Mercurial > prosody-modules
view mod_http_oauth2/mod_http_oauth2.lua @ 5434:92ad8f03f225
mod_auth_oauth_external: Work without token validation endpoint
In this mode, only PLAIN is possible and the provided username is
assumed to be the XMPP localpart.
author | Kim Alvefur <> |
date | Mon, 08 May 2023 20:01:34 +0200 |
parents | 0bbeee8ba8b5 |
children | 74fdf4a7cca1 |
line wrap: on
line source
local hashes = require "util.hashes"; local cache = require "util.cache"; local http = require "util.http"; local jid = require "util.jid"; local json = require "util.json"; local usermanager = require "core.usermanager"; local errors = require "util.error"; local url = require "socket.url"; local id = require ""; local encodings = require "util.encodings"; local base64 = encodings.base64; local random = require "util.random"; local schema = require "util.jsonschema"; local set = require "util.set"; local jwt = require"util.jwt"; local it = require "util.iterators"; local array = require "util.array"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local function b64url(s) return (base64.encode(s):gsub("[+/=]", { ["+"] = "-", ["/"] = "_", ["="] = "" })) end local function tmap(t) return function(k) return t[k]; end end local function read_file(base_path, fn, required) local f, err = .. "/" .. fn); if not f then module:log(required and "error" or "debug", "Unable to load template file: %s", err); if required then return error("Failed to load templates"); end return nil; end local data = assert(f:read("*a")); assert(f:close()); return data; end local template_path = module:get_option_path("oauth2_template_path", "html"); local templates = { login = read_file(template_path, "login.html", true); consent = read_file(template_path, "consent.html", true); error = read_file(template_path, "error.html", true); css = read_file(template_path, "style.css"); js = read_file(template_path, "script.js"); }; local site_name = module:get_option_string("site_name",; local _render_html = require"util.interpolation".new("%b{}", st.xml_escape); local function render_page(template, data, sensitive) data = data or {}; data.site_name = site_name; local resp = { status_code = 200; headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; ["Content-Security-Policy"] = "default-src 'self'"; ["X-Frame-Options"] = "DENY"; ["Cache-Control"] = (sensitive and "no-store" or "no-cache")..", private"; }; body = _render_html(template, data); }; return resp; end local tokens = module:depends("tokenauth"); local default_access_ttl = module:get_option_number("oauth2_access_token_ttl", 86400); local default_refresh_ttl = module:get_option_number("oauth2_refresh_token_ttl", nil); -- Used to derive client_secret from client_id, set to enable stateless dynamic registration. local registration_key = module:get_option_string("oauth2_registration_key"); local registration_algo = module:get_option_string("oauth2_registration_algorithm", "HS256"); local registration_ttl = module:get_option("oauth2_registration_ttl", nil); local registration_options = module:get_option("oauth2_registration_options", { default_ttl = registration_ttl; accept_expired = not registration_ttl }); local pkce_required = module:get_option_boolean("oauth2_require_code_challenge", false); local verification_key; local jwt_sign, jwt_verify; if registration_key then -- Tie it to the host if global verification_key = hashes.hmac_sha256(registration_key,; jwt_sign, jwt_verify = jwt.init(registration_algo, registration_key, registration_key, registration_options); end local function parse_scopes(scope_string) return array(scope_string:gmatch("%S+")); end local openid_claims ={ "openid", "profile"; "email"; "address"; "phone" }); local function split_scopes(scope_list) local claims, roles, unknown = array(), array(), array(); local all_roles = usermanager.get_all_roles(; for _, scope in ipairs(scope_list) do if openid_claims:contains(scope) then claims:push(scope); elseif all_roles[scope] then roles:push(scope); else unknown:push(scope); end end return claims, roles, unknown; end local function can_assume_role(username, requested_role) return usermanager.user_can_assume_role(username,, requested_role); end local function role_assumable_by(username) return function(role) return can_assume_role(username, role); end end local function user_assumable_roles(username, requested_roles) return array.filter(requested_roles, role_assumable_by(username)); end local function filter_scopes(username, requested_scope_string) local requested_scopes, requested_roles = split_scopes(parse_scopes(requested_scope_string or "")); local granted_roles = user_assumable_roles(username, requested_roles); local granted_scopes = requested_scopes + granted_roles; local selected_role = granted_roles[1]; return granted_scopes:concat(" "), selected_role; end local function code_expires_in(code) --> number, seconds until code expires return os.difftime(code.expires, os.time()); end local function code_expired(code) --> boolean, true: has expired, false: still valid return code_expires_in(code) < 0; end local codes =, function (_, code) return code_expired(code) end); -- Periodically clear out unredeemed codes. Does not need to be exact, expired -- codes are rejected if tried. Mostly just to keep memory usage in check. module:hourly("Clear expired authorization codes", function() local k, code = codes:tail(); while code and code_expired(code) do codes:set(k, nil); k, code = codes:tail(); end end) local function get_issuer() return (module:http_url(nil, "/"):gsub("/$", "")); end local loopbacks ={ "localhost", "", "::1" }); local function is_secure_redirect(uri) local u = url.parse(uri); return u.scheme ~= "http" or loopbacks:contains(; end local function oauth_error(err_name, err_desc) return{ type = "modify"; condition = "bad-request"; code = err_name == "invalid_client" and 401 or 400; text = err_desc and (err_name..": "..err_desc) or err_name; extra = { oauth2_response = { error = err_name, error_description = err_desc } }; }); end -- client_id / client_metadata are pretty large, filter out a subset of -- properties that are deemed useful e.g. in case tokens issued to a certain -- client needs to be revoked local function client_subset(client) return { name = client.client_name; uri = client.client_uri; id = client.software_id; version = client.software_version }; end local function new_access_token(token_jid, role, scope_string, client, id_token, refresh_token_info) local token_data = { oauth2_scopes = scope_string, oauth2_client = nil }; if client then token_data.oauth2_client = client_subset(client); end if next(token_data) == nil then token_data = nil; end local refresh_token; local grant = refresh_token_info and refresh_token_info.grant; if not grant then -- No existing grant, create one grant = tokens.create_grant(token_jid, token_jid, default_refresh_ttl, token_data); -- Create refresh token for the grant if desired refresh_token = refresh_token_info ~= false and tokens.create_token(token_jid, grant, nil, nil, "oauth2-refresh"); else -- Grant exists, reuse existing refresh token refresh_token = refresh_token_info.token; refresh_token_info.grant = nil; -- Prevent reference loop end local access_token, access_token_info = tokens.create_token(token_jid, grant, role, default_access_ttl, "oauth2"); local expires_at = access_token_info.expires; return { token_type = "bearer"; access_token = access_token; expires_in = expires_at and (expires_at - os.time()) or nil; scope = scope_string; id_token = id_token; refresh_token = refresh_token or nil; }; end local function get_redirect_uri(client, query_redirect_uri) -- record client, string : string if not query_redirect_uri then if #client.redirect_uris ~= 1 then -- Client registered multiple URIs, it needs specify which one to use return; end -- When only a single URI is registered, that's the default return client.redirect_uris[1]; end -- Verify the client-provided URI matches one previously registered for _, redirect_uri in ipairs(client.redirect_uris) do if query_redirect_uri == redirect_uri then return redirect_uri end end end local grant_type_handlers = {}; local response_type_handlers = {}; local verifier_transforms = {}; function grant_type_handlers.password(params) local request_jid = assert(params.username, oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'username' (JID)")); local request_password = assert(params.password, oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'password'")); local request_username, request_host, request_resource = jid.prepped_split(request_jid); if not (request_username and request_host) or request_host ~= then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "invalid JID"); end if not usermanager.test_password(request_username, request_host, request_password) then return oauth_error("invalid_grant", "incorrect credentials"); end local granted_jid = jid.join(request_username, request_host, request_resource); local granted_scopes, granted_role = filter_scopes(request_username, params.scope); return json.encode(new_access_token(granted_jid, granted_role, granted_scopes, nil)); end function response_type_handlers.code(client, params, granted_jid, id_token) local request_username, request_host = jid.split(granted_jid); if not request_host or request_host ~= then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "invalid JID"); end local granted_scopes, granted_role = filter_scopes(request_username, params.scope); if pkce_required and not params.code_challenge then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "PKCE required"); end local code = id.medium(); local ok = codes:set(params.client_id .. "#" .. code, { expires = os.time() + 600; granted_jid = granted_jid; granted_scopes = granted_scopes; granted_role = granted_role; challenge = params.code_challenge; challenge_method = params.code_challenge_method; id_token = id_token; }); if not ok then return {status_code = 429}; end local redirect_uri = get_redirect_uri(client, params.redirect_uri); if redirect_uri == "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" then -- TODO some nicer template page -- mod_http_errors will set content-type to text/html if it catches this -- event, if not text/plain is kept for the fallback text. local response = { status_code = 200; headers = { content_type = "text/plain" } } response.body = module:context("*"):fire_event("http-message", { response = response; title = "Your authorization code"; message = "Here's your authorization code, copy and paste it into " .. (client.client_name or "your client"); extra = code; }) or ("Here's your authorization code:\n%s\n"):format(code); return response; elseif not redirect_uri then return 400; end local redirect = url.parse(redirect_uri); local query = http.formdecode(redirect.query or ""); if type(query) ~= "table" then query = {}; end table.insert(query, { name = "code", value = code }); table.insert(query, { name = "iss", value = get_issuer() }); if params.state then table.insert(query, { name = "state", value = params.state }); end redirect.query = http.formencode(query); return { status_code = 303; headers = { location =; }; } end -- Implicit flow function response_type_handlers.token(client, params, granted_jid) local request_username, request_host = jid.split(granted_jid); if not request_host or request_host ~= then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "invalid JID"); end local granted_scopes, granted_role = filter_scopes(request_username, params.scope); local token_info = new_access_token(granted_jid, granted_role, granted_scopes, client, nil); local redirect = url.parse(get_redirect_uri(client, params.redirect_uri)); if not redirect then return 400; end token_info.state = params.state; redirect.fragment = http.formencode(token_info); return { status_code = 303; headers = { location =; }; } end local function make_client_secret(client_id) --> client_secret return hashes.hmac_sha256(verification_key, client_id, true); end local function verify_client_secret(client_id, client_secret) return hashes.equals(make_client_secret(client_id), client_secret); end function grant_type_handlers.authorization_code(params) if not params.client_id then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'client_id'"); end if not params.client_secret then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'client_secret'"); end if not params.code then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'code'"); end if params.scope and params.scope ~= "" then return oauth_error("invalid_scope", "unknown scope requested"); end local client_ok, client = jwt_verify(params.client_id); if not client_ok then return oauth_error("invalid_client", "incorrect credentials"); end if not verify_client_secret(params.client_id, params.client_secret) then module:log("debug", "client_secret mismatch"); return oauth_error("invalid_client", "incorrect credentials"); end local code, err = codes:get(params.client_id .. "#" .. params.code); if err then error(err); end -- MUST NOT use the authorization code more than once, so remove it to -- prevent a second attempted use codes:set(params.client_id .. "#" .. params.code, nil); if not code or type(code) ~= "table" or code_expired(code) then module:log("debug", "authorization_code invalid or expired: %q", code); return oauth_error("invalid_client", "incorrect credentials"); end -- TODO Decide if the code should be removed or not when PKCE fails local transform = verifier_transforms[code.challenge_method or "plain"]; if not transform then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "unknown challenge transform method"); elseif transform(params.code_verifier) ~= code.challenge then return oauth_error("invalid_grant", "incorrect credentials"); end return json.encode(new_access_token(code.granted_jid, code.granted_role, code.granted_scopes, client, code.id_token)); end function grant_type_handlers.refresh_token(params) if not params.client_id then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'client_id'"); end if not params.client_secret then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'client_secret'"); end if not params.refresh_token then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'refresh_token'"); end local client_ok, client = jwt_verify(params.client_id); if not client_ok then return oauth_error("invalid_client", "incorrect credentials"); end if not verify_client_secret(params.client_id, params.client_secret) then module:log("debug", "client_secret mismatch"); return oauth_error("invalid_client", "incorrect credentials"); end local refresh_token_info = tokens.get_token_info(params.refresh_token); if not refresh_token_info or refresh_token_info.purpose ~= "oauth2-refresh" then return oauth_error("invalid_grant", "invalid refresh token"); end -- new_access_token() requires the actual token refresh_token_info.token = params.refresh_token; return json.encode(new_access_token( refresh_token_info.jid, refresh_token_info.role,, client, nil, refresh_token_info )); end -- RFC 7636 Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients function verifier_transforms.plain(code_verifier) -- code_challenge = code_verifier return code_verifier; end function verifier_transforms.S256(code_verifier) -- code_challenge = BASE64URL-ENCODE(SHA256(ASCII(code_verifier))) return code_verifier and b64url(hashes.sha256(code_verifier)); end -- Used to issue/verify short-lived tokens for the authorization process below local new_user_token, verify_user_token = jwt.init("HS256", random.bytes(32), nil, { default_ttl = 600 }); -- From the given request, figure out if the user is authenticated and has granted consent yet -- As this requires multiple steps (seek credentials, seek consent), we have a lot of state to -- carry around across requests. We also need to protect against CSRF and session mix-up attacks -- (e.g. the user may have multiple concurrent flows in progress, session cookies aren't unique -- to one of them). -- Our strategy here is to preserve the original query string (containing the authz request), and -- encode the rest of the flow in form POSTs. local function get_auth_state(request) local form = request.method == "POST" and request.body and request.body ~= "" and request.headers.content_type == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and http.formdecode(request.body); if type(form) ~= "table" then return {}; end if not form.user_token then -- First step: login local username = encodings.stringprep.nodeprep(form.username); local password = encodings.stringprep.saslprep(form.password); if not (username and password) or not usermanager.test_password(username,, password) then return { error = "Invalid username/password"; }; end return { user = { username = username; host =; token = new_user_token({ username = username, host = }); }; }; elseif form.user_token and form.consent then -- Second step: consent local ok, user = verify_user_token(form.user_token); if not ok then return { error = user == "token-expired" and "Session expired - try again" or nil; }; end local scope = array():append(form):filter(function(field) return == "scope"; end):pluck("value"):concat(" "); user.token = form.user_token; return { user = user; scope = scope; consent = form.consent == "granted"; }; end return {}; end local function get_request_credentials(request) if not request.headers.authorization then return; end local auth_type, auth_data = string.match(request.headers.authorization, "^(%S+)%s(.+)$"); if auth_type == "Basic" then local creds = base64.decode(auth_data); if not creds then return; end local username, password = string.match(creds, "^([^:]+):(.*)$"); if not username then return; end return { type = "basic"; username = username; password = password; }; elseif auth_type == "Bearer" then return { type = "bearer"; bearer_token = auth_data; }; end return nil; end if module:get_host_type() == "component" then local component_secret = assert(module:get_option_string("component_secret"), "'component_secret' is a required setting when loaded on a Component"); function grant_type_handlers.password(params) local request_jid = assert(params.username, oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'username' (JID)")); local request_password = assert(params.password, oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'password'")); local request_username, request_host, request_resource = jid.prepped_split(request_jid); if params.scope then return oauth_error("invalid_scope", "unknown scope requested"); end if not request_host or request_host ~= then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "invalid JID"); end if request_password == component_secret then local granted_jid = jid.join(request_username, request_host, request_resource); return json.encode(new_access_token(granted_jid, nil, nil, nil)); end return oauth_error("invalid_grant", "incorrect credentials"); end -- TODO How would this make sense with components? -- Have an admin authenticate maybe? response_type_handlers.code = nil; response_type_handlers.token = nil; grant_type_handlers.authorization_code = nil; end -- OAuth errors should be returned to the client if possible, i.e. by -- appending the error information to the redirect_uri and sending the -- redirect to the user-agent. In some cases we can't do this, e.g. if -- the redirect_uri is missing or invalid. In those cases, we render an -- error directly to the user-agent. local function error_response(request, err) local q = request.url.query and http.formdecode(request.url.query); local redirect_uri = q and q.redirect_uri; if not redirect_uri or not is_secure_redirect(redirect_uri) then module:log("warn", "Missing or invalid redirect_uri <%s>, rendering error to user-agent", redirect_uri or ""); return render_page(templates.error, { error = err }); end local redirect_query = url.parse(redirect_uri); local sep = redirect_query.query and "&" or "?"; redirect_uri = redirect_uri .. sep .. http.formencode(err.extra.oauth2_response) .. "&" .. http.formencode({ state = q.state, iss = get_issuer() }); module:log("warn", "Sending error response to client via redirect to %s", redirect_uri); return { status_code = 303; headers = { location = redirect_uri; }; }; end local allowed_grant_type_handlers = module:get_option_set("allowed_oauth2_grant_types", {"authorization_code", "password", "refresh_token"}) for handler_type in pairs(grant_type_handlers) do if not allowed_grant_type_handlers:contains(handler_type) then module:log("debug", "Grant type %q disabled", handler_type); grant_type_handlers[handler_type] = nil; else module:log("debug", "Grant type %q enabled", handler_type); end end -- "token" aka implicit flow is considered insecure local allowed_response_type_handlers = module:get_option_set("allowed_oauth2_response_types", {"code"}) for handler_type in pairs(response_type_handlers) do if not allowed_response_type_handlers:contains(handler_type) then module:log("debug", "Response type %q disabled", handler_type); response_type_handlers[handler_type] = nil; else module:log("debug", "Response type %q enabled", handler_type); end end local allowed_challenge_methods = module:get_option_set("allowed_oauth2_code_challenge_methods", { "plain"; "S256" }) for handler_type in pairs(verifier_transforms) do if not allowed_challenge_methods:contains(handler_type) then module:log("debug", "Challenge method %q disabled", handler_type); verifier_transforms[handler_type] = nil; else module:log("debug", "Challenge method %q enabled", handler_type); end end function handle_token_grant(event) local credentials = get_request_credentials(event.request); event.response.headers.content_type = "application/json"; local params = http.formdecode(event.request.body); if not params then return error_response(event.request, oauth_error("invalid_request")); end if credentials and credentials.type == "basic" then -- client_secret_basic converted internally to client_secret_post params.client_id = http.urldecode(credentials.username); params.client_secret = http.urldecode(credentials.password); end local grant_type = params.grant_type local grant_handler = grant_type_handlers[grant_type]; if not grant_handler then return error_response(event.request, oauth_error("unsupported_grant_type")); end return grant_handler(params); end local function handle_authorization_request(event) local request = event.request; if not request.url.query then return error_response(request, oauth_error("invalid_request")); end local params = http.formdecode(request.url.query); if not params then return error_response(request, oauth_error("invalid_request")); end if not params.client_id then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'client_id'"); end local ok, client = jwt_verify(params.client_id); if not ok then return oauth_error("invalid_client", "incorrect credentials"); end local client_response_types = or { "code" })); client_response_types = set.intersection(client_response_types, allowed_response_type_handlers); if not client_response_types:contains(params.response_type) then return oauth_error("invalid_client", "response_type not allowed"); end local auth_state = get_auth_state(request); if not auth_state.user then -- Render login page return render_page(templates.login, { state = auth_state, client = client }); elseif auth_state.consent == nil then -- Render consent page local scopes, roles = split_scopes(parse_scopes(params.scope or "")); return render_page(templates.consent, { state = auth_state; client = client; scopes = scopes+roles }, true); elseif not auth_state.consent then -- Notify client of rejection return error_response(request, oauth_error("access_denied")); end -- else auth_state.consent == true params.scope = auth_state.scope; local user_jid = jid.join(auth_state.user.username,; local client_secret = make_client_secret(params.client_id); local id_token_signer = jwt.new_signer("HS256", client_secret); local id_token = id_token_signer({ iss = get_issuer(); sub ={ scheme = "xmpp"; path = user_jid }); aud = params.client_id; nonce = params.nonce; }); local response_type = params.response_type; local response_handler = response_type_handlers[response_type]; if not response_handler then return error_response(request, oauth_error("unsupported_response_type")); end return response_handler(client, params, user_jid, id_token); end local function handle_revocation_request(event) local request, response = event.request, event.response; if request.headers.authorization then local credentials = get_request_credentials(request); if not credentials or credentials.type ~= "basic" then response.headers.www_authenticate = string.format("Basic realm=%q","/"; return 401; end -- OAuth "client" credentials if not verify_client_secret(credentials.username, credentials.password) then return 401; end end local form_data = http.formdecode(event.request.body or ""); if not form_data or not form_data.token then response.headers.accept = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; return 415; end local ok, err = tokens.revoke_token(form_data.token); if not ok then module:log("warn", "Unable to revoke token: %s", tostring(err)); return 500; end return 200; end local registration_schema = { type = "object"; required = { -- These are shown to users in the template "client_name"; "client_uri"; -- We need at least one redirect URI for things to work "redirect_uris"; }; properties = { redirect_uris = { type = "array"; minLength = 1; items = { type = "string"; format = "uri" } }; token_endpoint_auth_method = { type = "string"; enum = { "none"; "client_secret_post"; "client_secret_basic" }; default = "client_secret_basic"; }; grant_types = { type = "array"; items = { type = "string"; enum = { "authorization_code"; "implicit"; "password"; "client_credentials"; "refresh_token"; "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"; "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:saml2-bearer"; }; }; default = { "authorization_code" }; }; application_type = { type = "string"; enum = { "native"; "web" }; default = "web" }; response_types = { type = "array"; items = { type = "string"; enum = { "code"; "token" } }; default = { "code" } }; client_name = { type = "string" }; client_uri = { type = "string"; format = "uri"; luaPattern = "^https:" }; logo_uri = { type = "string"; format = "uri"; luaPattern = "^https:" }; scope = { type = "string" }; contacts = { type = "array"; items = { type = "string"; format = "email" } }; tos_uri = { type = "string"; format = "uri"; luaPattern = "^https:" }; policy_uri = { type = "string"; format = "uri"; luaPattern = "^https:" }; jwks_uri = { type = "string"; format = "uri"; luaPattern = "^https:" }; jwks = { type = "object"; description = "JSON Web Key Set, RFC 7517" }; software_id = { type = "string"; format = "uuid" }; software_version = { type = "string" }; }; luaPatternProperties = { -- Localized versions of descriptive properties and URIs ["^client_name#"] = { description = "Localized version of 'client_name'"; type = "string" }; ["^[a-z_]+_uri#"] = { type = "string"; format = "uri"; luaPattern = "^https:" }; }; } local function redirect_uri_allowed(redirect_uri, client_uri, app_type) local uri = url.parse(redirect_uri); if app_type == "native" then return uri.scheme == "http" and loopbacks:contains( or uri.scheme ~= "https"; elseif app_type == "web" then return uri.scheme == "https" and ==; end end function create_client(client_metadata) if not schema.validate(registration_schema, client_metadata) then return nil, oauth_error("invalid_request", "Failed schema validation."); end -- Fill in default values for propname, propspec in pairs( do if client_metadata[propname] == nil and type(propspec) == "table" and propspec.default ~= nil then client_metadata[propname] = propspec.default; end end local client_uri = url.parse(client_metadata.client_uri); if not client_uri or client_uri.scheme ~= "https" or loopbacks:contains( then return nil, oauth_error("invalid_client_metadata", "Missing, invalid or insecure client_uri"); end for _, redirect_uri in ipairs(client_metadata.redirect_uris) do if not redirect_uri_allowed(redirect_uri, client_uri, client_metadata.application_type) then return nil, oauth_error("invalid_redirect_uri", "Invalid, insecure or inappropriate redirect URI."); end end for field, prop_schema in pairs( do if field ~= "client_uri" and prop_schema.format == "uri" and client_metadata[field] then if not redirect_uri_allowed(client_metadata[field], client_uri, "web") then return nil, oauth_error("invalid_client_metadata", "Invalid, insecure or inappropriate informative URI"); end end end for k, v in pairs(client_metadata) do local base_k = k:match"^([^#]+)#" or k; if not[base_k] or k:find"^client_uri#" then -- Ignore and strip unknown extra properties client_metadata[k] = nil; elseif k:find"_uri#" then -- Localized URIs should be secure too if not redirect_uri_allowed(v, client_uri, "web") then return nil, oauth_error("invalid_client_metadata", "Invalid, insecure or inappropriate informative URI"); end end end local grant_types =; local response_types =; if grant_types:contains("authorization_code") and not response_types:contains("code") then return nil, oauth_error("invalid_client_metadata", "Inconsistency between 'grant_types' and 'response_types'"); elseif grant_types:contains("implicit") and not response_types:contains("token") then return nil, oauth_error("invalid_client_metadata", "Inconsistency between 'grant_types' and 'response_types'"); end if set.intersection(grant_types, allowed_grant_type_handlers):empty() then return nil, oauth_error("invalid_client_metadata", "No allowed 'grant_types' specified"); elseif set.intersection(response_types, allowed_response_type_handlers):empty() then return nil, oauth_error("invalid_client_metadata", "No allowed 'response_types' specified"); end -- Ensure each signed client_id JWT is unique, short ID and issued at -- timestamp should be sufficient to rule out brute force attacks client_metadata.nonce = id.short(); -- Do we want to keep everything? local client_id = jwt_sign(client_metadata); client_metadata.client_id = client_id; client_metadata.client_id_issued_at = os.time(); if client_metadata.token_endpoint_auth_method ~= "none" then local client_secret = make_client_secret(client_id); client_metadata.client_secret = client_secret; client_metadata.client_secret_expires_at = 0; if not registration_options.accept_expired then client_metadata.client_secret_expires_at = client_metadata.client_id_issued_at + (registration_options.default_ttl or 3600); end end return client_metadata; end local function handle_register_request(event) local request = event.request; local client_metadata, err = json.decode(request.body); if err then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "Invalid JSON"); end local response, err = create_client(client_metadata); if err then return err end return { status_code = 201; headers = { content_type = "application/json" }; body = json.encode(response); }; end if not registration_key then module:log("info", "No 'oauth2_registration_key', dynamic client registration disabled") handle_authorization_request = nil handle_register_request = nil end local function handle_userinfo_request(event) local request = event.request; local credentials = get_request_credentials(request); if not credentials or not credentials.bearer_token then module:log("debug", "Missing credentials for UserInfo endpoint: %q", credentials) return 401; end local token_info,err = tokens.get_token_info(credentials.bearer_token); if not token_info then module:log("debug", "UserInfo query failed token validation: %s", err) return 403; end local scopes = if type( == "table" and type( == "string" then scopes:add_list(parse_scopes(; else module:log("debug", "token_info = %q", token_info) end if not scopes:contains("openid") then module:log("debug", "Missing the 'openid' scope in %q", scopes) -- The 'openid' scope is required for access to this endpoint. return 403; end local user_info = { iss = get_issuer(); sub ={ scheme = "xmpp"; path = token_info.jid }); } local token_claims = set.intersection(openid_claims, scopes); token_claims:remove("openid"); -- that's "iss" and "sub" above if not token_claims:empty() then -- Another module can do that module:fire_event("token/userinfo", { token = token_info; claims = token_claims; username = jid.split(token_info.jid); userinfo = user_info; }); end return { status_code = 200; headers = { content_type = "application/json" }; body = json.encode(user_info); }; end module:depends("http"); module:provides("http", { route = { -- OAuth 2.0 in 5 simple steps! -- This is the normal 'authorization_code' flow. -- Step 1. Create OAuth client ["POST /register"] = handle_register_request; -- Step 2. User-facing login and consent view ["GET /authorize"] = handle_authorization_request; ["POST /authorize"] = handle_authorization_request; -- Step 3. User is redirected to the 'redirect_uri' along with an -- authorization code. In the insecure 'implicit' flow, the access token -- is delivered here. -- Step 4. Retrieve access token using the code. ["POST /token"] = handle_token_grant; -- Step 4 is later repeated using the refresh token to get new access tokens. -- Step 5. Revoke token (access or refresh) ["POST /revoke"] = handle_revocation_request; -- OpenID ["GET /userinfo"] = handle_userinfo_request; -- Optional static content for templates ["GET /style.css"] = templates.css and { headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "text/css"; }; body = _render_html(templates.css, module:get_option("oauth2_template_style")); } or nil; ["GET /script.js"] = templates.js and { headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "text/javascript"; }; body = templates.js; } or nil; -- Some convenient fallback handlers ["GET /register"] = { headers = { content_type = "application/schema+json" }; body = json.encode(registration_schema) }; ["GET /token"] = function() return 405; end; ["GET /revoke"] = function() return 405; end; }; }); local http_server = require "net.http.server"; module:hook_object_event(http_server, "http-error", function (event) local oauth2_response = event.error and event.error.extra and event.error.extra.oauth2_response; if not oauth2_response then return; end event.response.headers.content_type = "application/json"; event.response.status_code = event.error.code or 400; return json.encode(oauth2_response); end, 5); -- OIDC Discovery module:provides("http", { name = "oauth2-discovery"; default_path = "/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server"; route = { ["GET"] = { headers = { content_type = "application/json" }; body = json.encode { -- RFC 8414: OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Metadata issuer = get_issuer(); authorization_endpoint = handle_authorization_request and module:http_url() .. "/authorize" or nil; token_endpoint = handle_token_grant and module:http_url() .. "/token" or nil; jwks_uri = nil; -- TODO? registration_endpoint = handle_register_request and module:http_url() .. "/register" or nil; scopes_supported = usermanager.get_all_roles and array(it.keys(usermanager.get_all_roles(; response_types_supported = array(it.keys(response_type_handlers)); token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported = array({ "client_secret_post"; "client_secret_basic" }); op_policy_uri = module:get_option_string("oauth2_policy_url", nil); op_tos_uri = module:get_option_string("oauth2_terms_url", nil); revocation_endpoint = handle_revocation_request and module:http_url() .. "/revoke" or nil; revocation_endpoint_auth_methods_supported = array({ "client_secret_basic" }); code_challenge_methods_supported = array(it.keys(verifier_transforms)); grant_types_supported = array(it.keys(response_type_handlers)):map(tmap { token = "implicit"; code = "authorization_code" }); response_modes_supported = array(it.keys(response_type_handlers)):map(tmap { token = "fragment"; code = "query" }); authorization_response_iss_parameter_supported = true; service_documentation = module:get_option_string("oauth2_service_documentation", ""); -- OpenID userinfo_endpoint = handle_register_request and module:http_url() .. "/userinfo" or nil; id_token_signing_alg_values_supported = { "HS256" }; }; }; }; }); module:shared("tokenauth/oauthbearer_config").oidc_discovery_url = module:http_url("oauth2-discovery", "/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server");