view mod_muc_intercom/mod_muc_intercom.lua @ 737:e4ea03b060ed

mod_archive: switch from/to The XEP-0136 is not very explicit about the meening of <from> and <to> elements, but the examples are clear: <from> means it comes from the user in the 'with' attribute of the collection. That is the opposite of what is currently implemented in that module. So for better compatibility with complient clients, this switch the 'from' and 'to' fields
author Olivier Goffart <>
date Wed, 04 Jul 2012 14:08:43 +0200
parents 108ac6f16d2d
children 9c894b56b4e4
line wrap: on
line source

-- Relay messages between rooms
-- By Kim Alvefur <>

local host_session = prosody.hosts[];
local st_msg = require "util.stanza".message;
local jid = require "util.jid";
local now = require "util.datetime".datetime;

function check_message(data)
	local origin, stanza = data.origin, data.stanza;
	local muc_rooms = host_session.muc and host_session.muc.rooms;
	if not muc_rooms then return; end

	local this_room = muc_rooms[];
	if not this_room then return; end -- no such room

	local from_room_jid = this_room._jid_nick[stanza.attr.from];
	if not from_room_jid then return; end -- no such nick

	local from_room, from_host, from_nick = jid.split(from_room_jid);

	local body = stanza:get_child("body");
	if not body then return; end -- No body, like topic changes
	body = body and body:get_text(); -- I feel like I want to do `or ""` there :/
	local target_room, message = body:match("^@([^:]+):(.*)");
	if not target_room or not message then return; end

	if target_room == from_room then return; end -- don't route to itself
	module:log("debug", "target room is %s", target_room);

	local bare_room = jid.join(target_room, from_host);
	if not muc_rooms[bare_room] then return; end -- TODO send a error
	module:log("info", "message from %s in %s to %s", from_nick, from_room, target_room);

	local sender = jid.join(target_room,, from_room .. "/" .. from_nick);
	local forward_stanza = st_msg({from = sender, to = bare_room, type = "groupchat"}, message);
	forward_stanza:tag("delay", { xmlns = 'urn:xmpp:delay', from = from_room_jid, stamp = now() }):up();

	module:log("debug", "broadcasting message to target room");

module:hook("message/bare", check_message, 10);