view mod_http_authentication/mod_http_authentication.lua @ 3404:6444fb5dbb51

mod_xhtmlim: Turn unknown elements into <span> In HTML, you're supposed to replace unknown tags with their content. The :maptags API can't replace tags with text, but replacing with <span> should close enough.
author Kim Alvefur <>
date Thu, 13 Dec 2018 14:32:17 +0100
parents c6e86b74f62e
children 05725785e3a6
line wrap: on
line source


local b64_decode = require "util.encodings".base64.decode;
local server = require "net.http.server";

local credentials = module:get_option_string("http_credentials", "username:secretpassword");
local unauthed_endpoints = module:get_option_set("unauthenticated_http_endpoints", { "/http-bind", "/http-bind/" })._items;

module:wrap_object_event(server._events, false, function (handlers, event_name, event_data)
	local request = event_data.request;
	if request and not unauthed_endpoints[request.path] then
		local response = event_data.response;
		local headers = request.headers;
		if not headers.authorization then
			response.headers.www_authenticate = ("Basic realm=%q"):format("/";
			return 401;
		local user_password = b64_decode(headers.authorization:match("%s(%S*)$"));
		if user_password ~= credentials then
			return 401;
	return handlers(event_name, event_data);