Mercurial > prosody-modules
view mod_pastebin/mod_pastebin.lua @ 4931:13070c6a7ce8
mod_http_muc_log: Fix exception on lack of trailing slash in room path
A request to /room leads to the match call returning nil which in turn
calls nodeprep(nil). In Prosody 0.11.x this does nothing and simply
returns the nil, while in 0.12 it is an error.
Now it redirects to the calendar view at /room/ - even for non-existant
Discovered at a deployment with http_paths = { muc_log = "/" } and
requests to /robots.txt and similar, which now result in a uses redirect
before returning 404.
author | Kim Alvefur <> |
date | Fri, 22 Apr 2022 14:29:32 +0200 |
parents | f821eeac0e50 |
children | 8aec430ba205 |
line wrap: on
line source
local st = require "util.stanza"; module:depends("http"); local uuid_new = require "util.uuid".generate; local os_time = os.time; local t_remove = table.remove; local add_task = require "util.timer".add_task; local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare; local function get_room_from_jid() end; local is_component = module:get_host_type() == "component"; if is_component then local mod_muc = module:depends "muc"; local muc_rooms = rawget(mod_muc, "rooms"); get_room_from_jid = rawget(mod_muc, "get_room_from_jid") or function (jid) return muc_rooms[jid]; end end local utf8_pattern = "[\194-\244][\128-\191]*$"; local function drop_invalid_utf8(seq) local start = seq:byte(); module:log("debug", "utf8: %d, %d", start, #seq); if (start <= 223 and #seq < 2) or (start >= 224 and start <= 239 and #seq < 3) or (start >= 240 and start <= 244 and #seq < 4) or (start > 244) then return ""; end return seq; end local function utf8_length(str) local _, count = string.gsub(str, "[^\128-\193]", ""); return count; end local pastebin_private_messages = module:get_option_boolean("pastebin_private_messages", not is_component); local length_threshold = module:get_option_number("pastebin_threshold", 500); local line_threshold = module:get_option_number("pastebin_line_threshold", 4); local max_summary_length = module:get_option_number("pastebin_summary_length", 150); local html_preview = module:get_option_boolean("pastebin_html_preview", true); local base_url = module:get_option_string("pastebin_url", module:http_url()):gsub("/$", "").."/"; -- Seconds a paste should live for in seconds (config is in hours), default 24 hours local expire_after = math.floor(module:get_option_number("pastebin_expire_after", 24) * 3600); local trigger_string = module:get_option_string("pastebin_trigger"); trigger_string = (trigger_string and trigger_string .. " "); local pastes = {}; local xmlns_xhtmlim = ""; local xmlns_xhtml = ""; function pastebin_text(text) local uuid = uuid_new(); pastes[uuid] = { body = text, time = os_time(), }; pastes[#pastes+1] = uuid; if not pastes[2] then -- No other pastes, give the timer a kick add_task(expire_after, expire_pastes); end return base_url..uuid; end function handle_request(event, pasteid) event.response.headers.content_type = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"; if not pasteid then return "Invalid paste id, perhaps it expired?"; end --module:log("debug", "Received request, replying: %s", pastes[pasteid].text); local paste = pastes[pasteid]; if not paste then return "Invalid paste id, perhaps it expired?"; end return paste.body; end local function replace_tag(s, replacement) local once = false; s:maptags(function (tag) if == and tag.attr.xmlns == replacement.attr.xmlns then if not once then once = true; return replacement; else return nil; end end return tag; end); if not once then s:add_child(replacement); end end local line_count_pattern = string.rep("[^\n]*\n", line_threshold + 1):sub(1,-2); function check_message(data) local stanza = data.stanza; -- Only check for MUC presence when loaded on a component. if is_component then local room = get_room_from_jid(jid_bare(; if not room then return; end local nick = room._jid_nick[stanza.attr.from]; if not nick then return; end end local body = stanza:get_child_text("body"); if not body then return; end --module:log("debug", "Body(%s) length: %d", type(body), #(body or "")); if ( #body > length_threshold and utf8_length(body) > length_threshold ) or (trigger_string and body:find(trigger_string, 1, true) == 1) or body:find(line_count_pattern) then if trigger_string and body:sub(1, #trigger_string) == trigger_string then body = body:sub(#trigger_string+1); end local url = pastebin_text(body); module:log("debug", "Pasted message as %s", url); --module:log("debug", " stanza[bodyindex] = %q", tostring( stanza[bodyindex])); local summary = (body:sub(1, max_summary_length):gsub(utf8_pattern, drop_invalid_utf8) or ""):match("[^\n]+") or ""; summary = summary:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$"); local summary_prefixed = summary:match("[,:]$"); replace_tag(stanza, st.stanza("body"):text(summary .. "\n" .. url)); stanza:add_child(st.stanza("query", { xmlns = "jabber:iq:oob" }):tag("url"):text(url)); if html_preview then local line_count = select(2, body:gsub("\n", "%0")) + 1; local link_text = ("[view %spaste (%d line%s)]"):format(summary_prefixed and "" or "rest of ", line_count, line_count == 1 and "" or "s"); local html = st.stanza("html", { xmlns = xmlns_xhtmlim }):tag("body", { xmlns = xmlns_xhtml }); html:tag("p"):text(summary.." "):up(); html:tag("a", { href = url }):text(link_text):up(); replace_tag(stanza, html); end end end module:hook("message/bare", check_message); if pastebin_private_messages then module:hook("message/full", check_message); end module:hook("muc-disco#info", function (event) local reply, form, formdata = event.reply, event.form, event.formdata; reply:tag("feature", { var = "" }):up(); table.insert(form, { name = "{}max_lines", datatype = "xs:integer" }); table.insert(form, { name = "{}max_characters", datatype = "xs:integer" }); formdata["{}max_lines"] = tostring(line_threshold); formdata["{}max_characters"] = tostring(length_threshold); end); function expire_pastes(time) time = time or os_time(); -- COMPAT with 0.5 if pastes[1] then pastes[pastes[1]] = nil; t_remove(pastes, 1); if pastes[1] then return (expire_after - (time - pastes[pastes[1]].time)) + 1; end end end module:provides("http", { route = { ["GET /*"] = handle_request; }; }); local function set_pastes_metatable() -- luacheck: ignore 212/pastes 431/pastes if expire_after == 0 then local dm = require "util.datamanager"; setmetatable(pastes, { __index = function (pastes, id) if type(id) == "string" then return dm.load(id,, "pastebin"); end end; __newindex = function (pastes, id, data) if type(id) == "string" then,, "pastebin", data); end end; }); else setmetatable(pastes, nil); end end module.load = set_pastes_metatable; function return { pastes = pastes }; end function module.restore(data) pastes = data.pastes or pastes; set_pastes_metatable(); end