local http = require "net.http"; local async = require "util.async"; local json = require "util.json"; local sasl = require "util.sasl"; -- TODO -- local issuer_identity = module:get_option_string("oauth_external_issuer"); local oidc_discovery_url = module:get_option_string("oauth_external_discovery_url") local validation_endpoint = module:get_option_string("oauth_external_validation_endpoint"); local username_field = module:get_option_string("oauth_external_username_field", "preferred_username"); -- XXX Hold up, does whatever done here even need any of these things? Are we -- the OAuth client? Is the XMPP client the OAuth client? What are we??? -- TODO -- local client_id = module:get_option_string("oauth_external_client_id"); -- TODO -- local client_secret = module:get_option_string("oauth_external_client_secret"); --[[ More or less required endpoints digraph "oauth endpoints" { issuer -> discovery -> { registration validation } registration -> { client_id client_secret } { client_id client_secret validation } -> required } --]] local host = module.host; local provider = {}; function provider.get_sasl_handler() local profile = {}; profile.http_client = http.default; -- TODO configurable local extra = { oidc_discovery_url = oidc_discovery_url }; function profile:oauthbearer(token) if token == "" then return false, nil, extra; end local ret, err = async.wait_for(self.profile.http_client:request(validation_endpoint, { headers = { ["Authorization"] = "Bearer " .. token; ["Accept"] = "application/json" } })); if err then return false, nil, extra; end local response = ret and json.decode(ret.body); if not (ret.code >= 200 and ret.code < 300) then return false, nil, response or extra; end if type(response) ~= "table" or type(response[username_field]) ~= "string" then return false, nil, nil; end return response[username_field], true, response; end return sasl.new(host, profile); end module:provides("auth", provider);