view mod_support_contact/mod_support_contact.lua @ 4421:94805a7e7b30

mod_invites: rework CLI parsing to support groups To make this sensible, the code had to move from rather simple parsing to something which looks more like getopt or your typical shell script.
author Jonas Schäfer <>
date Sun, 31 Jan 2021 19:16:36 +0100
parents 7dbde05b48a9
line wrap: on
line source

-- mod_support_contact.lua
-- Config options:
--   support_contact = "support@hostname"; -- a JID
--   support_contact_nick = "Support!"; -- roster nick
--   support_contact_group = "Users being supported!"; -- the roster group in the support contact's roster

local host = module:get_host();

local support_contact = module:get_option_string("support_contact", "support@";
local support_contact_nick = module:get_option_string("support_contact_nick", "Support");
local support_contact_group = module:get_option_string("support_contact_group", "Users");

if not(support_contact and support_contact_nick) then return; end

local rostermanager = require "core.rostermanager";
local jid_split = require "util.jid".split;
local st = require "util.stanza";

module:hook("user-registered", function(event)
	module:log("debug", "Adding support contact");

	local groups = support_contact_group and {[support_contact_group] = true;} or {};

	local node, host = event.username,;
	local jid = node and (node..'@' or host;
	local roster;

	roster = rostermanager.load_roster(node, host);
	if hosts[host] then
		roster[support_contact] = {subscription = "both", name = support_contact_nick, groups = {}};
		roster[support_contact] = {subscription = "from", ask = "subscribe", name = support_contact_nick, groups = {}};
	rostermanager.save_roster(node, host, roster);

	node, host = jid_split(support_contact);

	if hosts[host] then
		roster = rostermanager.load_roster(node, host);
		roster[jid] = {subscription = "both", groups = groups};
		rostermanager.save_roster(node, host, roster);
		rostermanager.roster_push(node, host, jid);
		module:send(st.presence({from=jid, to=support_contact, type="subscribe"}));