view mod_muc_restrict_rooms/mod_muc_restrict_rooms.lua @ 2491:5fbca7de2088

mod_smacks: Send out more ack requests where needed Under some circumstances it was possible that more than "max_unacked_stanzas" where left in the outgoing stanza queue without forcing an ack. This could happen, when more stanzas entered the queue while the last ack request was still unanswered. Now the test "#queue > max_unacked_stanzas" is done upon receiving an ack as well as when sending out stanzas, which fixes this bug.
author tmolitor <>
date Sun, 12 Feb 2017 19:27:50 +0100
parents 79adec50b24d
line wrap: on
line source

local st = require "util.stanza";
local jid = require "util.jid";
local nodeprep = require "util.encodings".stringprep.nodeprep;

local rooms = module:shared "muc/rooms";
if not rooms then
        module:log("error", "This module only works on MUC components!");

local restrict_patterns = module:get_option("muc_restrict_matching", {});
local restrict_excepts = module:get_option_set("muc_restrict_exceptions", {});
local restrict_allow_admins = module:get_option_boolean("muc_restrict_allow_admins", false);

local function is_restricted(room, who)
	-- If admins can join prohibited rooms, we allow them to
	if restrict_allow_admins and usermanager.is_admin(who, then
		module:log("debug", "Admins are allowed to enter restricted rooms (%s on %s)", who, room)
		return nil;

	-- Don't evaluate exceptions
	if restrict_excepts:contains(room) then
		module:log("debug", "Room %s is amongst restriction exceptions", room())
		return nil;

	-- Evaluate regexps of restricted patterns
        for pattern,reason in pairs(restrict_patterns) do
                if room:match(pattern) then
			module:log("debug", "Room %s is restricted by pattern %s, user %s is not allowed to join (%s)", room, pattern, who, reason)
                        return reason;

	return nil

module:hook("presence/full", function(event)
        local stanza = event.stanza;

        if == "presence" and stanza.attr.type == "unavailable" then   -- Leaving events get discarded

	-- Get the room
	local room = jid.split(;
        if not room then return; end

	-- Get who has tried to join it
	local who = jid.bare(stanza.attr.from)

	-- Checking whether room is restricted
	local check_restricted = is_restricted(room, who)
        if check_restricted ~= nil then
                event.allowed = false;
                event.stanza.attr.type = 'error';
	        return event.origin.send(st.error_reply(event.stanza, "cancel", "forbidden", "You're not allowed to enter this room: " .. check_restricted));
end, 10);