view mod_throttle_unsolicited/mod_throttle_unsolicited.lua @ 2494:d300ae5dba87

mod_smacks: Fix some bugs with smacks-ack-delayed event triggering. The old code had several flaws which are addressed here. First of all this fixes the if statement guarding the event generation There where some timing glitches addressed by this commit as well.
author tmolitor <>
date Sun, 12 Feb 2017 21:23:22 +0100
parents 231d47e61c81
children 4d8a68557941
line wrap: on
line source

local st = require"util.stanza";
local jid_split = require "util.jid".split;
local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare;
local is_contact_subscribed = require "core.rostermanager".is_contact_subscribed;
local throttle = require "util.throttle";
local gettime = require "socket".gettime;

local max = module:get_option_number("unsolicited_messages_per_minute", 10);
local s2s_max = module:get_option_number("unsolicited_s2s_messages_per_minute");
local multiplier = module:get_option_number("throttle_unsolicited_burst", 1);

function check_subscribed(event)
	local stanza, origin = event.stanza, event.origin;
	local log = origin.log or module._log;
	log("debug", "check_subscribed(%s)", stanza:top_tag());
	if stanza.attr.type == "error" then return end

	local to_orig =;
	if to_orig == nil or to_orig == origin.full_jid then return end -- to self

	local to_bare = jid_bare(to_orig);
	local from_jid = jid_bare(stanza.attr.from);
	if to_bare == from_jid then return end -- to own resource

	-- Check if it's a message to a joined room
	local rooms = origin.rooms_joined;
	if rooms and rooms[to_bare] then
		log("debug", "Message to joined room, no limit");

	-- Retrieve or create throttle object
	local lim = origin.throttle_unsolicited;
	if not lim then
		log("debug", "New throttle");
		lim = throttle.create(max * multiplier, 60 * multiplier);
		origin.throttle_unsolicited = lim;

	local to_user, to_host = jid_split(to_orig);
	if to_user and not is_contact_subscribed(to_user, to_host, from_jid) then
		log("debug", "%s is not subscribed to %s@%s", from_jid, to_user, to_host);
		if not lim:poll(1) then
			log("warn", "Sent too many messages to non-contacts, bouncing message");
			origin.firewall_mark_throttle_unsolicited = gettime();
			origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "service-unavailable"));
			return true;

module:hook("pre-message/bare", check_subscribed, 200);
module:hook("pre-message/full", check_subscribed, 200);

local full_sessions = prosody.full_sessions;

-- Rooms and throttle creation will differ for s2s
function check_subscribed_s2s(event)
	local stanza, origin = event.stanza, event.origin;
	local log = origin.log or module._log;

	if origin.type ~= "s2sin" then return end

	local to_orig =;
	local from_orig = stanza.attr.from;
	local from_bare = jid_bare(from_orig);

	local target = full_sessions[to_orig];
	if target then
		local rooms = target.rooms_joined;
		if rooms and rooms[from_bare] then
			log("debug", "Message to joined room, no limit");

	-- Retrieve or create throttle object
	local lim = origin.throttle_unsolicited;
	if not lim then
		log("debug", "New s2s throttle");
		lim = throttle.create(s2s_max * multiplier, 60 * multiplier);
		origin.throttle_unsolicited = lim;

	return check_subscribed(event);

if s2s_max then
	module:hook("message/bare", check_subscribed_s2s, 200);
	module:hook("message/full", check_subscribed_s2s, 200);
