OMEMO encryption information

OMEMO is an end-to-end encryption technology that protects communication between users on the XMPP network. Find out more information about OMEMO and a list of OMEMO-capable software.

If you are on this page, it may mean that you received an encrypted message that your client could not decrypt. Some possible causes of this problem are:

Advanced information

Here you can find some advanced information that may be useful when debugging why an OMEMO message could not be decrypted. You may share this page privately with XMPP developers to help them diagnose your problem.

Message status

This was an {message.encryption} {message.direction} {message.type} message. The sending device id was {omemo.sender_id}.

Recipient devices

Device ID Status Comment
{idx} {item.status?Unknown device} {item.prekey&Used pre-key} {item.comment?}

Account status

{user}'s account has {omemo.status} with OMEMO.

Registered OMEMO devices

Device ID Status Bundle Access
{idx} {item.status} {item.bundle} {item.access_model}