-- mod_storage_gdbm -- Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Kim Alvefur -- -- This file is MIT/X11 licensed. -- -- Depends on lgdbm: -- http://webserver2.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/#lgdbm local gdbm = require"gdbm"; local path = require"util.paths"; local lfs = require"lfs"; local st = require"util.stanza"; local uuid = require"util.uuid".generate; local serialization = require"util.serialization"; local serialize = serialization.serialize; local deserialize = serialization.deserialize; local g_set, g_get, g_del = gdbm.replace, gdbm.fetch, gdbm.delete; local g_first, g_next = gdbm.firstkey, gdbm.nextkey; local t_remove = table.remove; local empty = {}; local function id(v) return v; end local function is_stanza(s) return getmetatable(s) == st.stanza_mt; end local function t(c, a, b) if c then return a; end return b; end local base_path = path.resolve_relative_path(prosody.paths.data, module.host); lfs.mkdir(base_path); local cache = {}; local keyval = {}; local keyval_mt = { __index = keyval, suffix = ".db" }; function keyval:set(user, value) if type(value) == "table" and next(value) == nil then value = nil; end if value ~= nil then value = serialize(value); end local ok, err = (value and g_set or g_del)(self._db, user or "@", value); if not ok then return nil, err; end return true; end function keyval:get(user) local data, err = g_get(self._db, user or "@"); if not data then return nil, err; end return deserialize(data); end local archive = {}; local archive_mt = { __index = archive, suffix = ".adb" }; archive.get = keyval.get; archive.set = keyval.set; function archive:append(username, key, when, with, value) key = key or uuid(); local meta = self:get(username); if not meta then meta = {}; end local i = meta[key] or #meta+1; local type; if is_stanza(value) then type, value = "stanza", st.preserialize(value); end meta[i] = { key = key, when = when, with = with, type = type }; meta[key] = i; local prefix = (username or "@") .. "#"; local ok, err = self:set(prefix..key, value); if not ok then return nil, err; end ok, err = self:set(username, meta); if not ok then return nil, err; end return key; end local deserialize = { stanza = st.deserialize; }; function archive:find(username, query) query = query or empty_query; local meta = self:get(username) or empty; local prefix = (username or "@") .. "#"; local r = query.reverse; local d = t(r, -1, 1); local s = meta[t(r, query.before, query.after)]; local limit = query.limit; if s then s = s + d; else s = t(r, #meta, 1) end local e = t(r, 1, #meta); local c = 0; return function () if limit and c >= limit then return end local item, value; for i = s, e, d do item = meta[i]; if (not query.with or item.with == query.with) and (not query.start or item.when >= query.start) and (not query["end"] or item.when <= query["end"]) then s = i + d; c = c + 1; value = self:get(prefix..item.key); return item.key, (deserialize[item.type] or id)(value), item.when, item.with; end end end end local drivers = { keyval = keyval_mt; archive = archive_mt; } function open(_, store, typ) typ = typ or "keyval"; local driver_mt = drivers[typ]; if not driver_mt then return nil, "unsupported-store"; end local db_path = path.join(base_path, store) .. driver_mt.suffix; local db = cache[db_path]; if not db then db = assert(gdbm.open(db_path, "c")); cache[db_path] = db; end return setmetatable({ _db = db; _path = db_path; store = store, typ = type }, driver_mt); end function module.unload() for path, db in pairs(cache) do gdbm.sync(db); gdbm.close(db); end end module:provides"storage";