local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare; local st = require "util.stanza"; local rooms = module:depends"muc".rooms; module:hook("presence/bare", function (event) local stanza, origin = event.stanza, event.origin; if stanza.attr.type ~= nil then return end local muc_x = stanza:get_child("x", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc"); local room_jid = jid_bare(stanza.attr.to); local room = rooms[room_jid]; if not room then if muc_x then -- Normal MUC creation else module:log("info", "GC 1.0 room creation from %s", stanza.attr.from); module:send(st.iq({type="get",id=module.name,from=module.host,to=stanza.attr.from}):query("jabber:iq:version")); end return; end local current_nick = room._jid_nick[stanza.attr.from]; if current_nick then -- present if muc_x then module:log("info", "MUC desync with %s", stanza.attr.from); module:send(st.iq({type="get",id=module.name,from=module.host,to=stanza.attr.from}):query("jabber:iq:version")); else -- normal presence update end else -- joining if muc_x then -- normal join else module:log("info", "GC 1.0 join from %s", stanza.attr.from); module:send(st.iq({type="get",id=module.name,from=module.host,to=stanza.attr.from}):query("jabber:iq:version")); end end end); module:hook("iq-result/host/"..module.name, function (event) local stanza, origin = event.stanza, event.origin; local version = stanza:get_child("query", "jabber:iq:version"); if not version then module:log("info", "%s replied with an invalid version reply: %s", stanza.attr.from, tostring(stanza)); return true; end module:log("info", "%s is running: %s %s", stanza.attr.from, version:get_child_text("name"), version:get_child_text("version")); end); module:hook("iq-error/host/"..module.name, function (event) local stanza, origin = event.stanza, event.origin; module:log("info", "%s replied with an error: %s %s", stanza.attr.from, stanza:get_error()); return true; end);