view mod_muc_notifications/mod_muc_notifications.lua @ 4730:1da4b815d2fe

mod_cloud_notify: Identify (and immediately push) urgent stanzas, e.g. calls This covers the following things: - A session that appears online, but has a broken TCP connection - Clients such as Siskin and Snikket iOS that require a push for calls to work It allows the stanza to be pushed immediately instead of waiting for the session to hibernate or an ack to timeout. It shouldn't break any existing cases.
author Matthew Wild <>
date Wed, 27 Oct 2021 19:12:03 +0100
parents ef752c5115f7
line wrap: on
line source

-- mod_muc_notifications
-- Copyright (C) 2019 Marcos de Vera Piquero <>
-- This file is MIT/X11 licensed.
-- A module to notify non-present members of messages in a group chat

local id = require""
local st = require"util.stanza"

local use_invite = module:get_option_boolean("muc_notification_invite", false)

-- Given a stanza, compute if it qualifies as important (notifiable)
-- return true for message stanzas with non-empty body
-- Should probably use something similar to muc-message-is-historic event
local function is_important(stanza)
	local body = stanza:find("body#")
	return body and #body

local function handle_muc_message(event)
	-- and event.stanza are available
	local room =
	local stanza = event.stanza
	for jid, aff in pairs(room._affiliations) do
		if aff ~= "outcast" then
			local is_occupant = false
			for _, occupant in pairs(room._occupants) do
				if occupant.bare_jid == jid then
					is_occupant = true
			if not is_occupant and is_important(stanza) then
				-- send notification to jid
				local attrs = {
					to = jid,
					id = id.short(),
					from = room.jid,
				local not_attrs = {
					xmlns = "",
					jid = room.jid,
				local reason = "You have messages in group chat "..(room:get_name() or room.jid)
				local notification = st.message(attrs)
					:tag("notification", not_attrs):up()
					:tag("no-store", {xmlns = "urn:xmpp:hints"})
				local invite = st.message(attrs):tag("x", {xmlns = ""})
					:tag("invite", {from = stanza.attr.from})
					:tag("notification", not_attrs):up()
					:tag("no-store", {xmlns = "urn:xmpp:hints"})
				module:log("debug", "notifying with %s", tostring(use_invite and invite or notification))
				module:send(use_invite and invite or notification)
				module:log("debug", "sent notification of MUC message %s", use_invite and invite or notification)

module:hook("muc-broadcast-message", handle_muc_message)

module:log("debug", "Module loaded")