Mercurial > prosody-modules
view mod_pastebin/mod_pastebin.lua @ 5564:731ba9400c10
mod_muc_limits: Raise cost for multi-line messages
author | Kim Alvefur <> |
date | Sat, 24 Jun 2023 23:51:31 +0200 |
parents | f821eeac0e50 |
children | 8aec430ba205 |
line wrap: on
line source
local st = require "util.stanza"; module:depends("http"); local uuid_new = require "util.uuid".generate; local os_time = os.time; local t_remove = table.remove; local add_task = require "util.timer".add_task; local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare; local function get_room_from_jid() end; local is_component = module:get_host_type() == "component"; if is_component then local mod_muc = module:depends "muc"; local muc_rooms = rawget(mod_muc, "rooms"); get_room_from_jid = rawget(mod_muc, "get_room_from_jid") or function (jid) return muc_rooms[jid]; end end local utf8_pattern = "[\194-\244][\128-\191]*$"; local function drop_invalid_utf8(seq) local start = seq:byte(); module:log("debug", "utf8: %d, %d", start, #seq); if (start <= 223 and #seq < 2) or (start >= 224 and start <= 239 and #seq < 3) or (start >= 240 and start <= 244 and #seq < 4) or (start > 244) then return ""; end return seq; end local function utf8_length(str) local _, count = string.gsub(str, "[^\128-\193]", ""); return count; end local pastebin_private_messages = module:get_option_boolean("pastebin_private_messages", not is_component); local length_threshold = module:get_option_number("pastebin_threshold", 500); local line_threshold = module:get_option_number("pastebin_line_threshold", 4); local max_summary_length = module:get_option_number("pastebin_summary_length", 150); local html_preview = module:get_option_boolean("pastebin_html_preview", true); local base_url = module:get_option_string("pastebin_url", module:http_url()):gsub("/$", "").."/"; -- Seconds a paste should live for in seconds (config is in hours), default 24 hours local expire_after = math.floor(module:get_option_number("pastebin_expire_after", 24) * 3600); local trigger_string = module:get_option_string("pastebin_trigger"); trigger_string = (trigger_string and trigger_string .. " "); local pastes = {}; local xmlns_xhtmlim = ""; local xmlns_xhtml = ""; function pastebin_text(text) local uuid = uuid_new(); pastes[uuid] = { body = text, time = os_time(), }; pastes[#pastes+1] = uuid; if not pastes[2] then -- No other pastes, give the timer a kick add_task(expire_after, expire_pastes); end return base_url..uuid; end function handle_request(event, pasteid) event.response.headers.content_type = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"; if not pasteid then return "Invalid paste id, perhaps it expired?"; end --module:log("debug", "Received request, replying: %s", pastes[pasteid].text); local paste = pastes[pasteid]; if not paste then return "Invalid paste id, perhaps it expired?"; end return paste.body; end local function replace_tag(s, replacement) local once = false; s:maptags(function (tag) if == and tag.attr.xmlns == replacement.attr.xmlns then if not once then once = true; return replacement; else return nil; end end return tag; end); if not once then s:add_child(replacement); end end local line_count_pattern = string.rep("[^\n]*\n", line_threshold + 1):sub(1,-2); function check_message(data) local stanza = data.stanza; -- Only check for MUC presence when loaded on a component. if is_component then local room = get_room_from_jid(jid_bare(; if not room then return; end local nick = room._jid_nick[stanza.attr.from]; if not nick then return; end end local body = stanza:get_child_text("body"); if not body then return; end --module:log("debug", "Body(%s) length: %d", type(body), #(body or "")); if ( #body > length_threshold and utf8_length(body) > length_threshold ) or (trigger_string and body:find(trigger_string, 1, true) == 1) or body:find(line_count_pattern) then if trigger_string and body:sub(1, #trigger_string) == trigger_string then body = body:sub(#trigger_string+1); end local url = pastebin_text(body); module:log("debug", "Pasted message as %s", url); --module:log("debug", " stanza[bodyindex] = %q", tostring( stanza[bodyindex])); local summary = (body:sub(1, max_summary_length):gsub(utf8_pattern, drop_invalid_utf8) or ""):match("[^\n]+") or ""; summary = summary:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$"); local summary_prefixed = summary:match("[,:]$"); replace_tag(stanza, st.stanza("body"):text(summary .. "\n" .. url)); stanza:add_child(st.stanza("query", { xmlns = "jabber:iq:oob" }):tag("url"):text(url)); if html_preview then local line_count = select(2, body:gsub("\n", "%0")) + 1; local link_text = ("[view %spaste (%d line%s)]"):format(summary_prefixed and "" or "rest of ", line_count, line_count == 1 and "" or "s"); local html = st.stanza("html", { xmlns = xmlns_xhtmlim }):tag("body", { xmlns = xmlns_xhtml }); html:tag("p"):text(summary.." "):up(); html:tag("a", { href = url }):text(link_text):up(); replace_tag(stanza, html); end end end module:hook("message/bare", check_message); if pastebin_private_messages then module:hook("message/full", check_message); end module:hook("muc-disco#info", function (event) local reply, form, formdata = event.reply, event.form, event.formdata; reply:tag("feature", { var = "" }):up(); table.insert(form, { name = "{}max_lines", datatype = "xs:integer" }); table.insert(form, { name = "{}max_characters", datatype = "xs:integer" }); formdata["{}max_lines"] = tostring(line_threshold); formdata["{}max_characters"] = tostring(length_threshold); end); function expire_pastes(time) time = time or os_time(); -- COMPAT with 0.5 if pastes[1] then pastes[pastes[1]] = nil; t_remove(pastes, 1); if pastes[1] then return (expire_after - (time - pastes[pastes[1]].time)) + 1; end end end module:provides("http", { route = { ["GET /*"] = handle_request; }; }); local function set_pastes_metatable() -- luacheck: ignore 212/pastes 431/pastes if expire_after == 0 then local dm = require "util.datamanager"; setmetatable(pastes, { __index = function (pastes, id) if type(id) == "string" then return dm.load(id,, "pastebin"); end end; __newindex = function (pastes, id, data) if type(id) == "string" then,, "pastebin", data); end end; }); else setmetatable(pastes, nil); end end module.load = set_pastes_metatable; function return { pastes = pastes }; end function module.restore(data) pastes = data.pastes or pastes; set_pastes_metatable(); end