view mod_list_inactive/mod_list_inactive.lua @ 3492:f59334da6df9

mod_conversejs: Show fallback text if converse.js fails to load (thanks MattJ) This can happen if javascript is enabled but 3rd party resources are blocked, or some other error happened.
author Kim Alvefur <>
date Tue, 19 Mar 2019 19:43:13 +0100
parents e4c3d335b07f
children 38504ec4c89b
line wrap: on
line source

-- Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Kim Alvefur

local um = require "core.usermanager";
local sm = require "core.storagemanager";
local dm_load = require "util.datamanager".load;
local jid_join = require"util.jid".join;

local multipliers = {
	d = 86400, -- day
	w = 604800, -- week
	m = 2629746, -- month
	y = 31556952, -- year

local output_formats = {
	default = "%s",
	event = "%s %s",
	delete = "user:delete%q -- %s"

function module.command(arg)
	if #arg < 2 then
		print("usage: prosodyctl mod_list_inactive time [format]");
		print("time is a number followed by 'day', 'week', 'month' or 'year'");
		print("formats are:");
		for name, fmt in pairs(output_formats) do
			print(name, fmt:format("", "last action"))
	local items = {};
	local host = arg[1];
	assert(hosts[host], "Host "..tostring(host).." does not exist");

	local max_age, unit = assert(arg[2], "No time range given"):match("^(%d*)%s*([dwmy]?)");
	max_age = os.time() - ( tonumber(max_age) or 1 ) * ( multipliers[unit] or 1 );

	local output = assert(output_formats[arg[3] or "default"], "No such output format: "..tostring(arg[3] or "default"));

	for user in um.users(host) do
		local last_active = dm_load(user, host, "lastlog");
		local last_action = last_active and last_active.event or "?"
		last_active = last_active and last_active.timestamp or 0;
		if last_active < max_age then
			print(output:format(jid_join(user, host), last_action));