view mod_swedishchef/mod_swedishchef.lua @ 2494:d300ae5dba87

mod_smacks: Fix some bugs with smacks-ack-delayed event triggering. The old code had several flaws which are addressed here. First of all this fixes the if statement guarding the event generation There where some timing glitches addressed by this commit as well.
author tmolitor <>
date Sun, 12 Feb 2017 21:23:22 +0100
parents 7dbde05b48a9
children 2615facc461b
line wrap: on
line source

-- Copyright (C) 2009 Florian Zeitz
-- Copyright (C) 2009 Matthew Wild
-- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the
-- COPYING file in the source package for more information.

local trigger_string = module:get_option_string("swedishchef_trigger");
trigger_string = (trigger_string and trigger_string .. " ") or "";

local chef = {
  { th = "t" },

  { ow = "o"},
  {["([^%w])o"] = "%1oo",
  O = "Oo"},

  {au = "oo",
  u = "oo", U = "Oo"},
  {["([^o])o([^o])"] = "%1u%2"},
  {ir = "ur",

  an = "un", An = "Un", Au = "Oo"},

  {e = "i", E = "I"},

  { i = function () return select(math.random(2), "i", "ee"); end },

  {a = "e", A = "E"},

  {["e([^%w])"] = "e-a%1"},
  {f = "ff"},

  {v = "f", V = "F"},
  {w = "v", W = "V"} };

function swedish(english)
	local eng, url = english:match("(.*)(http://.*)$");
	if eng then english = eng; end

	for _,v in ipairs(chef) do
		for k,v in pairs(v) do
			english = english:gsub(k,v);
	english = english:gsub("the", "zee");
	english = english:gsub("The", "Zee");
	english = english:gsub("tion", "shun");
	english = english:gsub("[.!?]$", "%1\nBork Bork Bork!");
	return tostring(english..((url and url) or ""));

function check_message(data)
	local origin, stanza = data.origin, data.stanza;

	local body, bodyindex;
	for k,v in ipairs(stanza) do
		if == "body" then
			body, bodyindex = v, k;

	if not body then return; end
	body = body:get_text();

	if body and (body:find(trigger_string, 1, true) == 1) then
		module:log("debug", body:find(trigger_string, 1, true));
		stanza[bodyindex][1] = swedish(body:gsub("^" .. trigger_string, "", 1));

module:hook("message/bare", check_message);