Mercurial > prosody-modules
view mod_firewall/actions.lib.lua @ 4420:a81516906822
mod_muc_defaults: handle case where affiliations are unset
Otherwise, this tracebacks in set_affiliations.
author | Jonas Schäfer <> |
date | Sun, 31 Jan 2021 16:12:47 +0100 |
parents | 5a3dfb970888 |
children | d0d251abf595 |
line wrap: on
line source
local unpack = table.unpack or unpack; local interpolation = require "util.interpolation"; local template ="%b$$", function (s) return ("%q"):format(s) end); --luacheck: globals meta idsafe local action_handlers = {}; -- Takes an XML string and returns a code string that builds that stanza -- using st.stanza() local function compile_xml(data) local code = {}; local first, short_close = true, nil; for tagline, text in data:gmatch("<([^>]+)>([^<]*)") do if tagline:sub(-1,-1) == "/" then tagline = tagline:sub(1, -2); short_close = true; end if tagline:sub(1,1) == "/" then code[#code+1] = (":up()"); else local name, attr = tagline:match("^(%S*)%s*(.*)$"); local attr_str = {}; for k, _, v in attr:gmatch("(%S+)=([\"'])([^%2]-)%2") do if #attr_str == 0 then table.insert(attr_str, ", { "); else table.insert(attr_str, ", "); end if k:find("^%a%w*$") then table.insert(attr_str, string.format("%s = %q", k, v)); else table.insert(attr_str, string.format("[%q] = %q", k, v)); end end if #attr_str > 0 then table.insert(attr_str, " }"); end if first then code[#code+1] = (string.format("st.stanza(%q %s)", name, #attr_str>0 and table.concat(attr_str) or ", nil")); first = nil; else code[#code+1] = (string.format(":tag(%q%s)", name, table.concat(attr_str))); end end if text and text:find("%S") then code[#code+1] = (string.format(":text(%q)", text)); elseif short_close then short_close = nil; code[#code+1] = (":up()"); end end return table.concat(code, ""); end function action_handlers.PASS() return "do return pass_return end" end function action_handlers.DROP() return "do return true end"; end function action_handlers.DEFAULT() return "do return false end"; end function action_handlers.RETURN() return "do return end" end function action_handlers.STRIP(tag_desc) local code = {}; local name, xmlns = tag_desc:match("^(%S+) (.+)$"); if not name then name, xmlns = tag_desc, nil; end if name == "*" then name = nil; end code[#code+1] = ("local stanza_xmlns = stanza.attr.xmlns; "); code[#code+1] = "stanza:maptags(function (tag) if "; if name then code[#code+1] = (" == %q and "):format(name); end if xmlns then code[#code+1] = ("(tag.attr.xmlns or stanza_xmlns) == %q "):format(xmlns); else code[#code+1] = ("tag.attr.xmlns == stanza_xmlns "); end code[#code+1] = "then return nil; end return tag; end );"; return table.concat(code); end function action_handlers.INJECT(tag) return "stanza:add_child("..compile_xml(tag)..")", { "st" }; end local error_types = { ["bad-request"] = "modify"; ["conflict"] = "cancel"; ["feature-not-implemented"] = "cancel"; ["forbidden"] = "auth"; ["gone"] = "cancel"; ["internal-server-error"] = "cancel"; ["item-not-found"] = "cancel"; ["jid-malformed"] = "modify"; ["not-acceptable"] = "modify"; ["not-allowed"] = "cancel"; ["not-authorized"] = "auth"; ["payment-required"] = "auth"; ["policy-violation"] = "modify"; ["recipient-unavailable"] = "wait"; ["redirect"] = "modify"; ["registration-required"] = "auth"; ["remote-server-not-found"] = "cancel"; ["remote-server-timeout"] = "wait"; ["resource-constraint"] = "wait"; ["service-unavailable"] = "cancel"; ["subscription-required"] = "auth"; ["undefined-condition"] = "cancel"; ["unexpected-request"] = "wait"; }; local function route_modify(make_new, to, drop) local reroute, deps = "session.send(newstanza)", { "st" }; if to then reroute = (" = %q; core_post_stanza(session, newstanza)"):format(to); deps[#deps+1] = "core_post_stanza"; end return ([[do local newstanza = st.%s; %s;%s end]]) :format(make_new, reroute, drop and " return true" or ""), deps; end function action_handlers.BOUNCE(with) local error = with and with:match("^%S+") or "service-unavailable"; local error_type = error:match(":(%S+)"); if not error_type then error_type = error_types[error] or "cancel"; else error = error:match("^[^:]+"); end error, error_type = string.format("%q", error), string.format("%q", error_type); local text = with and with:match(" %((.+)%)$"); if text then text = string.format("%q", text); else text = "nil"; end local route_modify_code, deps = route_modify(("error_reply(stanza, %s, %s, %s)"):format(error_type, error, text), nil, true); deps[#deps+1] = "type"; deps[#deps+1] = "name"; return [[if type == "error" or (name == "iq" and type == "result") then return true; end -- Don't reply to 'error' stanzas, or iq results ]]..route_modify_code, deps; end function action_handlers.REDIRECT(where) return route_modify("clone(stanza)", where, true); end function action_handlers.COPY(where) return route_modify("clone(stanza)", where, false); end function action_handlers.REPLY(with) return route_modify(("reply(stanza):body(%q)"):format(with)); end function action_handlers.FORWARD(where) local code = [[ local newstanza = st.stanza("message", { to = %q, from = current_host }):tag("forwarded", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:forward:0" }); local tmp_stanza = st.clone(stanza); tmp_stanza.attr.xmlns = "jabber:client"; newstanza:add_child(tmp_stanza); core_post_stanza(session, newstanza); ]]; return code:format(where), { "core_post_stanza", "current_host" }; end function action_handlers.LOG(string) local level = string:match("^%[(%a+)%]") or "info"; string = string:gsub("^%[%a+%] ?", ""); local meta_deps = {}; local code = meta(("(session.log or log)(%q, '%%s', %q);"):format(level, string), meta_deps); return code, meta_deps; end function action_handlers.RULEDEP(dep) return "", { dep }; end function action_handlers.EVENT(name) return ("fire_event(%q, event)"):format(name); end function action_handlers.JUMP_EVENT(name) return ("do return fire_event(%q, event); end"):format(name); end function action_handlers.JUMP_CHAIN(name) return template([[do local ret = fire_event($chain_event$, event); if ret ~= nil then if ret == false then log("debug", "Chain %q accepted stanza (ret %s)", $chain_name$, tostring(ret)); return pass_return; end log("debug", "Chain %q rejected stanza (ret %s)", $chain_name$, tostring(ret)); return ret; end end]], { chain_event = "firewall/chains/", chain_name = name }); end function action_handlers.MARK_ORIGIN(name) return [[session.firewall_marked_]]..idsafe(name)..[[ = current_timestamp;]], { "timestamp" }; end function action_handlers.UNMARK_ORIGIN(name) return [[session.firewall_marked_]]..idsafe(name)..[[ = nil;]] end function action_handlers.MARK_USER(name) return [[if session.firewall_marks then session.firewall_marks.]]..idsafe(name)..[[ = current_timestamp; end]], { "timestamp" }; end function action_handlers.UNMARK_USER(name) return [[if session.firewall_marks then session.firewall_marks.]]..idsafe(name)..[[ = nil; end]], { "timestamp" }; end function action_handlers.ADD_TO(spec) local list_name, value = spec:match("(%S+) (.+)"); local meta_deps = {}; value = meta(("%q"):format(value), meta_deps); return ("list_%s:add(%s);"):format(list_name, value), { "list:"..list_name, unpack(meta_deps) }; end function action_handlers.UNSUBSCRIBE_SENDER() return "rostermanager.unsubscribed(to_node, to_host, bare_from);\ rostermanager.roster_push(to_node, to_host, bare_from);\ core_post_stanza(session, st.presence({ from = bare_to, to = bare_from, type = \"unsubscribed\" }));", { "rostermanager", "core_post_stanza", "st", "split_to", "bare_to", "bare_from" }; end return action_handlers;