view mod_offline_email/mod_offline_email.lua @ 2491:5fbca7de2088

mod_smacks: Send out more ack requests where needed Under some circumstances it was possible that more than "max_unacked_stanzas" where left in the outgoing stanza queue without forcing an ack. This could happen, when more stanzas entered the queue while the last ack request was still unanswered. Now the test "#queue > max_unacked_stanzas" is done upon receiving an ack as well as when sending out stanzas, which fixes this bug.
author tmolitor <>
date Sun, 12 Feb 2017 19:27:50 +0100
parents f1a0a0754b87
children bd71c97de1d0
line wrap: on
line source

local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare;
local os_time = os.time;
local t_concat = table.concat;
local smtp = require "socket.smtp";

local smtp_server = module:get_option_string("smtp_server", "localhost");
local smtp_user = module:get_option_string("smtp_username");
local smtp_pass = module:get_option_string("smtp_password");

local smtp_address = module:get_option("smtp_from") or ((smtp_user or "xmpp").."@"..(smtp_server or;

local queue_offline_emails = module:get_option("queue_offline_emails");
if queue_offline_emails == true then queue_offline_emails = 300; end

local send_message_as_email;

module:hook("message/offline/handle", function(event)
	local stanza = event.stanza;
	local text = stanza:get_child_text("body");
	if text then
		return send_message_as_email(jid_bare(, jid_bare(stanza.attr.from), text);
end, 1);

function send_message_as_email(address, from_address, message_text, subject)
	module:log("info", "Forwarding offline message to %s via email", address);
	local rcpt = "<"..address..">";

	local mesgt = {
		headers = {
			to = address;
			subject = subject or ("Offline message from "..jid_bare(from_address));
		body = message_text;

	local ok, err = smtp.send{ from = smtp_address, rcpt = rcpt, source = smtp.message(mesgt),
		server = smtp_server, user = smtp_user, password = smtp_pass };

	if not ok then
		module:log("error", "Failed to deliver to %s: %s", tostring(address), tostring(err));
	return true;

if queue_offline_emails then
	local queues = {};
	local real_send_message_as_email = send_message_as_email;
	function send_message_as_email(address, from_address, message_text)
		local pair_key = address.."\0"..from_address;
		local queue = queues[pair_key];
		if not queue then
			queue = { from = smtp_address, to = address, messages = {} };
			queues[pair_key] = queue;

			module:add_timer(queue_offline_emails+5, function ()
				module:log("info", "Checking on %s", from_address);
				local current_time = os_time();
				local diff = current_time - queue.last_message_time;
				if diff > queue_offline_emails then
					module:log("info", "Enough silence, sending...");
					real_send_message_as_email(address, from_address, t_concat(queue.messages, "\n"), "You have "..#queue.messages.." offline message"..(#queue.messages == 1 and "" or "s").." from "..from_address)
					module:log("info", "Next check in %d", queue_offline_emails - diff + 5);
					return queue_offline_emails - diff + 5;

		queue.last_message_time = os_time();

		local messages = queue.messages;
		messages[#messages+1] = message_text;
		return true;