Mercurial > prosody-modules
view mod_muc_log_http/muc_log_http/mod_muc_log_http.lua @ 4877:adc6241e5d16
mod_measure_process: Report the enforced limit
The soft limit is what the kernel actually enforces, while the hard
limit is is how far you can change the soft limit without privileges.
Unless the process dynamically adjusts the soft limit, knowing the hard
limit is not as useful as knowing the soft limit.
Reporting the soft limit and the number of in-use FDs allows placing
alerts on expressions like 'process_open_fds / process_max_fds >= 0.95'
author | Kim Alvefur <> |
date | Tue, 18 Jan 2022 18:55:20 +0100 |
parents | 7ebec464914e |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
module:depends("http"); local prosody = prosody; local hosts = prosody.hosts; local my_host = module:get_host(); local strchar = string.char; local strformat = string.format; local split_jid = require "util.jid".split; local config_get = require "core.configmanager".get; local urldecode = require "net.http".urldecode; local http_event = require "net.http.server".fire_event; local datamanager = require"core.storagemanager".olddm; local data_load, data_getpath = datamanager.load, datamanager.getpath; local datastore = "muc_log"; local url_base = "muc_log"; local config = nil; local table, tostring, tonumber = table, tostring, tonumber; local os_date, os_time =, os.time; local str_format = string.format; local io_open =; local themes_parent = (module.path and module.path:gsub("[/\\][^/\\]*$", "") or (prosody.paths.plugins or "./plugins") .. "/muc_log_http") .. "/themes"; local lom = require "lxp.lom"; local lfs = require "lfs"; local html = {}; local theme; -- Helper Functions local p_encode = datamanager.path_encode; local function store_exists(node, host, today) if lfs.attributes(data_getpath(node, host, datastore .. "/" .. today), "mode") then return true; else return false; end end -- Module Definitions local function html_escape(t) if t then t = t:gsub("<", "<"); t = t:gsub(">", ">"); t = t:gsub("(http://[%a%d@%.:/&%?=%-_#%%~]+)", function(h) h = urlunescape(h) return "<a href='" .. h .. "'>" .. h .. "</a>"; end); t = t:gsub("\n", "<br />"); t = t:gsub("%%", "%%%%"); else t = ""; end return t; end function create_doc(body, title) if not body then return "" end body = body:gsub("%%", "%%%%"); return html.doc:gsub("###BODY_STUFF###", body) :gsub("<title>muc_log</title>", "<title>"..(title and html_escape(title) or "Chatroom logs").."</title>"); end function urlunescape (url) url = url:gsub("+", " ") url = url:gsub("%%(%x%x)", function(h) return strchar(tonumber(h,16)) end) url = url:gsub("\r\n", "\n") return url end local function urlencode(s) return s and (s:gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9.~_-]", function (c) return ("%%%02x"):format(c:byte()); end)); end local function get_room_from_jid(jid) local node, host = split_jid(jid); local component = hosts[host]; if component then local muc = component.modules.muc if muc and rawget(muc,"rooms") then -- We're running 0.9.x or 0.10 (old MUC API) return muc.rooms[jid]; elseif muc and rawget(muc,"get_room_from_jid") then -- We're running >0.10 (new MUC API) return muc.get_room_from_jid(jid); else return end end end local function get_room_list(host) local component = hosts[host]; local list = {}; if component then local muc = component.modules.muc if muc and rawget(muc,"rooms") then -- We're running 0.9.x or 0.10 (old MUC API) for _, room in pairs(muc.rooms) do list[room.jid] = room; end return list; elseif muc and rawget(muc,"each_room") then -- We're running >0.10 (new MUC API) for room, _ in muc.each_room() do list[room.jid] = room; end return list; end end end local function generate_room_list(host) local rooms; for jid, room in pairs(get_room_list(host)) do local node = split_jid(jid); if not room._data.hidden and room._data.logging and node then rooms = (rooms or "") .. html.rooms.bit:gsub("###ROOM###", urlencode(node)):gsub("###COMPONENT###", host); end end if rooms then return html.rooms.body:gsub("###ROOMS_STUFF###", rooms):gsub("###COMPONENT###", host), "Chatroom logs for "; end end -- Calendar stuff local function get_days_for_month(month, year) if month == 2 then local is_leap_year = (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 ~= 0) or year % 400 == 0; return is_leap_year and 29 or 28; elseif (month < 8 and month%2 == 1) or (month >= 8 and month%2 == 0) then return 31; end return 30; end local function create_month(month, year, callback) local html_str = html.month.header; local days = get_days_for_month(month, year); local time = os_time{year=year, month=month, day=1}; local dow = tostring(os_date("%a", time)) local title = tostring(os_date("%B", time)); local week_days = {"Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"}; local week_day = 0; local weeks = 1; local _available_for_one_day = false; local week_days_html = ""; for _, tmp in ipairs(week_days) do week_days_html = week_days_html .. html.month.weekDay:gsub("###DAY###", tmp) .. "\n"; end html_str = html_str:gsub("###TITLE###", title):gsub("###WEEKDAYS###", week_days_html); for i = 1, 31 do week_day = week_day + 1; if week_day == 1 then html_str = html_str .. "<tr>\n"; end if i == 1 then for _, tmp in ipairs(week_days) do if dow ~= tmp then html_str = html_str .. html.month.emptyDay .. "\n"; week_day = week_day + 1; else break; end end end if i < days + 1 then local tmp = tostring(i); if callback and callback.callback then tmp = callback.callback(callback.path, i, month, year,, callback.webpath); end if tmp == nil then tmp = tostring(i); else _available_for_one_day = true; end html_str = html_str .."###DAY###", tmp) .. "\n"; end if i >= days then break; end if week_day == 7 then week_day = 0; weeks = weeks + 1; html_str = html_str .. "</tr>\n"; end end if week_day + 1 < 8 or weeks < 6 then week_day = week_day + 1; if week_day > 7 then week_day = 1; end if week_day == 1 then weeks = weeks + 1; end for y = weeks, 6 do if week_day == 1 then html_str = html_str .. "<tr>\n"; end for i = week_day, 7 do html_str = html_str .. html.month.emptyDay .. "\n"; end week_day = 1 html_str = html_str .. "</tr>\n"; end end html_str = html_str .. html.month.footer; if _available_for_one_day then return html_str; end end local function create_year(year, callback) local year = year; local tmp; if tonumber(year) <= 99 then year = year + 2000; end local html_str = ""; for i=1, 12 do tmp = create_month(i, year, callback); if tmp then html_str = html_str .. "<div style='float: left; padding: 5px;'>\n" .. tmp .. "</div>\n"; end end if html_str ~= "" then return "<div name='yearDiv' style='padding: 40px; text-align: center;'>" .. html.year.title:gsub("###YEAR###", tostring(year)) .. html_str .. "</div><br style='clear:both;'/> \n"; end return ""; end local function day_callback(path, day, month, year, room, webpath) local webpath = webpath or "" local year = year; if year > 2000 then year = year - 2000; end local bare_day = str_format("20%.02d-%.02d-%.02d", year, month, day); room = p_encode(room); local attributes, err = lfs.attributes(path.."/"..str_format("%.02d%.02d%.02d", year, month, day).."/"".dat"); if attributes ~= nil and attributes.mode == "file" then local s = html.days.bit; s = s:gsub("###BARE_DAY###", webpath .. bare_day); s = s:gsub("###DAY###", day); return s; end return; end local function generate_day_room_content(bare_room_jid) local days = ""; local days_array = {}; local tmp; local node, host = split_jid(bare_room_jid); local path = data_getpath(node, host, datastore); local room = nil; local next_room = ""; local previous_room = ""; local rooms = ""; local attributes = nil; local since = ""; local to = ""; local topic = ""; local component = hosts[host]; if not(get_room_from_jid(bare_room_jid)) then return; end path = path:gsub("/[^/]*$", ""); attributes = lfs.attributes(path); do local found = 0; module:log("debug", generate_room_list(host)); for jid, room in pairs(get_room_list(host)) do local node = split_jid(jid) if not room._data.hidden and room._data.logging and node then if found == 0 then previous_room = node elseif found == 1 then next_room = node found = -1 end if jid == bare_room_jid then found = 1 end rooms = rooms .. html.days.rooms.bit:gsub("###ROOM###", urlencode(node)); end end room = get_room_from_jid(bare_room_jid); if room._data.hidden or not room._data.logging then room = nil; end end if attributes and room then local already_done_years = {}; topic = room._data.subject or "(no subject)" if topic:len() > 135 then topic = topic:sub(1, topic:find(" ", 120)) .. " ..." end local folders = {}; for folder in lfs.dir(path) do table.insert(folders, folder); end table.sort(folders); for _, folder in ipairs(folders) do local year, month, day = folder:match("^(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)"); if year then to = tostring(os_date("%B %Y", os_time({ day=tonumber(day), month=tonumber(month), year=2000+tonumber(year) }))); if since == "" then since = to; end if not already_done_years[year] then module:log("debug", "creating overview for: %s", to); days = create_year(year, {callback=day_callback, path=path, room=node}) .. days; already_done_years[year] = true; end end end end tmp = html.days.body:gsub("###DAYS_STUFF###", days); tmp = tmp:gsub("###PREVIOUS_ROOM###", previous_room == "" and node or previous_room); tmp = tmp:gsub("###NEXT_ROOM###", next_room == "" and node or next_room); tmp = tmp:gsub("###ROOMS###", rooms); tmp = tmp:gsub("###ROOMTOPIC###", topic); tmp = tmp:gsub("###SINCE###", since); tmp = tmp:gsub("###TO###", to); return tmp:gsub("###JID###", bare_room_jid), "Chatroom logs for "..bare_room_jid; end local function parse_iq(stanza, time, nick) local text = nil; local victim = nil; if(stanza.attr.type == "set") then for _,tag in ipairs(stanza) do if tag.tag == "query" then for _,item in ipairs(tag) do if item.tag == "item" and item.attr.nick ~= nil and item.attr.role == 'none' then victim = item.attr.nick; for _,reason in ipairs(item) do if reason.tag == "reason" then text = reason[1]; break; end end break; end end break; end end if victim then if text then text ="###REASON###", html_escape(text)); else text = ""; end return"###TIME_STUFF###", time):gsub("###VICTIM###", victim):gsub("###REASON_STUFF###", text); end end return; end local function parse_presence(stanza, time, nick) local ret = ""; local show_join = "block" if config and not config.show_join then show_join = "none"; end if stanza.attr.type == nil then local show_status = "block" if config and not config.show_status then show_status = "none"; end local show, status = nil, ""; local already_joined = false; for _, tag in ipairs(stanza) do if tag.tag == "alreadyJoined" then already_joined = true; elseif tag.tag == "show" then show = tag[1]; elseif tag.tag == "status" and tag[1] ~= nil then status = tag[1]; end end if already_joined == true then if show == nil then show = "online"; end ret ="###TIME_STUFF###", time); if status ~= "" then status ="###STATUS###", html_escape(status)); end ret = ret:gsub("###SHOW###", show):gsub("###NICK###", nick):gsub("###SHOWHIDE###", show_status):gsub("###STATUS_STUFF###", status); else ret ="###TIME_STUFF###", time):gsub("###SHOWHIDE###", show_join):gsub("###NICK###", nick); end elseif stanza.attr.type == "unavailable" then ret ="###TIME_STUFF###", time):gsub("###SHOWHIDE###", show_join):gsub("###NICK###", nick); end return ret; end local function parse_message(stanza, time, nick) local body, title, ret = nil, nil, ""; for _,tag in ipairs(stanza) do if tag.tag == "body" then body = tag[1]; if nick then break; end elseif tag.tag == "nick" and nick == nil then nick = html_escape(tag[1]); if body or title then break; end elseif tag.tag == "subject" then title = tag[1]; if nick then break; end end end if nick and body then body = html_escape(body); local me = body:find("^/me"); local template = ""; if not me then template =; else template =; body = body:gsub("^/me ", ""); end ret = template:gsub("###TIME_STUFF###", time):gsub("###NICK###", nick):gsub("###MSG###", body); elseif nick and title then title = html_escape(title); ret ="###TIME_STUFF###", time):gsub("###NICK###", nick):gsub("###TITLE###", title); end return ret; end local function increment_day(bare_day) local year, month, day = bare_day:match("^20(%d%d)-(%d%d)-(%d%d)$"); local leapyear = false; module:log("debug", tostring(day).."/"..tostring(month).."/"..tostring(year)) day = tonumber(day); month = tonumber(month); year = tonumber(year); if year%4 == 0 and year%100 == 0 then if year%400 == 0 then leapyear = true; else leapyear = false; -- turn of the century but not a leapyear end elseif year%4 == 0 then leapyear = true; end if (month == 2 and leapyear and day + 1 > 29) or (month == 2 and not leapyear and day + 1 > 28) or (month < 8 and month%2 == 1 and day + 1 > 31) or (month < 8 and month%2 == 0 and day + 1 > 30) or (month >= 8 and month%2 == 0 and day + 1 > 31) or (month >= 8 and month%2 == 1 and day + 1 > 30) then if month + 1 > 12 then year = year + 1; month = 1; day = 1; else month = month + 1; day = 1; end else day = day + 1; end return strformat("20%.02d-%.02d-%.02d", year, month, day); end local function find_next_day(bare_room_jid, bare_day) local node, host = split_jid(bare_room_jid); local day = increment_day(bare_day); local max_trys = 7; module:log("debug", day); while(not store_exists(node, host, day)) do max_trys = max_trys - 1; if max_trys == 0 then break; end day = increment_day(day); end if max_trys == 0 then return nil; else return day; end end local function decrement_day(bare_day) local year, month, day = bare_day:match("^20(%d%d)-(%d%d)-(%d%d)$"); local leapyear = false; module:log("debug", tostring(day).."/"..tostring(month).."/"..tostring(year)) day = tonumber(day); month = tonumber(month); year = tonumber(year); if year%4 == 0 and year%100 == 0 then if year%400 == 0 then leapyear = true; else leapyear = false; -- turn of the century but not a leapyear end elseif year%4 == 0 then leapyear = true; end if day - 1 == 0 then if month - 1 == 0 then year = year - 1; month = 12; day = 31; else month = month - 1; if (month == 2 and leapyear) then day = 29 elseif (month == 2 and not leapyear) then day = 28 elseif (month < 8 and month%2 == 1) or (month >= 8 and month%2 == 0) then day = 31 else day = 30 end end else day = day - 1; end return strformat("20%.02d-%.02d-%.02d", year, month, day); end local function find_previous_day(bare_room_jid, bare_day) local node, host = split_jid(bare_room_jid); local day = decrement_day(bare_day); local max_trys = 7; module:log("debug", day); while(not store_exists(node, host, day)) do max_trys = max_trys - 1; if max_trys == 0 then break; end day = decrement_day(day); end if max_trys == 0 then return nil; else return day; end end local function parse_day(bare_room_jid, room_subject, bare_day) local ret = ""; local year; local month; local day; local tmp; local node, host = split_jid(bare_room_jid); local year, month, day = bare_day:match("^20(%d%d)-(%d%d)-(%d%d)$"); local previous_day = find_previous_day(bare_room_jid, bare_day); local next_day = find_next_day(bare_room_jid, bare_day); local temptime = {day=0, month=0, year=0}; local path = data_getpath(node, host, datastore); path = path:gsub("/[^/]*$", ""); local calendar = "" if tonumber(year) <= 99 then year = year + 2000; end = tonumber(day) temptime.month = tonumber(month) temptime.year = tonumber(year) calendar = create_month(temptime.month, temptime.year, {callback=day_callback, path=path, room=node, webpath="../"}) or "" if bare_day then local data = data_load(node, host, datastore .. "/" .. bare_day:match("^20(.*)"):gsub("-", "")); if data then for i=1, #data, 1 do local stanza = lom.parse(data[i]); if stanza and stanza.attr and stanza.attr.time then local timeStuff ="###TIME###", stanza.attr.time):gsub("###UTC###", stanza.attr.utc or stanza.attr.time); if stanza[1] ~= nil then local nick; local tmp; -- grep nick from "from" resource if stanza[1].attr.from then -- presence and messages nick = html_escape(stanza[1].attr.from:match("/(.+)$")); elseif stanza[1] then -- iq nick = html_escape(stanza[1]"/(.+)$")); end if stanza[1].tag == "presence" and nick then tmp = parse_presence(stanza[1], timeStuff, nick); elseif stanza[1].tag == "message" then tmp = parse_message(stanza[1], timeStuff, nick); elseif stanza[1].tag == "iq" then tmp = parse_iq(stanza[1], timeStuff, nick); else module:log("info", "unknown stanza subtag in log found. room: %s; day: %s", bare_room_jid, year .. "/" .. month .. "/" .. day); end if tmp then ret = ret .. tmp tmp = nil; end end end end end if ret ~= "" then if next_day then next_day ="###DAY###", next_day):gsub("###TEXT###", ">") end if previous_day then previous_day ="###DAY###", previous_day):gsub("###TEXT###", "<"); end ret = ret:gsub("%%", "%%%%"); if config.show_presences then tmp ="###DAY_STUFF###", ret):gsub("###JID###", bare_room_jid); else tmp ="###DAY_STUFF###", ret):gsub("###JID###", bare_room_jid); end tmp = tmp:gsub("###CALENDAR###", calendar); tmp = tmp:gsub("###DATE###", tostring(os_date("%A, %B %d, %Y", os_time(temptime)))); tmp = tmp:gsub("###TITLE_STUFF###","###TITLE###", room_subject)); tmp = tmp:gsub("###STATUS_CHECKED###", config.show_status and "checked='checked'" or ""); tmp = tmp:gsub("###JOIN_CHECKED###", config.show_join and "checked='checked'" or ""); tmp = tmp:gsub("###NEXT_LINK###", next_day or ""); tmp = tmp:gsub("###PREVIOUS_LINK###", previous_day or ""); return tmp, "Chatroom logs for "..bare_room_jid.." ("..tostring(os_date("%A, %B %d, %Y", os_time(temptime)))..")"; end end end local function handle_error(code, err) return http_event("http-error", { code = code, message = err }); end function handle_request(event) local response = event.response; local request = event.request; local room; local node, day, more = request.url.path:match("^/"..url_base.."/+([^/]*)/*([^/]*)/*(.*)$"); if more ~= "" then response.status_code = 404; return response:send(handle_error(response.status_code, "Unknown URL.")); end if node == "" then node = nil; end if day == "" then day = nil; end node = urldecode(node); if not html.doc then response.status_code = 500; return response:send(handle_error(response.status_code, "Muc Theme is not loaded.")); end if node then room = get_room_from_jid(node.."@"..my_host); end if node and not room then response.status_code = 404; return response:send(handle_error(response.status_code, "Room doesn't exist.")); end if room and (room._data.hidden or not room._data.logging) then response.status_code = 404; return response:send(handle_error(response.status_code, "There're no logs for this room.")); end if not node then -- room list for component return response:send(create_doc(generate_room_list(my_host))); elseif not day then -- room's listing return response:send(create_doc(generate_day_room_content(node.."@"..my_host))); else if not day:match("^20(%d%d)-(%d%d)-(%d%d)$") then local y,m,d = day:match("^(%d%d)(%d%d)(%d%d)$"); if not y then response.status_code = 404; return response:send(handle_error(response.status_code, "No entries for that year.")); end response.status_code = 301; response.headers = { ["Location"] = request.url.path:match("^/"..url_base.."/+[^/]*").."/20"..y.."-"..m.."-"..d.."/" }; return response:send(); end local body = create_doc(parse_day(node.."@"..my_host, room._data.subject or "", day)); if body == "" then response.status_code = 404; return response:send(handle_error(response.status_code, "Day entry doesn't exist.")); end return response:send(body); end end local function read_file(filepath) local f,err = io_open(filepath, "r"); if not f then return f,err; end local t = f:read("*all"); f:close() return t; end local function load_theme(path) for file in lfs.dir(path) do if file:match("%.html$") then module:log("debug", "opening theme file: " .. file); local content,err = read_file(path .. "/" .. file); if not content then return content,err; end -- html.a.b.c = content of a_b_c.html local tmp = html; for idx in file:gmatch("([^_]*)_") do tmp[idx] = tmp[idx] or {}; tmp = tmp[idx]; end tmp[file:match("([^_]*)%.html$")] = content; end end return true; end function module.load() config = module:get_option("muc_log_http", {}); if module:get_option_boolean("muc_log_presences", true) then config.show_presences = true end if config.show_status == nil then config.show_status = true; end if config.show_join == nil then config.show_join = true; end if config.url_base and type(config.url_base) == "string" then url_base = config.url_base; end theme = config.theme or "prosody"; local theme_path = themes_parent .. "/" .. tostring(theme); local attributes, err = lfs.attributes(theme_path); if attributes == nil or attributes.mode ~= "directory" then module:log("error", "Theme folder of theme \"".. tostring(theme) .. "\" isn't existing. expected Path: " .. theme_path); return false; end local themeLoaded,err = load_theme(theme_path); if not themeLoaded then module:log("error", "Theme \"%s\" is missing something: %s", tostring(theme), err); return false; end module:provides("http", { default_path = url_base, route = { ["GET /*"] = handle_request; } }); end