view mod_sslv3_warn/mod_sslv3_warn.lua @ 4282:281a864e7472

mod_pubsub_feeds: Don't skip publishing items after an existing one I encountered a feed which was backwards, such that older entries were considered first and then it would skip newer entries. This may however run into trouble if the feed contains more items than what's persisted in pubsub.
author Kim Alvefur <>
date Mon, 30 Nov 2020 15:17:29 +0100
parents 37cef218ba20
line wrap: on
line source

local st = require"util.stanza";
local host =;

local warning_message = module:get_option_string("sslv3_warning", "Your connection is encrypted using the SSL 3.0 protocol, which has been demonstrated to be insecure and will be disabled soon.  Please upgrade your client.");

module:hook("resource-bind", function (event)
	local session = event.session;
	module:log("debug", "mod_%s sees that %s logged in",, session.username);

	local ok, protocol = pcall(function(session)
		return session.conn:socket():info"protocol";
	end, session);
	if not ok then
		module:log("debug", protocol);
	elseif protocol == "SSLv3" then
		module:add_timer(15, function ()
			if session.type == "c2s" and session.resource then
				session.send(st.message({ from = host, type = "headline", to = session.full_jid }, warning_message));