view mod_muc_room_mention_notifications/mod_muc_room_mention_notifications.lua @ 4293:edde5905744a

mod_s2s_keepalive: Don't send whitespace keepalives before s2sin stream is open Could possibly result in whitespace before the XML and stream header, which isn't allowed by the parser. Don't think s2sout is affected, as the stream is opened early and doesn't have to wait for the other end. Thanks Ge0rG
author Kim Alvefur <>
date Thu, 10 Dec 2020 11:57:03 +0100
parents 278f2998ce49
children 2ca55a4da3ea
line wrap: on
line source

local jid = require "util.jid";
local st = require "util.stanza";
local datetime = require "util.datetime";

local notify_unaffiliated_users = module:get_option("muc_rmn_notify_unaffiliated_users", false)

local muc_affiliation_store = module:open_store("config", "map");

local rmn_xmlns = "urn:xmpp:rmn:0";
local reference_xmlns = "urn:xmpp:reference:0";
local forwarded_xmlns = "urn:xmpp:forward:0";
local deplay_xmlns = "urn:xmpp:delay";

-- Returns a set of rooms the user is affiliated to
local function get_user_rooms(user_bare_jid)
	return muc_affiliation_store:get_all(user_bare_jid);

local function is_eligible(user_bare_jid, room)
	if notify_unaffiliated_users then return true; end

	local user_rooms, err = get_user_rooms(user_bare_jid);
	if not user_rooms then
		if err then
			return false, err;
		return false;

	local room_node = jid.node(room.jid)
	if user_rooms[room_node] then
		return true;

	return false

-- Send a single notification for a room, updating data structures as needed
local function send_single_notification(user_bare_jid, room_jid, mention_stanza)
	local notification = st.message({ to = user_bare_jid, from = })
		:tag("mentions", { xmlns = rmn_xmlns })
		:tag("forwarded", {xmlns = forwarded_xmlns})
		:tag("delay", {xmlns = deplay_xmlns, stamp = datetime.datetime()}):up()
	module:log("debug", "Sending mention notification from %s to %s", room_jid, user_bare_jid);
	return module:send(notification);

local function notify_mentioned_users(room, client_mentions, mention_stanza)
	module:log("debug", "NOTIFYING FOR %s", room.jid)
	for user_bare_jid in pairs(client_mentions) do
		if is_eligible(user_bare_jid, room) then
			send_single_notification(user_bare_jid, room.jid, mention_stanza);

local function get_mentions(stanza)
	local has_mentions = false
	local client_mentions = {}

	for element in stanza:childtags("reference", reference_xmlns) do
		if element.attr.type == "mention" then
			local user_bare_jid = element.attr.uri:match("^xmpp:(.+)$");
			if user_bare_jid then
				client_mentions[user_bare_jid] = user_bare_jid;
				has_mentions = true

	return has_mentions, client_mentions

module:hook("muc-broadcast-message", function (event)
	local room, stanza =, event.stanza;
	local body = stanza:get_child_text("body")
	if not body or #body < 1 then return; end
	local correction = stanza:get_child("replace", "urn:xmpp:message-correct:0");
	if correction then return; end -- Do not notify on message corrections

	local has_mentions, client_mentions = get_mentions(stanza)
	if not has_mentions then return; end

	-- Notify any users that need to be notified
	notify_mentioned_users(room, client_mentions, stanza);
end, -1);