view mod_register_apps/assets/logos/converse-js.svg @ 4409:44f6537f6427

mod_invites_adhoc: Fail contact invite if user is not on current host Only the username was being used, and the host of the requester ignored. Luckily this only affects admins of the host. If they want to create an account they can use the other command. If they want to create a contact they should request from their account on this host.
author Matthew Wild <>
date Thu, 28 Jan 2021 07:04:11 +0000
parents 2a655577fbcb
line wrap: on
line source

<svg xmlns="" class="converse-svg-logo" viewBox="0 0 364 364"><g data-name="Layer 2" fill="#fff"><g data-name="Layer 7"><path d="M179.9 4.15c-70.975 0-134.962 42.755-162.121 108.326-27.16 65.57-12.142 141.044 38.044 191.23 50.187 50.187 125.66 65.205 191.231 38.045 65.571-27.16 108.326-91.146 108.326-162.121 0-96.915-78.565-175.48-175.48-175.48z" class="cls-4"/><path d="M221.46 103.71c0 18.83-29.36 18.83-29.12 0-.24-18.83 29.12-18.83 29.12 0z" class="cls-3"/></g></g><g data-name="Layer 2"><g data-name="Layer 7"><path class="cls-3" d="M221.46 103.71c0 18.83-29.36 18.83-29.12 0-.24-18.83 29.12-18.83 29.12 0z"/><path class="cls-4" d="M179.9 4.15a175.48 175.48 0 1 0 175.48 175.48A175.48 175.48 0 0 0 179.9 4.15zm-40.79 264.5c-.23-17.82 27.58-17.82 27.58 0s-27.81 17.83-27.58 0zm79.49-100.41a79.65 79.65 0 0 1-13.45 5.76 12.76 12.76 0 0 0-6.29 4.65L167.54 222a1.36 1.36 0 0 1-2.46-.8v-35.8a2.58 2.58 0 0 0-3.06-2.53c-15.43 3-30.23 7.7-42.73 19.94-38.8 38-29.42 105.69 16.09 133.16a162.25 162.25 0 0 1-91.47-67.27C-3.86 182.26 34.5 47.25 138.37 25.66c46.89-9.75 118.25 5.16 123.73 62.83 3.05 32.15-15.54 64.4-43.5 79.75z"/></g></g></svg>