local adns = require "net.adns"; local rbl = module:get_option_string("registration_rbl"); local function reverse(ip, suffix) if ip:sub(1,7):lower() == "::ffff:" then ip = ip:sub(8); end local a,b,c,d = ip:match("^(%d+).(%d+).(%d+).(%d+)$"); if not a then return end return ("%d.%d.%d.%d.%s"):format(d,c,b,a, suffix); end module:hook("user-registered", function (event) local session = event.session; local ip = session and session.ip; local rbl_ip = ip and reverse(ip, rbl); if rbl_ip then local registration_time = os.time(); local log = session.log; adns.lookup(function (reply) if reply and reply[1] then log("warn", "Account %s@%s registered from IP %s found in RBL (%s)", event.username, event.host or module.host, ip, reply[1].a); local user = prosody.bare_sessions[event.username .. "@" .. module.host]; if user and user.firewall_marks then user.firewall_marks.dnsbl_hit = registration_time; else module:open_store("firewall_marks", "map"):set(event.username, "dnsbl_hit", registration_time); end end end, rbl_ip); end end);