view mod_adhoc_oauth2_client/mod_adhoc_oauth2_client.lua @ 4565:3b2ae854842c

mod_muc_bot: Save occupant to room This has some side-effects: Firstly, the bot shows up in occupant list, which is nice. Secondly, the bot starts receiving messages from the room which might be wanted, but it would be better to join the room for real in this case.
author Kim Alvefur <>
date Sat, 10 Apr 2021 19:23:25 +0200
parents 871d140d61bb
children a9c1cc91d3d6
line wrap: on
line source

local adhoc = require "util.adhoc";
local dataforms = require "util.dataforms";
local errors = require "util.error";
local hashes = require "util.hashes";
local id = require "";
local jid = require "util.jid";
local base64 = require"util.encodings".base64;

local clients = module:open_store("oauth2_clients", "map");

local iteration_count = module:get_option_number("oauth2_client_iteration_count", 10000);
local pepper = module:get_option_string("oauth2_client_pepper", "");

local new_client ={
	title = "Create OAuth2 client";
	{var = "FORM_TYPE"; type = "hidden"; value = "urn:uuid:ff0d55ed-2187-4ee0-820a-ab633a911c14#create"};
	{name = "name"; type = "text-single"; label = "Client name"; required = true};
	{name = "description"; type = "text-multi"; label = "Description"};
	{name = "info_url"; type = "text-single"; label = "Informative URL"; desc = "Link to information about your client"; datatype = "xs:anyURI"};
		name = "redirect_uri";
		type = "text-single";
		label = "Redirection URI";
		desc = "Where to redirect the user after authorizing.";
		datatype = "xs:anyURI";
		required = true;

local client_created ={
	title = "New OAuth2 client created";
	instructions = "Save these details, they will not be shown again";
	{var = "FORM_TYPE"; type = "hidden"; value = "urn:uuid:ff0d55ed-2187-4ee0-820a-ab633a911c14#created"};
	{name = "client_id"; type = "text-single"; label = "Client ID"};
	{name = "client_secret"; type = "text-single"; label = "Client secret"};

local function create_client(client, formerr, data)
	if formerr then
		local errmsg = {"Error in form:"};
		for field, err in pairs(formerr) do table.insert(errmsg, field .. ": " .. err); end
		return {status = "error"; error = {message = table.concat(errmsg, "\n")}};

	local creator = jid.split(data.from);
	local client_uid = id.short();
	local client_id = jid.join(creator,, client_uid);
	local client_secret = id.long();
	local salt = id.medium();
	local i = iteration_count;

	client.secret_hash = base64.encode(hashes.pbkdf2_hmac_sha256(client_secret, salt .. pepper, i));
	client.iteration_count = i;
	client.salt = salt;

	local ok, err = errors.coerce(clients:set(creator, client_uid, client));
	module:log("info", "OAuth2 client %q created by %s", client_id, data.from);
	if not ok then return {status = "canceled"; error = {message = err}}; end

	return {status = "completed"; result = {layout = client_created; values = {client_id = client_id; client_secret = client_secret}}};

local handler = adhoc.new_simple_form(new_client, create_client);

module:provides("adhoc", module:require "adhoc".new(new_client.title, new_client[1].value, handler, "local_user"));

-- TODO list/manage/revoke clients