(stanza));
+			elseif xmlns == "jabber:iq:register" then
+				iq_register(origin, stanza);
+				return true;
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- Handle presence (both component and SMS users)
+	if stanza.name == "presence" then
+		presence_stanza_handler(origin, stanza);
+	end
+	-- Handle messages (both component and SMS users)
+	if stanza.name == "message" then
+		message_stanza_handler(origin, stanza);
+	end
+-- Prosody hooks: links our handler functions with the relevant events
+--module:hook("presence/host", presence_stanza_handler);
+--module:hook("message/host", message_stanza_handler);
+--module:hook("iq/host/jabber:iq:register:query", iq_register);
+--module:hook("iq/self/http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info:query", iq_disco_info);
+--module:hook("iq/host/http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items:query", iq_disco_items);
+--module:hook("account-disco-info", iq_disco_info);
+--module:hook("account-disco-items", iq_disco_items);
+module:hook("iq/host", function(data)
+	-- IQ to a local host recieved
+	local origin, stanza = data.origin, data.stanza;
+	if stanza.attr.type == "get" or stanza.attr.type == "set" then
+		return module:fire_event("iq/host/"..stanza.tags[1].attr.xmlns..":"..stanza.tags[1].name, data);
+	else
+		module:fire_event("iq/host/"..stanza.attr.id, data);
+		return true;
+	end
+-- Component registration hooks: these hook in with the Prosody component
+-- manager 
+module.unload = function()
+	componentmanager.deregister_component(component_host);
+component = componentmanager.register_component(component_host, sms_event_handler);