view mod_statistics/stats.lib.lua @ 4515:2e33eeafe962

mod_muc_markers: Prevent any markers from reaching the archive, even if untracked Original intention was to leave alone things that this module isn't handling. However markers in archives are just problematic without more advanced logic about what is markable and what is not. It also requires a more advanced query in mod_muc_rai to determine the latest markable message instead of the latest archived message. I'd rather keep the "is archivable" and "is markable" definition the same for simplicity. I don't want to introduce yet another set of rules for no reason. No markers in MAM.
author Matthew Wild <>
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 15:55:02 +0000 (2021-03-22)
parents 063abaab666f
line wrap: on
line source
local it = require "util.iterators";
local log = require "util.logger".init("stats");
local has_pposix, pposix = pcall(require, "util.pposix");
local human;
	local tostring = tostring;
	local s_format = string.format;
	local m_floor = math.floor;
	local m_max = math.max;
	local prefixes = "kMGTPEZY";
	local multiplier = 1024;

	function human(num)
		num = tonumber(num) or 0;
		local m = 0;
		while num >= multiplier and m < #prefixes do
			num = num / multiplier;
			m = m + 1;

		return s_format("%0."..m_max(0,3-#tostring(m_floor(num))).."f%sB",
		num, m > 0 and (prefixes:sub(m,m) .. "i") or "");

local last_cpu_wall, last_cpu_clock;
local get_time = require "socket".gettime;

local active_sessions, active_jids = {}, {};
local c2s_sessions, s2s_sessions;
if prosody and prosody.arg then
	c2s_sessions = module:shared("/*/c2s/sessions");
	s2s_sessions = module:shared("/*/s2s/sessions");

local stats = {
	total_users = {
		get = function () return it.count(it.keys(bare_sessions)); end
	total_c2s = {
		get = function () return it.count(it.keys(full_sessions)); end
	total_s2sin = {
		get = function () local i = 0; for conn,sess in next,s2s_sessions do if sess.direction == "incoming" then i = i + 1 end end return i end
	total_s2sout = {
		get = function () local i = 0; for conn,sess in next,s2s_sessions do if sess.direction == "outgoing" then i = i + 1 end end return i end
	total_s2s = {
		get = function () return it.count(it.keys(s2s_sessions)); end
	total_component = {
		get = function ()
			local count = 0;
			for host, host_session in pairs(hosts) do
				if host_session.type == "component" then
					local c = host_session.modules.component;
					if c and c.connected then -- 0.9 only
						count = count + 1;
			return count;
	up_since = {
		get = function () return prosody.start_time; end;
		tostring = function (up_since)
			return tostring(os.time()-up_since).."s";
	memory_lua = {
		get = function () return math.ceil(collectgarbage("count")*1024); end;
		tostring = human;
	time = {
		tostring = function () return"%T"); end;
	cpu = {
		get = function ()
			local new_wall, new_clock = get_time(), os.clock();
			local pc = 0;
			if last_cpu_wall then
				pc = 100/((new_wall-last_cpu_wall)/(new_clock-last_cpu_clock));
			last_cpu_wall, last_cpu_clock = new_wall, new_clock;
			return math.ceil(pc);
		tostring = "%s%%";

local memory_update_interval = 60;
if prosody and prosody.arg then
	memory_update_interval = module:get_option_number("statistics_meminfo_interval", 60);

if has_pposix and pposix.meminfo then

	local cached_meminfo, last_cache_update;
	local function meminfo()
		if not cached_meminfo or (os.time() - last_cache_update) > memory_update_interval then
			cached_meminfo = pposix.meminfo();
			last_cache_update = os.time();
		return cached_meminfo;

	stats.memory_allocated = {
		get = function () return math.ceil(meminfo().allocated); end;
		tostring = human;
	stats.memory_used = {
		get = function () return math.ceil(meminfo().used); end;
		tostring = human;
	stats.memory_unused = {
		get = function () return math.ceil(meminfo().unused); end;
		tostring = human;
	stats.memory_returnable = {
		get = function () return math.ceil(meminfo().returnable); end;
		tostring = human;

local add_statistics_filter; -- forward decl
if prosody and prosody.arg then -- ensures we aren't in prosodyctl
	setmetatable(active_sessions, {
		__index = function ( t, k )
			local v = {
				bytes_in = 0, bytes_out = 0;
				stanzas_in = {
					message = 0, presence = 0, iq = 0;
				stanzas_out = {
					message = 0, presence = 0, iq = 0;
			rawset(t, k, v);
			return v;
	local filters = require "util.filters";
	local function handle_stanza_in(stanza, session)
		local s = active_sessions[session].stanzas_in;
		local n = s[];
		if n then
			s[] = n + 1;
		return stanza;
	local function handle_stanza_out(stanza, session)
		local s = active_sessions[session].stanzas_out;
		local n = s[];
		if n then
			s[] = n + 1;
		return stanza;
	local function handle_bytes_in(bytes, session)
		local s = active_sessions[session];
		s.bytes_in = s.bytes_in + #bytes;
		return bytes;
	local function handle_bytes_out(bytes, session)
		local s = active_sessions[session];
		s.bytes_out = s.bytes_out + #bytes;
		return bytes;
	function add_statistics_filter(session)
		filters.add_filter(session, "stanzas/in", handle_stanza_in);
		filters.add_filter(session, "stanzas/out", handle_stanza_out);
		filters.add_filter(session, "bytes/in", handle_bytes_in);
		filters.add_filter(session, "bytes/out", handle_bytes_out);

return {
	stats = stats;
	active_sessions = active_sessions;
	filter_hook = add_statistics_filter;