view mod_http_dir_listing/http_dir_listing/mod_http_dir_listing.lua @ 4688:05725276fac0

mod_bookmarks2: Use same default as mod_pep for max_items Should fix the issue with max items until the proper "max" can be used, by following the configured max. While "max" is already in trunk, it's not easily usable in 0.11.x This limit and option was added to mod_pep in Prosody rev aefb96a52f5f
author Kim Alvefur <>
date Wed, 15 Sep 2021 17:39:37 +0200
parents 7dbde05b48a9
line wrap: on
line source

-- Prosody IM
-- Copyright (C) 2012 Kim Alvefur
-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.

local server = require"net.http.server";
local lfs = require "lfs";
local stat = lfs.attributes;
local build_path = require"socket.url".build_path;
local base64_encode = require"util.encodings".base64.encode;
local tag = require"util.stanza".stanza;
local template = require"util.template";

local mime = module:shared("/*/http_files/mime");

local function get_resource(resource)
	local fh = assert(module:load_resource(resource));
	local data = fh:read"*a";
	return data;

local dir_index_template = template(get_resource("resources/template.html"));
local style = get_resource("resources/style.css"):gsub("url%((.-)%)", function(url)
	--module:log("debug", "Inlineing %s", url);
	return "url(data:image/png;base64,"..base64_encode(get_resource("resources/"..url))..")";

local function generate_directory_index(path, full_path)
	local filelist = tag("ul", { class = "filelist" } ):text"\n";
	if path ~= "/" then
		filelist:tag("li", { class = "parent directory" })
			:tag("a", { href = "..", rel = "up" }):text("Parent Directory"):up():up():text"\n"
	local mime_map = mime.types;
	for file in lfs.dir(full_path) do
		if file:sub(1,1) ~= "." then
			local attr = stat(full_path..file) or {};
			local path = { file };
			local file_ext = file:match"%.([^.]+)$";
			local type = attr.mode == "file" and file_ext and mime_map and mime_map[file_ext] or nil;
			local class = table.concat({ attr.mode or "unknown", file_ext, type and type:match"^[^/]+" }, " ");
			path.is_directory = attr.mode == "directory";
			filelist:tag("li", { class = class })
				:tag("a", { href = build_path(path), type = type }):text(file):up()
	return "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"..tostring(dir_index_template.apply{
		path = path,
		style = style,
		filelist = filelist,
		footer = "Prosody "..prosody.version,

module:hook_object_event(server, "directory-index", function (event)
	local ok, data = pcall(generate_directory_index, event.path, event.full_path);
	if ok then return data end
	module:log("warn", data);