local prosody = prosody; local hosts = prosody.hosts; local tostring = tostring; local split_jid = require "util.jid".split; local cm = require "core.configmanager"; local datamanager = require "util.datamanager"; local data_load, data_store, data_getpath = datamanager.load, datamanager.store, datamanager.getpath; local datastore = "muc_log"; local error_reply = require "util.stanza".error_reply; local storagemanager = storagemanager; local mod_host = module:get_host(); local log_presences = module:get_option_boolean("muc_log_presences", false); -- Helper Functions local function inject_storage_config() local _storage = cm.getconfig()[mod_host].storage; module:log("debug", "injecting storage config..."); if type(_storage) == "string" then cm.getconfig()[mod_host].default_storage = _storage; end if type(_storage) == "table" then -- append _storage.muc_log = "internal"; else cm.getconfig()[mod_host].storage = { muc_log = "internal" }; end storagemanager.get_driver(mod_host, "muc_log"); -- init end -- Module Definitions function log_if_needed(e) local stanza, origin = e.stanza, e.origin; if (stanza.name == "presence") or (stanza.name == "iq") or (stanza.name == "message" and tostring(stanza.attr.type) == "groupchat") then local node, host = split_jid(stanza.attr.to); local muc = hosts[host].muc; if node and host then local bare = node .. "@" .. host; if muc and muc.rooms[bare] then local room = muc.rooms[bare] local today = os.date("%y%m%d"); local now = os.date("%X") local muc_to = nil local muc_from = nil; local already_joined = false; if room._data.hidden then -- do not log any data of private rooms return; end if not room._data.logging then -- do not log where logging is not enabled return; end if stanza.name == "presence" and stanza.attr.type == nil then muc_from = stanza.attr.to; if room._occupants and room._occupants[stanza.attr.to] then already_joined = true; stanza:tag("alreadyJoined"):text("true"); end elseif stanza.name == "iq" and stanza.attr.type == "set" then -- kick, to is the room, from is the admin, nick who is kicked is attr of iq->query->item if stanza.tags[1] and stanza.tags[1].name == "query" then local tmp = stanza.tags[1]; if tmp.tags[1] ~= nil and tmp.tags[1].name == "item" and tmp.tags[1].attr.nick then tmp = tmp.tags[1]; for jid, nick in pairs(room._jid_nick) do if nick == stanza.attr.to .. "/" .. tmp.attr.nick then muc_to = nick; break; end end end end else for jid, nick in pairs(room._jid_nick) do if jid == stanza.attr.from then muc_from = nick; break; end end end if (muc_from or muc_to) then local data = data_load(node, host, datastore .. "/" .. today); local realFrom = stanza.attr.from; local realTo = stanza.attr.to; if data == nil then data = {}; end stanza.attr.from = muc_from; stanza.attr.to = muc_to; data[#data + 1] = "" .. tostring(stanza) .. "\n"; stanza.attr.from = realFrom; stanza.attr.to = realTo; if already_joined == true then if stanza[#stanza].name == "alreadyJoined" then -- normaly the faked element should be the last, remove it when it is the last stanza[#stanza] = nil; else for i = 1, #stanza, 1 do if stanza[i].name == "alreadyJoined" then -- remove the faked element stanza[i] = nil; break; end end end end data_store(node, host, datastore .. "/" .. today, data); end end end end end module:hook("message/bare", logIfNeeded, 1); module:hook("iq/bare", logIfNeeded, 1); module:hook("presence/full", logIfNeeded, 1); local function reload() inject_storage_config(); end function module.load() inject_storage_config(); end module:log("debug", "module mod_muc_log loaded!");