view mod_invites_page/mod_invites_page.lua @ 4362:116c88c28532

mod_http_admin_api: restructure group-related info in API - Return the members of the group right in the get_group_by_id call. This is an O(1) of extra work. - Remove the groups attribute from get_user_by_name as that is O(n) of work and rarely immediately needed. The replacement for the group membership information in the user is for now to use the group API and iterate; future work may fix that.
author Jonas Schäfer <>
date Wed, 20 Jan 2021 15:30:29 +0100
parents ca099bd28bf5
children 85c11eb4331b
line wrap: on
line source

local st = require "util.stanza";
local url_escape = require "util.http".urlencode;

local base_url = module.http_url and module:http_url();

local render_html_template = require"util.interpolation".new("%b{}", st.xml_escape, {
	urlescape = url_escape;
	lower = string.lower;
	classname = function (s) return (s:gsub("%W+", "-")); end;
	relurl = function (s)
		if s:match("^%w+://") then
			return s;
		return base_url.."/"..s;
local render_url = require "util.interpolation".new("%b{}", url_escape, {
	urlescape = url_escape;
	noscheme = function (url)
		return (url:gsub("^[^:]+:", ""));


local site_name = module:get_option_string("site_name",;
local site_apps = module:shared("register_apps/apps");

local http_files;

if prosody.shutdown then
	http_files = module:depends("http_files");
local invites = module:depends("invites");

-- Point at eg
-- This URL must always be absolute, as it is shared standalone
local invite_url_template = module:get_option_string("invites_page", base_url and (base_url.."?{invite.token}") or nil);
-- This URL is relative to the invite page, or can be absolute
local register_url_template = module:get_option_string("invites_registration_page", "register?t={invite.token}&c={}");

local function add_landing_url(invite)
	if not invite_url_template then return; end
	-- TODO: we don't currently have a landing page for subscription-only invites,
	-- so the user will only receive a URI. The client should be able to handle this
	-- by automatically falling back to a client-specific landing page, per XEP-0401.
	if not invite.allow_registration then return; end
	invite.landing_page = render_url(invite_url_template, { host =, invite = invite });

module:hook("invite-created", add_landing_url);

local function render_app_urls(apps, invite_vars)
	local rendered_apps = {};
	for _, unrendered_app in ipairs(apps) do
		local app = setmetatable({}, { __index = unrendered_app });
		local template_vars = { app = app, invite = invite_vars, base_url = base_url };
		if app.magic_link_format then
			-- Magic link generally links directly to third-party
			app.proceed_url = render_url(app.magic_link_format or or "#", template_vars);
		elseif app.supports_preauth_uri then
			-- Proceed to a page that guides the user to download, and then
			-- click the URI button
			app.proceed_url = render_url("{base_url!}/setup/{}?{invite.token}", template_vars);
			-- Manual means proceed to web registration, but include app id
			-- so it can show post-registration instructions
			app.proceed_url = render_url(register_url_template, template_vars);
		table.insert(rendered_apps, app);
	return rendered_apps;

function serve_invite_page(event)
	local invite_page_template = assert(module:load_resource("html/invite.html")):read("*a");
	local invalid_invite_page_template = assert(module:load_resource("html/invite_invalid.html")):read("*a");

	event.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=utf-8";

	local invite = invites.get(event.request.url.query);
	if not invite then
		return render_html_template(invalid_invite_page_template, {
			site_name = site_name;
			static = base_url.."/static";

	local template_vars = {
		site_name = site_name;
		token = invite.token;
		uri = invite.uri;
		type = invite.type;
		jid = invite.jid;
		inviter = invite.inviter;
		static = base_url.."/static";
	template_vars.apps = render_app_urls(site_apps, template_vars);

	local invite_page = render_html_template(invite_page_template, template_vars);

	event.response.headers["Link"] = ([[<%s>; rel="alternate"]]):format(template_vars.uri);
	return invite_page;

function serve_setup_page(event, app_id)
	local invite_page_template = assert(module:load_resource("html/client.html")):read("*a");
	local invalid_invite_page_template = assert(module:load_resource("html/invite_invalid.html")):read("*a");

	event.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=utf-8";

	local invite = invites.get(event.request.url.query);
	if not invite then
		return render_html_template(invalid_invite_page_template, {
			site_name = site_name;
			static = base_url.."/static";

	local template_vars = {
		site_name = site_name;
		apps = site_apps;
		token = invite.token;
		uri = invite.uri;
		type = invite.type;
		jid = invite.jid;
		static = base_url.."/static";
	}; = render_app_urls({ site_apps[app_id] }, template_vars)[1];

	local invite_page = render_html_template(invite_page_template, template_vars);
	return invite_page;

local mime_map = {
	png = "image/png";
	svg = "image/svg+xml";
	js  = "application/javascript";

module:provides("http", {
	route = {
		["GET"] = serve_invite_page;
		["GET /setup/*"] = serve_setup_page;
		["GET /static/*"] = http_files and http_files.serve({ path = module:get_directory().."/static", mime_map = mime_map });