diff mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65.lua @ 65:a35eb0764ac6

mod_proxy65: tcp connection of initiator and target are established
author Thilo Cestonaro <thilo@cestona.ro>
date Wed, 28 Oct 2009 00:03:28 +0100
parents 853c3c7e9936
children b86ae5e21a56
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65.lua	Mon Oct 26 23:32:53 2009 +0100
+++ b/mod_proxy65/mod_proxy65.lua	Wed Oct 28 00:03:28 2009 +0100
@@ -16,33 +16,177 @@
 local configmanager = require "core.configmanager";
 local config_get = require "core.configmanager".get;
 local connlisteners_register = require "net.connlisteners".register;
+local connlisteners_start = require "net.connlisteners".start;
 local connlisteners_deregister = require "net.connlisteners".deregister;
 local adns, dns = require "net.adns", require "net.dns";
 local add_task = require "util.timer".add_task;
 local max_dns_depth = config.get("*", "core", "dns_max_depth") or 3;
 local dns_timeout = config.get("*", "core", "dns_timeout") or 60;
+local serialize = require "util.serialization".serialize;
+local sha1 = require "util.hashes".sha1;
 local replies_cache = {};
 local _host = module:get_host();
 local _name = "SOCKS5 Bytestreams Service";
-local _config = config_get(_host, "core", "proxy65");
 local connlistener = {registered=false};
+local _config = {};
 local sessions = {};
+local transfers = {};
 local component;
-if _config == nil then
-	_config = {};
+_config.port = config_get(_host, "core", "port");
+_config.interface = config_get(_host, "core", "interface");
 if _config.port == nil then
 	_config.port = 5000;
+local function bin2hex(bin)
+	return bin:gsub(".", function (c) return ("%02x"):format(c:byte()); end)
+function new_session(conn)
+	local w = function(s) conn.write(s:gsub("\n", "\r\n")); end;
+	local session = { conn = conn;
+			send = function (t) w(tostring(t)); end;
+			print = function (t) w("| "..tostring(t).."\n"); end;
+			disconnect = function () conn.close(); end;
+			};
+	return session;
+function connlistener.listener(conn, data)
+	module:log("debug", "listener called....")
+	local session = sessions[conn];
+	if data ~= nil then module:log("debug", bin2hex(data)); end
+	if not session and data ~= nil and data:byte() == string.char(5):byte() and data:len() > 2 then
+		local nmethods = data:sub(2):byte();
+		local methods = data:sub(3);
+		local supported = false;
+		for i=1, nmethods, 1 do
+			if(methods:sub(i):byte() == string.char(0):byte()) then
+				supported = true;
+				break;
+			end
+		end
+		if(supported) then
+			module:log("debug", "new session found ... ")
+			session = new_session(conn);
+			sessions[conn] = session;
+			session.send(string.char(5, 0));
+		end
+	elseif data ~= nil and data:len() > 6 and 
+		data:sub(1):byte() == string.char(5):byte() and -- SOCKS5 has 5 in first byte
+		data:sub(2):byte() == string.char(1):byte() and -- CMD must be 1
+		data:sub(3):byte() == string.char(0):byte() and -- RSV must be 0
+		data:sub(4):byte() == string.char(3):byte() and -- ATYP must be 3		
+		data:sub(-2):byte() == string.char(0):byte() and data:sub(-1):byte() == string.char(0):byte() -- PORT must be 0, size 2 byte		
+	then
+		local sha = data:sub(6, data:len() - 2);
+		module:log("debug", "gotten sha: >%s<", sha);
+		if transfers[sha] == nil then
+			transfers[sha] = {};
+			transfers[sha].target = conn;
+			module:log("debug", "target connected ... ");
+		elseif transfers[sha].target ~= nil then
+			transfers[sha].initiator = conn;
+			module:log("debug", "initiator connected ... ");
+		end
+		session.send(string.char(5, 0, 0, 3, 40) .. sha .. string.char(0, 0)); -- VER, REP, RSV, ATYP, BND.ADDR (sha), BND.PORT (2 Byte)
+	end
+function connlistener.disconnect(conn, err)
+local function get_disco_info(stanza)
+	local reply = replies_cache.disco_info;
+	if reply == nil then
+	 	reply = st.iq({type='result', from=_host}):query("http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info")
+			:tag("identity", {category='proxy', type='bytestreams', name=_name}):up()
+			:tag("feature", {var="http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams"});
+		replies_cache.disco_info = reply;
+	end
+	reply.attr.id = stanza.attr.id;
+	reply.attr.to = stanza.attr.from;
+	return reply;
+local function get_disco_items(stanza)
+	local reply = replies_cache.disco_items;
+	if reply == nil then
+	 	reply = st.iq({type='result', from=_host}):query("http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items");
+		replies_cache.disco_info = reply;
+	end
+	reply.attr.id = stanza.attr.id;
+	reply.attr.to = stanza.attr.from;
+	return reply;
+local function get_stream_host(stanza)
+	local reply = replies_cache.stream_host;
+	local sid = stanza.tags[1].attr.sid;
+	if reply == nil then
+		reply = st.iq({type="result", from=_host})
+			:query("http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams")
+			:tag("streamhost", {jid=_host, host=_config.interface, port=_config.port}); -- TODO get the correct data
+		replies_cache.stream_host = reply;
+	end
+	reply.attr.id = stanza.attr.id;
+	reply.attr.to = stanza.attr.from;
+	reply.tags[1].attr.sid = sid;
+	return reply;
+module.unload = function()
+	component_deregister(_host);
+	connlisteners_deregister("proxy65");
+local function set_activation(stanza)
+	local from = nil;
+	local to = nil;
+	local sid = nil;
+	local reply = nil;
+	if stanza.attr ~= nil then
+		from = stanza.attr.from;
+	end
+	if stanza.tags[1] ~= nil and tostring(stanza.tags[1].name) == "query" then
+		if stanza.tags[1].attr ~= nil then
+			sid = stanza.tags[1].attr.sid;
+		end
+		if stanza.tags[1].tags[1] ~= nil and tostring(stanza.tags[1].tags[1].name) == "activate" then
+			to = stanza.tags[1].tags[1][1];
+		end
+	end
+	if from ~= nil and to ~= nil and sid ~= nil then
+		reply = st.iq({type="result", from=_host});
+		reply.attr.id = stanza.attr.id;
+	end
+	return reply, from, to, sid;
+local function forward(initiator, target)
+	module:log("debug", "forward it ....");
 local function register()
-	connlistener = { default_port = _config.port; default_interface = _config.interface };
+	connlistener.default_port = _config.port;
+	connlistener.default_interface = "*"; 
+	connlistener.default_mode = "*a";
 	connlistener.registered = connlisteners_register('proxy65', connlistener);
 	if(connlistener.registered == false) then
 		error("Proxy65: Could not establish a connection listener. Check your configuration please.");
+		connlistener.handler = connlisteners_start('proxy65');
+		module:log("debug", "Connection listener registered ... ")
 		module:add_item("proxy65", {jid=_host, name=_name})
 		component = component_register(_host, function(origin, stanza)
 			local to_node, to_host, to_resource = jid_split(stanza.attr.to);
@@ -57,10 +201,22 @@
 					elseif xmlns == "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items" then
 						return true;
-					elseif xmlns == "http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams" and stanza.tags[1].attr.sid ~= nil then
+					elseif xmlns == "http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams" then
 						return true;
+				elseif stanza.name == "iq" and type == "set" then
+					local reply, from, to, sid = set_activation(stanza);
+					if reply ~= nil and from ~= nil and to ~= nil and sid ~= nil then
+						module:log("debug", "need to build sha1 of data: from: %s, to: %s, sid: %s", from, to, sid);
+						local sha = sha1(sid .. from .. to, true);
+						module:log("debug", "generated sha: %s", sha);
+						if(transfers[sha] ~= nil and transfers[sha].initiator ~= nil and transfers[sha].target ~= nil) then
+							origin.send(reply);
+							forward(transfers[sha].initiator, transfers[sha].target);
+							transfers[sha] = nil;
+						end
+					end
@@ -115,75 +271,3 @@
 	getDefaultIP(_host); -- try to DNS lookup module:host()
-function new_session(conn)
-	local w = function(s) conn.write(s:gsub("\n", "\r\n")); end;
-	local session = { conn = conn;
-			send = function (t) w(tostring(t)); end;
-			print = function (t) w("| "..tostring(t).."\n"); end;
-			disconnect = function () conn.close(); end;
-			};
-	return session;
-function connlistener.listener(conn, data)
-	local session = sessions[conn];
-	if not session then
-		session = new_session(conn);
-		sessions[conn] = session;
-	end
-	if data then
-	end
-function connlistener.disconnect(conn, err)
-local function get_disco_info(stanza)
-	local reply = replies_cache.disco_info;
-	if reply == nil then
-	 	reply = st.iq({type='result', from=_host}):query("http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info")
-			:tag("identity", {category='proxy', type='bytestreams', name=_name}):up()
-			:tag("feature", {var="http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams"});
-		replies_cache.disco_info = reply;
-	end
-	reply.attr.id = stanza.attr.id;
-	reply.attr.to = stanza.attr.from;
-	return reply;
-local function get_disco_items(stanza)
-	local reply = replies_cache.disco_items;
-	if reply == nil then
-	 	reply = st.iq({type='result', from=_host}):query("http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items");
-		replies_cache.disco_info = reply;
-	end
-	reply.attr.id = stanza.attr.id;
-	reply.attr.to = stanza.attr.from;
-	return reply;
-local function get_stream_host(stanza)
-	local reply = replies_cache.stream_host;
-	if reply == nil then
-		reply = st.iq({type="result", from=_host})
-			:query("http://jabber.org/protocol/bytestreams")
-			:tag("streamhost", {jid=_host, host=_config.interface, port=_config.port}); -- TODO get the correct data
-		replies_cache.stream_host = reply;
-	end
-	reply.attr.id = stanza.attr.id;
-	reply.attr.to = stanza.attr.from;
-	reply.tags[1].attr.sid = stanza.tags[1].attr.sid;
-	return reply;
-module.unload = function()
-	component_deregister(_host);
-	connlisteners_deregister("proxy65");
\ No newline at end of file