local st = require "util.stanza"; local xml = require "util.xml"; local xmlns_label = "urn:xmpp:sec-label:0"; local xmlns_label_catalog = "urn:xmpp:sec-label:catalog:2"; local xmlns_label_catalog_old = "urn:xmpp:sec-label:catalog:0"; -- COMPAT module:add_feature(xmlns_label); module:add_feature(xmlns_label_catalog); module:add_feature(xmlns_label_catalog_old); module:hook("account-disco-info", function(event) -- COMPAT local stanza = event.stanza; stanza:tag('feature', {var=xmlns_label}):up(); stanza:tag('feature', {var=xmlns_label_catalog}):up(); end); local default_labels = { { name = "Unclassified", label = true, default = true, }, Classified = { SECRET = { color = "black", bgcolor = "aqua", label = "THISISSECRET" }; PUBLIC = { label = "THISISPUBLIC" }; }; }; local catalog_name = module:get_option_string("security_catalog_name", "Default"); local catalog_desc = module:get_option_string("security_catalog_desc", "My labels"); local labels = module:get_option("security_labels", default_labels); function handle_catalog_request(request) local catalog_request = request.stanza.tags[1]; local reply = st.reply(request.stanza) :tag("catalog", { xmlns = catalog_request.attr.xmlns, to = catalog_request.attr.to, name = catalog_name, desc = catalog_desc }); local function add_labels(catalog, labels, selector) local function add_item(item, name) local name = name or item.name; if item.label then if catalog_request.attr.xmlns == xmlns_label_catalog then catalog:tag("item", { selector = selector..name, default = item.default and "true" or nil, }):tag("securitylabel", { xmlns = xmlns_label }) else -- COMPAT catalog:tag("securitylabel", { xmlns = xmlns_label, selector = selector..name, default = item.default and "true" or nil, }) end if item.display or item.color or item.bgcolor then catalog:tag("displaymarking", { fgcolor = item.color, bgcolor = item.bgcolor, }):text(item.display or name):up(); end if item.label == true then catalog:tag("label"):text(name):up(); elseif type(item.label) == "string" then -- TODO Do we need anything other than XML parsing? if item.label:sub(1,1) == "<" then catalog:tag("label"):add_child(xml.parse(item.label)):up(); else catalog:tag("label"):text(item.label):up(); end elseif type(item.label) == "table" then catalog:tag("label"):add_child(item.label):up(); end catalog:up(); if catalog_request.attr.xmlns == xmlns_label_catalog then catalog:up(); end else add_labels(catalog, item, (selector or "")..name.."|"); end end for i = 1,#labels do add_item(labels[i]) end for name, child in pairs(labels) do if type(name) == "string" then add_item(child, name) end end end -- TODO query remote servers --[[ FIXME later labels = module:fire_event("sec-label-catalog", { to = catalog_request.attr.to, request = request; -- or just origin? labels = labels; }) or labels; --]] add_labels(reply, labels, ""); request.origin.send(reply); return true; end module:hook("iq/host/"..xmlns_label_catalog..":catalog", handle_catalog_request); module:hook("iq/self/"..xmlns_label_catalog..":catalog", handle_catalog_request); -- COMPAT module:hook("iq/self/"..xmlns_label_catalog_old..":catalog", handle_catalog_request); -- COMPAT