view mod_compact_resource/mod_compact_resource.lua @ 4270:243f7b0dbf35

mod_http_oauth2: Reduce authorization code validity time to 2 minutes RFC 6749 states > A maximum authorization code lifetime of 10 minutes is RECOMMENDED. So 15 minutes was way too long. I was thinking 5 minutes at first but since this should generally be instant, I settled on 2 minutes as a large guesstimate on how slow it might be on slow links.
author Kim Alvefur <>
date Sun, 22 Nov 2020 18:46:25 +0100
parents 6f34e51a23f0
line wrap: on
line source

local base64_encode = require"util.encodings".base64.encode;
local random_bytes = require"util.random".bytes;

local b64url = { ["+"] = "-", ["/"] = "_", ["="] = "" };
local function random_resource()
	return base64_encode(random_bytes(8)):gsub("[+/=]", b64url);

module:hook("pre-resource-bind", function (event)
	event.resource = random_resource();