view mod_track_muc_joins/mod_track_muc_joins.lua @ 4738:5aee8d86629a

mod_bookmarks2: Fix handling of nick and password elements This form of child retrieval fails when the stanza elements internally don't have an 'xmlns' attribute, which can happen sometimes for some reason, including when they have been constructed via the stanza builder API. When that is the case then the explicit namespace arguemnt does not match the nil value of the internal attribute. Calling `:get_child()` without the namespace argument does the right thing here, with both nil and the parent namespace as valid values for the internal attribute.
author Kim Alvefur <>
date Wed, 03 Nov 2021 21:11:55 +0100
parents 443d9dae3216
line wrap: on
line source

local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare;
local jid_split = require "util.jid".split;
local sessions = prosody.full_sessions;

module:hook("presence/full", function (event)
	local stanza = event.stanza;
	local session = sessions[];
	if not session then return end;
	if not session.directed then return end -- hasn't sent presence yet
	local log = session.log or module._log;

	local muc_x = stanza:get_child("x", "");
	if not muc_x then return end -- Not MUC related

	local from_jid = stanza.attr.from;
	local room = jid_bare(from_jid);
	local _,_,nick = jid_split(from_jid);
	local joined = stanza.attr.type;
	if joined == nil then
		joined = nick;
	elseif joined == "unavailable" then
		joined = nil;
		-- Ignore errors and whatever

	if joined and not session.directed[from_jid] then
		return; -- Never sent presence there, can't be a MUC join

	-- Check for status code 110, meaning it's their own reflected presence
	for status in muc_x:childtags("status") do
		log("debug", "Status code %d", status.attr.code);
		if status.attr.code == "110" then
			log("debug", "%s room %s", joined and "Joined" or "Left", room);
			local rooms = session.rooms_joined;
			if not rooms then
				if not joined then return; end
				session.rooms_joined = { [room] = joined };
				rooms[room] = joined;
end, 1);