view mod_muc_search/mod_muc_search.lua @ 4515:2e33eeafe962

mod_muc_markers: Prevent any markers from reaching the archive, even if untracked Original intention was to leave alone things that this module isn't handling. However markers in archives are just problematic without more advanced logic about what is markable and what is not. It also requires a more advanced query in mod_muc_rai to determine the latest markable message instead of the latest archived message. I'd rather keep the "is archivable" and "is markable" definition the same for simplicity. I don't want to introduce yet another set of rules for no reason. No markers in MAM.
author Matthew Wild <>
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 15:55:02 +0000
parents 5f4bcaad18ee
line wrap: on
line source

-- mod_muc_search
-- Result set management (pagination, limits)
-- Sorting
-- min_users

local dataforms = require "util.dataforms";
local st = require "util.stanza";

local mod_muc = module:depends("muc");
assert(mod_muc.live_rooms, "Missing required MUC API. Prosody >= hg:f5c43e829d93 required");

local search_form = {
		type = "hidden";
		value = "";
		name = "FORM_TYPE";
		type = "text-single";
		label = "Search for";
		name = "q";
		type = "boolean";
		value = true;
		label = "Search in name";
		name = "sinname";
		type = "boolean";
		value = true;
		label = "Search in description";
		name = "sindescription";
		type = "boolean";
		value = true;
		label = "Search in address";
		name = "sinaddr";
		type = "text-single";
		value = "1";
		label = "Minimum number of users";
		name = "min_users";
		options = {
				label = "Number of online users";
				value = "nusers";
				label = "Address";
				value = "address";
		type = "list-single";
		value = "nusers";
		label = "Sort results by";
		name = "key";

module:hook("iq-get/host/", function (event)
	local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza;
		:tag("search", { xmlns = "" })
	return true;

module:hook("iq-set/host/", function (event)
	local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza;
	local search = stanza.tags[1];
	local submitted = search:get_child("x", "jabber:x:data");
	if not submitted then
		origin.send(st.error_reply("modify", "bad-request", "Missing dataform"));
	local query = search_form:data(submitted);
	module:log("debug", "Got query: %q", query);

	local result = st.reply(stanza)
		:tag("result", { xmlns = "" });

	for room in mod_muc.live_rooms() do -- TODO s/live/all/ but preferably along with pagination/rsm
		if room:get_public() and not room:get_members_only() then
			module:log("debug", "Looking at room %s %q", room.jid, room._data);
			if (query.sinname and room:get_name():find(query.q, 1, true))
			or (query.sindescription and (room:get_description() or ""):find(query.q, 1, true))
			or (query.sinaddr and room.jid:find(query.q, 1, true)) then
				result:tag("item", { address = room.jid })
					:text_tag("name", room:get_name())
					:text_tag("description", room:get_description())
					:text_tag("language", room:get_language())
	return true;