diff mod_muc_log_http/mod_muc_log_http.lua @ 94:941fd7d8b9b2

mod_muc_log: split into mod_muc_log and mod_muc_log_http mod_muc_log: should be enabled per muc component which should log! mod_muc_log_http: handle /me messages, add previous, next day links to day view, add link to speeqe.com to directly join the room, make the window recalculate the content div size, scrollbars are only shown when needed
author Thilo Cestonaro <thilo@cestona.ro>
date Tue, 17 Nov 2009 21:19:17 +0100
children e3c09996cf7b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mod_muc_log_http/mod_muc_log_http.lua	Tue Nov 17 21:19:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2009 Thilo Cestonaro
+-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
+-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.
+local prosody = prosody;
+local tabSort = table.sort;
+local tonumber = _G.tonumber;
+local tostring = _G.tostring;
+local strformat = string.format;
+local splitJid = require "util.jid".split;
+local config_get = require "core.configmanager".get;
+local httpserver = require "net.httpserver";
+local datamanager = require "util.datamanager";
+local data_load, data_getpath = datamanager.load, datamanager.getpath;
+local datastore = "muc_log";
+local muc_hosts = {};
+local config = nil;
+local lom = require "lxp.lom";
+--[[ LuaFileSystem 
+* URL: http://www.keplerproject.org/luafilesystem/index.html
+* Install: luarocks install luafilesystem
+* ]]
+local lfs = require "lfs";
+* Default templates for the html output.
+local html = {};
+html.doc = [[<html>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" >
+	<title>muc_log</title>
+<script type="text/javascript"><!--
+function showHide(name) {
+	var eles = document.getElementsByName(name);
+	for (var i = 0; i < eles.length; i++) {
+		eles[i].style.display = eles[i].style.display != "none" ? "none" : "";
+	}
+<style type="text/css">
+.timestuff {color: #AAAAAA; text-decoration: none;}
+.muc_join {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
+.muc_leave {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
+.muc_statusChange {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
+.muc_title {color: #BBBBBB; font-size: 32px;}
+.muc_titleChange {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
+.muc_kick {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
+.muc_bann {color: #009900; font-style: italic;}
+.muc_msg_nick {color: #0000AA;}
+.muc_msg_me {color: #0000AA;}
+.join_link {font-height: 9px;}
+html.components = {};
+html.components.bit = [[<a href="###COMPONENT###/">###COMPONENT###</a><br />]]
+html.components.body = [[<h2>MUC hosts available on this server:</h2><hr /><p>
+</p><hr />]];
+html.rooms = {};
+html.rooms.bit = [[<a href="###ROOM###/">###ROOM###</a><br />]]
+html.rooms.body = [[<h2>Rooms hosted on MUC host: ###COMPONENT###</h2><hr /><p>
+</p><hr />]];
+html.days = {};
+html.days.bit = [[<a href="###BARE_DAY###/">20###YEAR###/###MONTH###/###DAY###</a><br />]];
+html.days.body = [[<h2>available logged days of room: ###JID###</h2><hr /><p>
+</p><hr />]];
+html.day = {};
+html.day.title = [[Subject: <font class="muc_title">###TITLE###</font>]];
+html.day.time = [[<a name="###TIME###" href="####TIME###" class="timestuff">[###TIME###]</a> ]]; -- the one ####TIME### need to stay! it will evaluate to e.g. #09:10:56 which is an anker then
+html.day.presence = {};
+html.day.presence.join = [[<div name="joinLeave" style="display: ###SHOWHIDE###;">###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_join"> *** ###NICK### joins the room</font><br /></div>]];
+html.day.presence.leave = [[<div name="joinLeave" style="display: ###SHOWHIDE###;">###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_leave"> *** ###NICK### leaves the room</font><br /></div>]];
+html.day.presence.statusText = [[ and his status message is "###STATUS###"]];
+html.day.presence.statusChange = [[<div name="status" style="display: ###SHOWHIDE###;">###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_statusChange"> *** ###NICK### shows now as "###SHOW###"###STATUS_STUFF###</font><br /></div>]];
+html.day.message = [[###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_msg_nick">&lt;###NICK###&gt;</font> ###MSG###<br />]];
+html.day.message_me = [[###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_msg_me">*###NICK### ###MSG###</font><br />]];
+html.day.titleChange = [[###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_titleChange"> *** ###NICK### changed the title to "###TITLE###"</font><br />]];
+html.day.reason = [[, the reason was "###REASON###"]]
+html.day.kick = [[###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_kick"> *** ###VICTIM### got kicked###REASON_STUFF###</font><br />]];
+html.day.bann = [[###TIME_STUFF###<font class="muc_bann"> *** ###VICTIM### got banned###REASON_STUFF###</font><br />]];
+html.day.day_link = [[<a href="../###DAY###/">###TEXT###</a>]]
+html.day.body = [[<h2>Logs of room ###JID### of 20###YEAR###/###MONTH###/###DAY###</h2>
+<font class="join_link"><a href="http://speeqe.com/room/###JID###/" target="_blank">Join room now via speeqe.com!</a></font><br />
+###PREVIOUS_LINK###   ###NEXT_LINK###<br />
+<input type="checkbox" onclick="showHide('joinLeave')" ###JOIN_CHECKED###/>show/hide joins and Leaves</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+<input type="checkbox" onclick="showHide('status')" ###STATUS_CHECKED###/>show/hide status changes</button>
+<hr /><div id="main" style="overflow: auto;">
+</div><hr />
+window.captureEvents(Event.RESIZE | Event.LOAD);
+window.onresize = resize;
+window.onload = resize;
+function resize(e) {
+	var ele = document.getElementById("main");
+	ele.style.height = window.innerHeight - ele.offsetTop - 25;
+local function checkDatastorePathExists(node, host, today, create)
+	create = create or false;
+	local path = data_getpath(node, host, datastore, "dat", true);
+	path = path:gsub("/[^/]*$", "");
+	-- check existance
+	local attributes, err = lfs.attributes(path);
+	if attributes == nil or attributes.mode ~= "directory" then
+		module:log("warn", "muc_log folder isn't a folder: %s", path);
+		return false;
+	end
+	attributes, err = lfs.attributes(path .. "/" .. today);
+	if attributes == nil then
+		if create then
+			return lfs.mkdir(path .. "/" .. today);
+		else
+			return false;
+		end
+	elseif attributes.mode == "directory" then
+		return true;
+	end
+	return false;
+function createDoc(body)
+	if body then
+		return html.doc:gsub("###BODY_STUFF###", body);
+	end
+local function htmlEscape(t)
+	t = t:gsub("<", "&lt;");
+	t = t:gsub(">", "&gt;");
+	t = t:gsub("(http://[%a%d@%.:/&%?=%-_#]+)", [[<a href="%1">%1</a>]]);
+	t = t:gsub("\n", "<br />");
+	return t;
+function splitUrl(url)
+	local tmp = url:sub(string.len("/muc_log/") + 1);
+	local day = nil;
+	local room = nil;
+	local component = nil;
+	local at = nil;
+	local slash = nil;
+	local slash2 = nil;
+	slash = tmp:find("/");
+	if slash then
+	 	component = tmp:sub(1, slash - 1);
+		if tmp:len() > slash then
+			room = tmp:sub(slash + 1);
+			slash = room:find("/");
+			if slash then
+				tmp = room;
+				room = tmp:sub(1, slash - 1);
+				if tmp:len() > slash then
+					day = tmp:sub(slash + 1);
+					slash = day:find("/");
+					if slash then
+						day = day:sub(1, slash - 1);
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	return room, component, day;
+local function generateComponentListSiteContent()
+	local components = "";
+	for component,muc_host in pairs(muc_hosts) do
+		components = components .. html.components.bit:gsub("###COMPONENT###", component);
+	end
+	if components ~= "" then
+		return html.components.body:gsub("###COMPONENTS_STUFF###", components);
+	end
+local function generateRoomListSiteContent(component)
+	local rooms = "";
+	if prosody.hosts[component] and prosody.hosts[component].muc ~= nil then
+		for jid, room in pairs(prosody.hosts[component].muc.rooms) do
+			local node = splitJid(jid);
+			if not room._data.hidden and node then
+				rooms = rooms .. html.rooms.bit:gsub("###ROOM###", node):gsub("###COMPONENT###", component);
+			end
+		end
+		if rooms ~= "" then
+			return html.rooms.body:gsub("###ROOMS_STUFF###", rooms):gsub("###COMPONENT###", component);
+		end
+	end
+local function generateDayListSiteContentByRoom(bareRoomJid)
+	local days = "";
+	local arrDays = {};
+	local tmp;
+	local node, host, resource = splitJid(bareRoomJid);
+	local path = data_getpath(node, host, datastore);
+	local room = nil;
+	local attributes = nil;
+	path = path:gsub("/[^/]*$", "");
+	attributes = lfs.attributes(path);
+	if muc_hosts[host] and prosody.hosts[host] ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bareRoomJid] ~= nil then
+		room = prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bareRoomJid];
+		if room._data.hidden then
+			room = nil
+		end
+	end
+	if attributes ~= nil and room ~= nil then
+		for file in lfs.dir(path) do
+			local year, month, day = file:match("^(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)");
+			if	year ~= nil and month ~= nil and day ~= nil and
+				year ~= ""  and month ~= ""  and day ~= ""
+			then
+					arrDays[#arrDays + 1] = {bare=file, year=year, month=month, day=day};
+			end
+		end
+		tabSort(arrDays, function(a,b) 
+			return a.bare < b.bare;
+		end);
+		for _, date in pairs(arrDays) do
+			tmp = html.days.bit;
+			tmp = tmp:gsub("###ROOM###", node):gsub("###COMPONENT###", host);
+			tmp = tmp:gsub("###BARE_DAY###", date.bare);
+			tmp = tmp:gsub("###YEAR###", date.year):gsub("###MONTH###", date.month):gsub("###DAY###", date.day);
+			days = tmp .. days;
+		end
+	end
+	if days ~= "" then
+		tmp = html.days.body:gsub("###DAYS_STUFF###", days);
+		return tmp:gsub("###JID###", bareRoomJid);
+	end
+local function parseIqStanza(stanza, timeStuff, nick)
+	local text = nil;
+	local victim = nil;
+	if(stanza.attr.type == "set") then
+		for _,tag in ipairs(stanza) do
+			if tag.tag == "query" then
+				for _,item in ipairs(tag) do
+					if item.tag == "item" and item.attr.nick ~= nil and tostring(item.attr.role) == 'none' then
+						victim = item.attr.nick;
+						for _,reason in ipairs(item) do
+							if reason.tag == "reason" then
+								text = reason[1];
+								break;
+							end
+						end
+						break;
+					end 
+				end
+				break;
+			end
+		end
+		if victim ~= nil then
+			if text ~= nil then	
+				text = html.day.reason:gsub("###REASON###", htmlEscape(text));
+			else
+				text = "";
+			end	
+			return html.day.kick:gsub("###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###VICTIM###", victim):gsub("###REASON_STUFF###", text);
+		end
+	end
+	return;
+local function parsePresenceStanza(stanza, timeStuff, nick)
+	local ret = "";
+	local showJoin = "block"
+	if config and not config.showJoin then
+		showJoin = "none";
+	end
+	if stanza.attr.type == nil then
+		local showStatus = "block"
+		if config and not config.showStatus then
+			showStatus = "none";
+		end
+		local show, status = nil, "";
+		local alreadyJoined = false;
+		for _, tag in ipairs(stanza) do
+			if tag.tag == "alreadyJoined" then
+				alreadyJoined = true;
+			elseif tag.tag == "show" then
+				show = tag[1];
+			elseif tag.tag == "status" then
+				status = tag[1];
+			end
+		end
+		if alreadyJoined == true then
+			if show == nil then
+				show = "online";
+			end
+			ret = html.day.presence.statusChange:gsub("###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff);
+			if status ~= "" then
+				status = html.day.presence.statusText:gsub("###STATUS###", htmlEscape(status));
+			end
+			ret = ret:gsub("###SHOW###", show):gsub("###NICK###", nick):gsub("###SHOWHIDE###", showStatus):gsub("###STATUS_STUFF###", status);
+		else
+			ret = html.day.presence.join:gsub("###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###SHOWHIDE###", showJoin):gsub("###NICK###", nick);
+		end
+	elseif stanza.attr.type ~= nil and stanza.attr.type == "unavailable" then
+		ret = html.day.presence.leave:gsub("###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###SHOWHIDE###", showJoin):gsub("###NICK###", nick);
+	end
+	return ret;
+local function parseMessageStanza(stanza, timeStuff, nick)
+	local body, title, ret = nil, nil, "";
+	for _,tag in ipairs(stanza) do
+		if tag.tag == "body" then
+			body = tag[1];
+			if nick ~= nil then
+				break;
+			end
+		elseif tag.tag == "nick" and nick == nil then
+			nick = htmlEscape(tag[1]);
+			if body ~= nil or title ~= nil then
+				break;
+			end
+		elseif tag.tag == "subject" then
+			title = tag[1];
+			if nick ~= nil then
+				break;
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	if nick ~= nil and body ~= nil then
+		body = htmlEscape(body);
+		local me = body:find("^/me");
+		local template = "";
+		if not me then			
+			template = html.day.message;
+		else
+			template = html.day.message_me;
+			body = body:gsub("^/me ", "");
+		end
+		ret = template:gsub("###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###NICK###", nick):gsub("###MSG###", body);
+	elseif nick ~= nil and title ~= nil then
+		title = htmlEscape(title);
+		ret = html.day.titleChange:gsub("###TIME_STUFF###", timeStuff):gsub("###NICK###", nick):gsub("###TITLE###", title);	
+	end
+	return ret;
+local function incrementDay(bare_day)
+	local year, month, day = bare_day:match("^(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)");
+	local leapyear = false;
+	module:log("debug", tostring(day).."/"..tostring(month).."/"..tostring(year))
+	day = tonumber(day);
+	month = tonumber(month);
+	year = tonumber(year);
+	if year%4 == 0 and year%100 == 0 then
+		if year%400 == 0 then
+			leapyear = true;
+		else
+			leapyear = false; -- turn of the century but not a leapyear
+		end
+	elseif year%4 == 0 then
+		leapyear = true;
+	end	
+	if (month == 2 and leapyear and day + 1 > 29) or
+	   (month == 2 and not leapyear and day + 1 > 28) or
+	   (month < 8 and month%2 == 1 and day + 1 > 31) or
+	   (month < 8 and month%2 == 0 and day + 1 > 30) or
+	   (month >= 8 and month%2 == 0 and day + 1 > 31) or
+	   (month >= 8 and month%2 == 1 and day + 1 > 30)
+	then
+		if month + 1 > 12 then
+			year = year + 1;
+		else
+			month = month + 1;
+		end
+	else
+		day = day + 1;
+	end
+	return strformat("%.02d%.02d%.02d", year, month, day);
+local function findNextDay(bareRoomJid, bare_day)
+	local node, host, resource = splitJid(bareRoomJid);
+	local day = incrementDay(bare_day);
+	local max_trys = 7;
+	module:log("debug", day);	
+	while(not checkDatastorePathExists(node, host, day, false)) do
+		max_trys = max_trys - 1;
+		if max_trys == 0 then
+			break;
+		end
+		day = incrementDay(day);
+	end
+	if max_trys == 0 then
+		return nil;
+	else
+		return day;
+	end
+local function decrementDay(bare_day)
+	local year, month, day = bare_day:match("^(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)");
+	module:log("debug", tostring(day).."/"..tostring(month).."/"..tostring(year))
+	day = tonumber(day);
+	month = tonumber(month);
+	year = tonumber(year);
+	if day - 1 == 0 then
+		if month - 1 == 0 then
+			year = year - 1;
+		else
+			month = month - 1;
+		end
+	else
+		day = day - 1;
+	end
+	return strformat("%.02d%.02d%.02d", year, month, day);
+local function findPreviousDay(bareRoomJid, bare_day)
+	local node, host, resource = splitJid(bareRoomJid);
+	local day = decrementDay(bare_day);
+	local max_trys = 7;
+	module:log("debug", day);
+	while(not checkDatastorePathExists(node, host, day, false)) do
+		max_trys = max_trys - 1;
+		if max_trys == 0 then
+			break;
+		end
+		day = decrementDay(day);
+	end
+	if max_trys == 0 then
+		return nil;
+	else
+		return day;
+	end
+local function parseDay(bareRoomJid, roomSubject, bare_day)
+	local ret = "";
+	local year;
+	local month;
+	local day;
+	local tmp;
+	local node, host, resource = splitJid(bareRoomJid);
+	local year, month, day = bare_day:match("^(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)");
+	local previousDay = findPreviousDay(bareRoomJid, bare_day);
+	local nextDay = findNextDay(bareRoomJid, bare_day);
+	if bare_day ~= nil then
+		local data = data_load(node, host, datastore .. "/" .. bare_day);
+		if data ~= nil then
+			for i=1, #data, 1 do
+				local stanza = lom.parse(data[i]);
+				if stanza ~= nil and stanza.attr ~= nil and stanza.attr.time ~= nil then
+					local timeStuff = html.day.time:gsub("###TIME###", stanza.attr.time);
+					if stanza[1] ~= nil then
+						local nick;
+						local tmp;
+						-- grep nick from "from" resource
+						if stanza[1].attr.from ~= nil then -- presence and messages
+							nick = htmlEscape(stanza[1].attr.from:match("/(.+)$"));
+						elseif stanza[1].attr.to ~= nil then -- iq
+							nick = htmlEscape(stanza[1].attr.to:match("/(.+)$"));
+						end
+						if stanza[1].tag == "presence" and nick ~= nil then
+							tmp = parsePresenceStanza(stanza[1], timeStuff, nick);
+						elseif stanza[1].tag == "message" then
+							tmp = parseMessageStanza(stanza[1], timeStuff, nick);
+						elseif stanza[1].tag == "iq" then
+							tmp = parseIqStanza(stanza[1], timeStuff, nick);
+						else
+							module:log("info", "unknown stanza subtag in log found. room: %s; day: %s", bareRoomJid, year .. "/" .. month .. "/" .. day);
+						end
+						if tmp ~= nil then
+							ret = ret .. tmp
+							tmp = nil;
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		if ret ~= "" then
+			if nextDay then
+				nextDay = html.day.day_link:gsub("###DAY###", nextDay):gsub("###TEXT###", "next day &gt;&gt;")
+			end
+			if previousDay then
+				previousDay = html.day.day_link:gsub("###DAY###", previousDay):gsub("###TEXT###", "&lt;&lt; previous day");
+			end
+			tmp = html.day.body:gsub("###DAY_STUFF###", ret):gsub("###JID###", bareRoomJid);
+			tmp = tmp:gsub("###YEAR###", year):gsub("###MONTH###", month):gsub("###DAY###", day);
+			tmp = tmp:gsub("###TITLE_STUFF###", html.day.title:gsub("###TITLE###", roomSubject));
+			tmp = tmp:gsub("###STATUS_CHECKED###", config.showStatus and "checked='checked'" or "");
+			tmp = tmp:gsub("###JOIN_CHECKED###", config.showJoin and "checked='checked'" or "");
+			tmp = tmp:gsub("###NEXT_LINK###", nextDay or "");
+			tmp = tmp:gsub("###PREVIOUS_LINK###", previousDay or "");
+			return tmp;
+		end
+	end
+function handle_request(method, body, request)
+	local node, host, day = splitUrl(request.url.path);
+	if node ~= nil and host ~= nil then
+		local bare = node .. "@" .. host;
+		if prosody.hosts[host] ~= nil and prosody.hosts[host].muc ~= nil then
+			if prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bare] ~= nil then
+				local room = prosody.hosts[host].muc.rooms[bare];
+				if day == nil then
+					return createDoc(generateDayListSiteContentByRoom(bare));
+				else
+					local subject = ""
+					if room._data ~= nil and room._data.subject ~= nil then
+						subject = room._data.subject;
+					end
+					return createDoc(parseDay(bare, subject, day));
+				end
+			else
+				return createDoc(generateRoomListSiteContent(host));
+			end
+		else
+			return createDoc(generateComponentListSiteContent());
+		end
+	elseif host ~= nil then
+		return createDoc(generateRoomListSiteContent(host));
+	else
+		return createDoc(generateComponentListSiteContent());
+	end
+	return;
+function module.load()
+	config = config_get("*", "core", "muc_log_http") or {};
+	if config.showStatus == nil then
+		config.showStatus = true;
+	end
+	if config.showJoin == nil then
+		config.showJoin = true;
+	end
+	httpserver.new_from_config({ config.http_port or true }, handle_request, { base = "muc_log" });
+	for jid, host in pairs(prosody.hosts) do
+		if host.muc then
+			local enabledModules = config_get(jid, "core", "modules_enabled");
+			if enabledModules then
+				for _,mod in ipairs(enabledModules) do
+					if(mod == "muc_log") then
+						module:log("debug", "component: %s", tostring(jid));
+						muc_hosts[jid] = true;
+						break;
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+function module.unload()
+	muc_hosts = nil;
+module:add_event_hook("component-activated", function(component, config)
+	if config.core and config.core.modules_enabled then
+		for _,mod in ipairs(config.core.modules_enabled) do
+			if(mod == "muc_log") then
+				module:log("debug", "component: %s", tostring(component));
+				muc_hosts[component] = true;
+				break;
+			end
+		end
+	end