Mercurial > prosody-modules
view mod_http_upload/mod_http_upload.lua @ 3532:85c357b69eec
mod_csi_muc_priorities: Reduce importance of group chat messages
This helps if you are in more noisy public channels than small private
group chats.
The short term plan is to give users the ability to set MUC JIDs as
either high or low priority and use that. Long term it would be great to
be able to automatically classify MUCs as public channels vs private
group chats.
author | Kim Alvefur <> |
date | Mon, 01 Apr 2019 00:15:13 +0200 |
parents | a5a50cd34386 |
children | b059a3fb2a58 |
line wrap: on
line source
-- mod_http_upload -- -- Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Kim Alvefur -- -- This file is MIT/X11 licensed. -- -- Implementation of HTTP Upload file transfer mechanism used by Conversations -- -- imports local st = require"util.stanza"; local lfs = require"lfs"; local url = require "socket.url"; local dataform = require "util.dataforms".new; local datamanager = require "util.datamanager"; local array = require "util.array"; local t_concat = table.concat; local t_insert = table.insert; local s_upper = string.upper; local have_id, id = pcall(require, ""); -- Only available in 0.10+ local uuid = require"util.uuid".generate; if have_id then uuid = id.medium; end local function join_path(...) -- COMPAT util.path was added in 0.10 return table.concat({ ... }, package.config:sub(1,1)); end -- config local file_size_limit = module:get_option_number( .. "_file_size_limit", 1024 * 1024); -- 1 MB local quota = module:get_option_number( .. "_quota"); local max_age = module:get_option_number( .. "_expire_after"); --- sanity local parser_body_limit = module:context("*"):get_option_number("http_max_content_size", 10*1024*1024); if file_size_limit > parser_body_limit then module:log("warn", "%s_file_size_limit exceeds HTTP parser limit on body size, capping file size to %d B",, parser_body_limit); file_size_limit = parser_body_limit; end -- depends module:depends("http"); module:depends("disco"); local http_files = module:depends("http_files"); -- namespaces local namespace = "urn:xmpp:http:upload:0"; local legacy_namespace = "urn:xmpp:http:upload"; -- identity and feature advertising module:add_identity("store", "file", module:get_option_string("name", "HTTP File Upload")); module:add_feature(namespace); module:add_feature(legacy_namespace); module:add_extension(dataform { { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = namespace }, { name = "max-file-size", type = "text-single" }, }:form({ ["max-file-size"] = tostring(file_size_limit) }, "result")); module:add_extension(dataform { { name = "FORM_TYPE", type = "hidden", value = legacy_namespace }, { name = "max-file-size", type = "text-single" }, }:form({ ["max-file-size"] = tostring(file_size_limit) }, "result")); -- state local pending_slots = module:shared("upload_slots"); local storage_path = module:get_option_string( .. "_path", join_path(,; lfs.mkdir(storage_path); local function expire(username, host) if not max_age then return true; end local uploads, err = datamanager.list_load(username, host,; if not uploads then return true; end uploads = array(uploads); local expiry = os.time() - max_age; local upload_window = os.time() - 900; uploads:filter(function (item) local filename = item.filename; if item.dir then filename = join_path(storage_path, item.dir, item.filename); end if item.time < expiry then local deleted, whynot = os.remove(filename); if not deleted then module:log("warn", "Could not delete expired upload %s: %s", filename, whynot or "delete failed"); end os.remove(filename:match("^(.*)[/\\]")); return false; elseif item.time < upload_window and not lfs.attributes(filename) then return false; -- File was not uploaded or has been deleted since end return true; end); return datamanager.list_store(username, host,, uploads); end local function check_quota(username, host, does_it_fit) if not quota then return true; end local uploads, err = datamanager.list_load(username, host,; if not uploads then return true; end local sum = does_it_fit or 0; for _, item in ipairs(uploads) do sum = sum + item.size; end return sum < quota; end local measure_slot = function () end if module.measure then -- COMPAT 0.9 -- module:measure was added in 0.10 measure_slot = module:measure("slot", "sizes"); end local function handle_request(origin, stanza, xmlns, filename, filesize) local username, host = origin.username,; -- local clients only if origin.type ~= "c2s" then module:log("debug", "Request for upload slot from a %s", origin.type); return nil, st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "not-authorized"); end -- validate if not filename or filename:find("/") then module:log("debug", "Filename %q not allowed", filename or ""); return nil, st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", "Invalid filename"); end expire(username, host); if not filesize then module:log("debug", "Missing file size"); return nil, st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", "Missing or invalid file size"); elseif filesize > file_size_limit then module:log("debug", "File too large (%d > %d)", filesize, file_size_limit); return nil, st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "not-acceptable", "File too large") :tag("file-too-large", {xmlns=xmlns}) :tag("max-file-size"):text(tostring(file_size_limit)); elseif not check_quota(username, host, filesize) then module:log("debug", "Upload of %dB by %s would exceed quota", filesize, origin.full_jid); return nil, st.error_reply(stanza, "wait", "resource-constraint", "Quota reached"); end local random_dir = uuid(); local created, err = lfs.mkdir(join_path(storage_path, random_dir)); if not created then module:log("error", "Could not create directory for slot: %s", err); return nil, st.error_reply(stanza, "wait", "internal-server-error"); end local ok = datamanager.list_append(username, host,, { filename = filename, dir = random_dir, size = filesize, time = os.time() }); if not ok then return nil, st.error_reply(stanza, "wait", "internal-server-error"); end local slot = random_dir.."/"..filename; pending_slots[slot] = origin.full_jid; module:add_timer(900, function() pending_slots[slot] = nil; end); measure_slot(filesize); origin.log("debug", "Given upload slot %q", slot); local base_url = module:http_url(); local slot_url = url.parse(base_url); slot_url.path = url.parse_path(slot_url.path or "/"); t_insert(slot_url.path, random_dir); t_insert(slot_url.path, filename); slot_url.path.is_directory = false; slot_url.path = url.build_path(slot_url.path); slot_url =; return slot_url; end -- hooks module:hook("iq/host/"..namespace..":request", function (event) local stanza, origin = event.stanza, event.origin; local request = stanza.tags[1]; local filename = request.attr.filename; local filesize = tonumber(request.attr.size); local slot_url, err = handle_request(origin, stanza, namespace, filename, filesize); if not slot_url then origin.send(err); return true; end local reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("slot", { xmlns = namespace }) :tag("get", { url = slot_url }):up() :tag("put", { url = slot_url }):up() :up(); origin.send(reply); return true; end); module:hook("iq/host/"..legacy_namespace..":request", function (event) local stanza, origin = event.stanza, event.origin; local request = stanza.tags[1]; local filename = request:get_child_text("filename"); local filesize = tonumber(request:get_child_text("size")); local slot_url, err = handle_request(origin, stanza, legacy_namespace, filename, filesize); if not slot_url then origin.send(err); return true; end local reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("slot", { xmlns = legacy_namespace }) :tag("get"):text(slot_url):up() :tag("put"):text(slot_url):up() :up(); origin.send(reply); return true; end); local measure_upload = function () end if module.measure then -- COMPAT 0.9 -- module:measure was added in 0.10 measure_upload = module:measure("upload", "sizes"); end -- http service local function set_cross_domain_headers(response) local headers = response.headers; headers.access_control_allow_methods = "GET, PUT, OPTIONS"; headers.access_control_allow_headers = "Content-Type"; headers.access_control_max_age = "7200"; headers.access_control_allow_origin = response.request.headers.origin or "*"; return response; end local function upload_data(event, path) set_cross_domain_headers(event.response); local uploader = pending_slots[path]; if not uploader then module:log("warn", "Attempt to upload to unknown slot %q", path); return; -- 404 end local random_dir, filename = path:match("^([^/]+)/([^/]+)$"); if not random_dir then module:log("warn", "Invalid file path %q", path); return 400; end if #event.request.body > file_size_limit then module:log("warn", "Uploaded file too large %d bytes", #event.request.body); return 400; end pending_slots[path] = nil; local full_filename = join_path(storage_path, random_dir, filename); if lfs.attributes(full_filename) then module:log("warn", "File %s exists already, not replacing it", full_filename); return 409; end local fh, ferr =, "w"); if not fh then module:log("error", "Could not open file %s for upload: %s", full_filename, ferr); return 500; end local ok, err = fh:write(event.request.body); if not ok then module:log("error", "Could not write to file %s for upload: %s", full_filename, err); os.remove(full_filename); return 500; end ok, err = fh:close(); if not ok then module:log("error", "Could not write to file %s for upload: %s", full_filename, err); os.remove(full_filename); return 500; end measure_upload(#event.request.body); module:log("info", "File uploaded by %s to slot %s", uploader, random_dir); return 201; end -- FIXME Duplicated from net.http.server local codes = require ""; local headerfix = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, k) local v = "\r\n"..k:gsub("_", "-"):gsub("%f[%w].", s_upper)..": "; t[k] = v; return v; end }); local function send_response_sans_body(response, body) if response.finished then return; end response.finished = true; response.conn._http_open_response = nil; local status_line = "HTTP/"..response.request.httpversion.." "..(response.status or codes[response.status_code]); local headers = response.headers; if type(body) == "string" then headers.content_length = #body; elseif io.type(body) == "file" then headers.content_length = body:seek("end"); body:close(); end local output = { status_line }; for k,v in pairs(headers) do t_insert(output, headerfix[k]..v); end t_insert(output, "\r\n\r\n"); -- Here we *don't* add the body to the output response.conn:write(t_concat(output)); if response.on_destroy then response:on_destroy(); response.on_destroy = nil; end if response.persistent then response:finish_cb(); else response.conn:close(); end end local serve_uploaded_files = http_files.serve(storage_path); local function serve_head(event, path) set_cross_domain_headers(event.response); event.response.send = send_response_sans_body; event.response.send_file = send_response_sans_body; return serve_uploaded_files(event, path); end local function serve_hello(event) event.response.headers.content_type = "text/html;charset=utf-8" return "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<h1>Hello from mod_"" on ""!</h1>\n"; end module:provides("http", { route = { ["GET"] = serve_hello; ["GET /"] = serve_hello; ["GET /*"] = serve_uploaded_files; ["HEAD /*"] = serve_head; ["PUT /*"] = upload_data; ["OPTIONS /*"] = function (event) set_cross_domain_headers(event.response); return ""; end; }; }); module:log("info", "URL: <%s>; Storage path: %s", module:http_url(), storage_path); function module.command(args) datamanager = require "core.storagemanager".olddm; -- luacheck: ignore 421/user if args[1] == "expire" then local split = require "util.jid".prepped_split; for i = 2, #args do local user, host = split(args[i]); if user then assert(expire(user, host)); else for user in assert(datamanager.users(host,, "list")) do expire(user, host); end end end end end