view mod_mam/fallback_archive.lib.lua @ 4326:f6fdefc5c6ac

mod_roster_command: Fix subscription when the "user JID" is a bare domain. Do not attempt to update the roster when the user is bare domain (e.g. a component), since they don't have rosters and the attempt results in an error: $ prosodyctl mod_roster_command subscribe xxxxxxxxxxFailed to execute command: Error: /usr/lib/prosody/core/rostermanager.lua:104: attempt to concatenate local 'username' (a nil value) stack traceback: /usr/lib/prosody/core/rostermanager.lua:104: in function 'load_roster' /usr/lib/prosody/core/rostermanager.lua:305: in function 'set_contact_pending_out' mod_roster_command.lua:44: in function 'subscribe'
author Boris Grozev <>
date Tue, 05 Jan 2021 13:15:00 -0600
parents 03f6d9ed2903
line wrap: on
line source

-- luacheck: ignore 212/self

local uuid = require "util.uuid".generate;
local store = module:shared("archive");
local archive_store = { _provided_by = "mam"; name = "fallback"; };

function archive_store:append(username, key, value, when, with)
	local archive = store[username];
	if not archive then
		archive = { [0] = 0 };
		store[username] = archive;
	local index = (archive[0] or #archive)+1;
	local item = { key = key, when = when, with = with, value = value };
	if not key or archive[key] then
		key = uuid();
		item.key = key;
	archive[index] = item;
	archive[key] = index;
	archive[0] = index;
	return key;

function archive_store:find(username, query)
	local archive = store[username] or {};
	local start, stop, step = 1, archive[0] or #archive, 1;
	local qstart, qend, qwith = -math.huge, math.huge;
	local limit;

	if query then
		if query.reverse then
			start, stop, step = stop, start, -1;
			if query.before and archive[query.before] then
				start = archive[query.before] - 1;
		elseif query.after and archive[query.after] then
			start = archive[query.after] + 1;
		qwith = query.with;
		limit = query.limit;
		qstart = query.start or qstart;
		qend = query["end"] or qend;

	return function ()
		if limit and limit <= 0 then return end
		for i = start, stop, step do
			local item = archive[i];
			if (not qwith or qwith == item.with) and item.when >= qstart and item.when <= qend then
				if limit then limit = limit - 1; end
				start = i + step; -- Start on next item
				return item.key, item.value, item.when, item.with;

function archive_store:delete(username, query)
	if not query or next(query) == nil then
		-- no specifics, delete everything
		store[username] = nil;
		return true;
	local archive = store[username];
	if not archive then return true; end -- no messages, nothing to delete

	local qstart = query.start or -math.huge;
	local qend = query["end"] or math.huge;
	local qwith = query.with;
	store[username] = nil;
	for i = 1, #archive do
		local item = archive[i];
		local when, with = item.when, item.when;
		-- Add things that don't match the query
		if not ((not qwith or qwith == item.with) and item.when >= qstart and item.when <= qend) then
			self:append(username, item.key, item.value, when, with);
	return true;

return archive_store;