view mod_http_pep_avatar/mod_http_pep_avatar.lua @ 3693:0fb12a4b6106

auth_token: Various updates, see below. * Defer to usermanager when testing the password * Because of this, don't assume the realm is available when verifying the token * Fix linting errors By using the `usermanager`, other modules can now ask the user manager to verify token credentials.
author JC Brand <>
date Thu, 03 Oct 2019 12:13:44 +0200
parents 00bdecb12779
children 02d238799537
line wrap: on
line source

-- HTTP Access to PEP Avatar
-- By Kim Alvefur <>

local mod_pep = module:depends"pep";

local um = require "core.usermanager";
local nodeprep = require "util.encodings".stringprep.nodeprep;
local base64_decode = require "util.encodings".base64.decode;
local urlencode = require "util.http".urlencode;

module:provides("http", {
	route = {
		["GET /*"] = function (event, user)
			if user == "" then
				return [[<h1>Hello from mod_http_pep_avatar</h1><p>This module provides access to public avatars of local users.</p>]];

			local request, response = event.request, event.response;
			local actor = request.ip;

			local prepped = nodeprep(user);
			if not prepped then return 400; end
			if prepped ~= user then
				response.headers.location = module:http_url() .. "/" .. urlencode(prepped);
				return 302;
			if not um.user_exists(user, then
				return 404;

			local pep_service = mod_pep.get_pep_service(user);

			local ok, avatar_hash, avatar_meta = pep_service:get_last_item("urn:xmpp:avatar:metadata", actor);

			if not ok or not avatar_hash then
				return 404;

			if avatar_hash == request.headers.if_none_match then
				return 304;

			local data_ok, avatar_data = pep_service:get_items("urn:xmpp:avatar:data", actor, avatar_hash);
			if not data_ok or type(avatar_data) ~= "table" or not avatar_data[avatar_hash] then
				return 404;

			response.headers.etag = avatar_hash;

			local info = avatar_meta.tags[1]:get_child("info");
			response.headers.content_type = info and info.attr.type or "application/octet-stream";

			local data = avatar_data[avatar_hash];
			return base64_decode(data.tags[1]:get_text());